Balanced Tournaments and Respected Rankings
1) Character leaderboards: no. This will get abused faster than you can say “go”
2) you aren’t matched by pvp rank. You have a rating. Similar to Elo. They just don’t show you what yours is.
If you wanna test classes, go to hot join. That simple.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Explain how character leaderboards would be abused. If you are thinking people would just randomly disconnect when they are losing, it would be quite easy to put in place a system which simply bans frequent disconnectors from joining tournaments.
Hotjoin…as it currently stands is pretty much just people either duelling or zerging around the entire map. It isn’t very good for practicing point control or finding balanced fights. Most people there are just glass cannon build as well, or at least that has been my experience.
If you are correct about rank not having anything to do with matchups, that is good. But, since rank is account bound rather than character bound, it still prevents people from trying out new classes in tournament play without sending their ranking down.
No im meaning people would keep creating and deleting characters until they had a high record and keep it as a trophy. Plus the coding would be a nightmare. Some people create characters just to rename it too, what about them? No. Character leaderboards will never happen and I’m happier that way
As for hot joins, it’s perfect for zone control. Playing as a bunker, for example, you go to their point and practice staying alive and being an annoying prick. As a thief you practice your burst and escaping 5 people. As a Necro you practice proper prioritization. Etc, etc. you just need to know how to use em dude. Your basically fitting right in as a newbie at a class anyway. Don’t be so proud.
You don’t go into tourneys with a class you don’t know If you are that much about rank. You just don’t do that.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
One of the biggest problems with matchmaking rating is people always assume that the players on their team is flat out terrible. I am a top 10% guardian and I go in solo queue in plain gear with the combat healer title and I was consistently experiencing my team saying they got bad players.
I have a friend who is rank 8, but he has 2900 experience in world of warcraft and I frequently play games with him. I don’t find it fair that we should limit the matches based off rank, because rank does not mean everything. It would seriously harm more good than bad, since tournaments are supposed to be team based (wether it be 3 people and 2 pugs or not)
By far this game has the best matchmaking I have ever seen. The matches are near instant, and more often than not you will be matched with people with your same rating.
Play World of Warcraft and experience playing against the same team for 5 matches, and people being carried. It’s so much worse over there, you are seriously spoiled in this game.
I think they are releasing unranked matches when they fix the soloq. If that is the case, that would be a good alternative to your problem.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division