Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I’ve had several games over my time in spvp where there is a enemy mesmer who sits and uses the trebuchet in the map “Battle of Kyhlo”. Needless to say that using the trebuchet is a great advantage and can win your team the game. The issue lies with mesmers using portals to repair the trebuchet. The exact issue is that no other class can repair the trebuchet in the amount of time that a portal mesmer does. As soon as the trebuchet is destroyed, the portal pops, and trebuchet is repaired. A pvp map shouldn’t allow such an advantage for one class.

I welcome any comments, arguments, and/or questions.

Right now, this is the only map where I still use my mesmer. Kind of sad really

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

I agree this does seem like a broken mechanic and I don’t think it’s intentional, since if you blink you drop the bundle. Side question: can you portal the orb in spiritwatch? If not the same restriction (programming-wise) should be applied to the repair bundle in khylo.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Since if you blink you drop the bundle.

No you don’t.

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


I’m pretty sure, the orb can’t be protaled.
But this doesn’t mean, that the carry mechanics of the orb is balanced.

A proper tactics against Mesmers portal repairing the treb is don’t to completly destroy the treb, but therefore wait until the mesmer waists his portal and than destroy it afterwards.

1. I also heared, that thieves are able to use shadow trap to for teleport repairs.

2. The ways of deffing /destroying the treb are also not balanced.
There are some classes who will simply destroy the Treb while you are in fight with them, just via cleave.
Or thieves using Inflitrators strike / PW for killing the treb.
There are so many broken things with this, so don’t take the Mesmers theirs.

And when I read “A pvp map shouldn’t allow such an advantage for one class”, I only can think of Conquest and Decap Engi.

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


I don’t see it as that big of a problem.

Kill the mesmer. if he’s PU 1v1 build that may be difficult so use the 5v4 to win side points (easier to avoid treb), then on way to mid 2 of you kill the mesmer and treb (if nobody can 1v1 the mesmer).

i dont really see the treb being a major factor in high level games. its the low level games that people camp on it, and the other team can’t or doesn’t come kill it.

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


The treb is definitely an imposing secondary mechanic, but that’s what makes that map so great. And the Mesmer’s ability to portal/repair the treb has been debated since the release of the game. The trick is to not destroy the treb outright. leave it with a tiny amount of HP left so that if the Mesmer comes back you can whack it once or twice with an AA and be done with it. More than likely he just wasted time running a lap around the map for a single treb shot.

there is almost an entire game within the game when it comes to Khylo and the trebuchet.

I love that map. It’s by far my favorite.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Battle of Kyhlo is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

I use skill 0, get my fiery greatsword and the treb is gone in 2seconds

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