Berserker Stance change sucks

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


Realistic or viable isn’t what I was going for here if you didn’t catch that. Was just trying to make a point.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


Warriors have something to help them live a little longer while they do some melee damage.

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


Warriors have very little condition removal. This isn’t even an issue and warriors have had immunity to damage from direct users since release and it again is fine.

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


“Berserker Stance: The duration of this skill has been increased from 4 to 8 seconds.”

Is poorly thought out. Good design doesnt just make a character immune to damage from other characters. As a necro you will 100% lose to a warrior running berserker stance 1 on 1. They have 10 seconds where they cannot die. They will kill you in this 10 seconds without any doubt.

Not really fun. No counter play possible. If warrior has this skill you just die.

So it’s like getting chilled/cripple/blind kited as a warrior before the berserker stance patch i guess?

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


it rejects 100% of condi base duration. If you have additional duration (30/30/10 necro for example) your conditions will still land, they will just have severely shortened durations for 8 seconds. It is honestly a good idea IMHO, good possibilities for counter play and possibly even counter-builds if warriors are as deadly to necros as OP thinks they might be.

This isnt how it works. You nullify all conditions.

And I think this change will have a positive effect. I just dont like the paper/scissors/rock design direction.

Wrong. It works exactly like Reedju said.

It stops 100% base condition duration on newly applied conditions only. It does not effect conditions already on the warrior, and it will not stop conditions which have increased condition duration (just remove the base codition duration – in effect shortening it to the length of the increase.)

Wrong this isn’t how it works. I tested it.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


OMG a warrior can kill me! NERF!
Move along, QQers.

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: pot.6805


OMG a warrior can last long enough under my faceroll AoE condi spam to actually hurt me? NERF NOW!

Beast mode

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


“Berserker Stance: The duration of this skill has been increased from 4 to 8 seconds.”

Is poorly thought out. Good design doesnt just make a character immune to damage from other characters. As a necro you will 100% lose to a warrior running berserker stance 1 on 1. They have 10 seconds where they cannot die. They will kill you in this 10 seconds without any doubt.

Not really fun. No counter play possible. If warrior has this skill you just die.

Some warriors play with hammer/mace. When the enemy pops stability, you have to wait it out.

It’s just the same thing.

Avoiding an enemy for 8 seconds is part ofthe game.

May I add a thing you necros like to spit around a lot?


You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Demon.5082


One full cleanse on a kitten CD, the same as signet of stamina (untraited). Arcane thievery, 3 conditions every 36 seconds. Torch skills, 2 every 24s. Removes one on shatter, varying cooldowns and instantly recharged with signet, situational much like cleansing ire. 1 on heal every 15s. 1 from rune every 30s, but requires you to get hit a few times. I didn’t say it was viable, but neither is a warrior specced for full condition removal.

Yes though, all in all that’s basically what I was trying to say. It’s something that levels the playing field, not tips it one way or another (I actually think it should stay as immune to conditions).

To continue, I don’t think it’s really survivability that brings a warrior down anymore in comparison to the mesmer, I see the main issue being utility. Now, if warrior rez banner was brought down in cooldown to something reasonable (with nerfs to its duration) we might see this level out. Bringing a warrior at the moment is like bringing half a mesmer.

EDIT: seriously, forty five second shorthand is filtered?

Seriously? I encourage you to make a mesmer and try that build. I doubt you would be able to kill a fly let alone fight necros with it. You have condition cleanse but the traits are so horrid that you just wont do anything after cleansing.

Here is my warrior build (using beserker stance after the patch)

With this build, you can stay competitive and now (after patch) really bring the pain down on necros. This build removes 2 conditions every 2 sec plus wipes you clear every 36 sec. A mesmer can barely match this without speccing absurdly like your posted build.

hmmm… somebody should update that tooltip, I thought that was how it worked but read the tooltip on the build editor and figured I was wrong.

Still, I maintain that a mesmer can remove a fair amount of conditions (as well as a warrior anyways) if they really want to spec for it.

