Balancing patch

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


Simple question has Anet given any hints on when a balancing patch will be released?

I do not feel the game is very far off balance wise there is not a single unviable class is pvp (I play an ele in tpvp). Current issues for me are

- when a mesmer is casting moa it needs to be telegraphed better giving you a chance to counter it

- thief needs to be punished harder for building full glass cannon, they do not need a damage nerf I feel that is a nice niche for them they do need a longer revealed debuff after being brought out of stealth (imo stealth is never balanced in mmo’s assassin in gw1 had zero stealth but high mobility instead and they did just fine)

- the sharks in raid of the capricorn are the most annoying mechanic ever why ruin the only chance to pvp underwater with pve mobs

After that there are tweaks to all classes that can be done.

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Jest.9276


I think your complaints and suggestions are fairly reasonable here. Certainly far more reasonable than most of suggestions I’ve seen thus far. The real key though is exactly how much would be changed. How much more telegraphed the Moa is, how much longer the debuff on Stealth is, etc..

Good post though.

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lewk.8359


Interesting thought about thief and dmg. I am in the same boat, let them have their high dmg builds, but either 1. Take away their mobility/utility with those builds, or 2. Make the time between high dmg bursts on par with everyone else (they wait on initiative, we wait on 2 min CDs).

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


@Jest Since the moa cast already requires you to be stationary putting you in a vulnerable position yet has a very short cast time I think something minor like a moa graphic appearing around the mesmer similar to the warhorn 5 skill of the ranger and for the thief 2 seconds is more than enough for a debuff maybe even a little too long as long as they decrease the time it takes for the thief to show up after being brought out of stealth via damage

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Zin.6170


I think the moa should be a 4 second cast and put a huge moa ghostlike figure above the mesmer while casting.

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


@Zin That is way too harsh of a nerf, I feel the moa is very difficult to actually land in a team fight against anything except a guardian using book which is what it was mostly used for but since any cc can interrupt that now. Adding the ghost like moa graphic is all it really needs the problem I have is that among the clones and phantasms it doesn’t have well telegraphed animation to know when its coming

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Glucose.7608


Certainly one of the most reasonable perspectives on balance that I’ve seen so far. I think it’s important to remember the team dynamic when dealing with a spell like Moa. I can honestly relate to the initial knee-jerk reaction of someone that has just read the skill description. In practice, however, it can seem impossible to get the spell to land.

I won’t pretend to have the depth of knowledge required to fine tune this game. . . but I have to admit previous experience with MMOs has me a bit nervous. With the amount of vocalizing going on with regards to PVP balance, I hope the team at ANet has a clear vision of where they want things.

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: nukularpower.2106


I think it is important to remember that thief stealth in this game is not that special. Between mesmer stealth skills, talents like “cloaking device”, and engineer combo fields, there are plenty of ways for many classes that aren’t thief to use stealth, and outside of d/d heartseeker spammers and backstabbers, many thieves only have thier heal to use it themselves.

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


Certainly one of the most reasonable perspectives on balance that I’ve seen so far. I think it’s important to remember the team dynamic when dealing with a spell like Moa. I can honestly relate to the initial knee-jerk reaction of someone that has just read the skill description. In practice, however, it can seem impossible to get the spell to land.

I won’t pretend to have the depth of knowledge required to fine tune this game. . . but I have to admit previous experience with MMOs has me a bit nervous. With the amount of vocalizing going on with regards to PVP balance, I hope the team at ANet has a clear vision of where they want things.

This is how I feel at the moment all I see is whining about how certain classes are op or up when really it’s probably the most balanced mmo pvp i have ever experienced. Really it is just a matter of tweaking from here and I feel Anet would do well to be more vocal to the pvp community. Alot of players I started with from other games that only pvp are leaving which is mostly because they feel it has become very wow like (mostly pve with a pvp minigame) and they havn’t been able to find any information from anet on the future of pvp.

Personally I feel like the game is still extremely new and they should have a bit of patience but my persuading will only last so long especially when my friends and the pvp community in general is very impatient.

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


Im a mesmer and Moa needs a nerf. I think most decent one would be to reduce time from 10sec to 5sec

BTW Portal needs a little rework too, in some situations its just too good

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


Im a mesmer and Moa needs a nerf. I think most decent one would be to reduce time from 10sec to 5sec

BTW Portal needs a little rework too, in some situations its just too good

10 seconds is fine and here is my reasoning

- using it in tpvp forces them off the point they can still walk away and dodge roll if you try to chase them to get the “free kill” you have also left the point and their roamer will come and neutralize it in seconds

- mostly I see it as a great counter to bunkers (classes fully traited into surviving and holding a point) you would have no chance 1v1 vs a competent bunker without it

- also as I mentioned in a previous post a small telegraph announcing it is being used means an opponent with good reflexes can have a chance to dodge it

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lewk.8359


good points, would love to see an update for balance on thief/mesmer.