Stof made my point for me. Null field is trash and no where near as good as signet of stam since it removes 1 per sec and forces you to stay inside it. Arcane thievery removes 3 every 45 sec (unless traited which no one does) which is also terrible. The only decent removal is MoR (4 every 20 sec not including the huge cast time after).
Warriors with cleansing ire and signet of stamina alone beats mesmer in condition clear when they can also use the heal plus beserker stance (which is even more awesome now).

I will agree to warriors being worse off than mesmers but DO not say they have it worse in condition removal. Cleansing ire needs to work regardless of hitting though.

I play both classes so I know what I am talking about :-)

Cevinian (elementalist), Gesmia Romirr (mesmer), Zerkarr (warrior) Devona’s Rest – US.
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Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I lol hard. Keep it up, its a fun thread

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: papaganoosh.7908


This thread is amazing. Warrior’s get one little Utility to play with to counter the outrageous Condi meta and people have a fit about it. Keep calm and carry on Necro’s.

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


I like it. I’m a necro, if I have to 1v1 a warrior with the new berserker stance, I need a new team. This gives warriors a role to play, no question. Conditions making your bunker sad? Apply berserker stance to the affected area.

It doesn’t guarantee the outcome anyway, with necro damage in the state it is in. I’ve beaten a few warriors who popped it today. I think a lot of that is that most haven’t quite caught on to the fact that it leaves me with no gap openers because it makes them immune to my CC for the duration. So they are still playing carefully when they pop it instead of going full attack.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Erm, probably because mesmers are doing just fine in tPvP to the point where just about every good team is running one? Secondly, mesmers have a lot of condi removal options, they just generally choose not to run them because the things that make them viable take precedence which is much the same as warriors. All of our condi removal options cut into our damage or control abilities, making it still a stretch to incorporate them into builds.

On the original topic, this skill is awesome if you know how to use it. An 8s break from a thief’s blinds or necro’s fears/condi’s is a godsend, if you can’t burst down a thief in 8s or get a necro CC’d in that period of time I think it’s a player issue.

Honestly a few bug fixes and I think warriors will be in the mediocre category, which is far better than the bottom of the heap as we were before.

Mesmers are picked in tpvp only due to their portal and Illusion of Life skills. The moment those 2 are reworked (they will be), say bye to Mesmers from tpvp. Also, you are mistaken. Mesmers have horrid condition removal. A fully specced mesmer can at the most remove 4-6 conditions every 35-40 sec which is equal to signet of stamina alone. The reason why warriors are lower placed in the pvp ladder is because of the mesmers active defenses (blurred frenzy/distortion/decoy/blink).

I like this change. It is a skill based change and not a faceroll one. A good warrior CAN kill a necro with this (provided the necro is not at max life force) but a good necro CAN survive it with dodges/spectral walk.

Challenge accepted.

One full cleanse on a kitten CD, the same as signet of stamina (untraited). Arcane thievery, 3 conditions every 36 seconds. Torch skills, 2 every 24s. Removes one on shatter, varying cooldowns and instantly recharged with signet, situational much like cleansing ire. 1 on heal every 15s. 1 from rune every 30s, but requires you to get hit a few times. I didn’t say it was viable, but neither is a warrior specced for full condition removal.

Yes though, all in all that’s basically what I was trying to say. It’s something that levels the playing field, not tips it one way or another (I actually think it should stay as immune to conditions).

To continue, I don’t think it’s really survivability that brings a warrior down anymore in comparison to the mesmer, I see the main issue being utility. Now, if warrior rez banner was brought down in cooldown to something reasonable (with nerfs to its duration) we might see this level out. Bringing a warrior at the moment is like bringing half a mesmer.

EDIT: seriously, forty five second shorthand is filtered?

Seriously, mesmer torch? Might as well force your warrior to play double axe with mace warhorn if you’re seriously gonna propose a mesmer run a torch.

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: papaganoosh.7908


Seriously, mesmer torch? Might as well force your warrior to play double axe with mace warhorn if you’re seriously gonna propose a mesmer run a torch.

No idea why but this cracked me up.