(edited by Divinity.8041)
Ranger, warrior, thief, engineer.
What do you guys think? I want to say ranger, and when I say thief, I mean unload.
(edited by Divinity.8041)
Thief Shortbow does some pretty ridiculous damage…
You might also want to add engineer/mesmer to that list.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Thief Shortbow does some pretty ridiculous damage…
You might also want to add engineer/mesmer to that list.
Yes, but as a main damage source though? I need more raw damage.
Can you explain about the engineer?
Engineer/Mesmer makes for a great perch class.
Engineer has Grenade kits for Aoe, Rifle spam and turrets Could be great at mid/long range.
Mesmer has Greatsword/Staff strong ranged capabilities..
Any of these can be strong ranged classes…
But what about the sniper mentality? I could see engineer, but mesmer? ew
War is teh best ranged class.
Try it out
Greatsword is mesmer’s noobtube very strong at range 2k auto attacks
duelist is out of range and can shoot for 3-4k at 900-1200
Berserker can hit very hard too. plus ranged stuns 1200 and Late game mindwracks can do some serious damage..
Can even take Mantras for extra burst/interrupts, Interrupt damage.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
GS mesmer is probably the most scary at long range, but rifle war is the most “sniperish”. F1 is huge direct damage, but the cast time and underwhelming 1-5 abilities make it unpopular in tpvp.
1500 range barrage is the best aoe in the game..If Longbow didnt miss so much it would be the best…about 1000k in pretty big aoe…Ranger is the best sniper but this is a conquest type so snipers doesnt matter
It’s zerk warrior killshot build – it’s really not even close. Build: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-s707w;0RKkN0o-RL-60;9;4T;09T49A;41;057A5-F66;1G3G3G3G35Bd
It isn’t uncommon to land 13-14k killshots on other squishies, and still high numbers on high toughness opponents. Stack might with FGJ and elite. If you aren’t in combat to trigger Empower Allies then you might want to lead with Brutal shot before going for killshot to get the extra 150 power triggered (plus the vuln helps for higher numbers). Axe, will still hurt if you get in close range. Volley will hurt too from the Rifle. This will work really well in hotjoin if you are patient and stay wary of opponents position and your own. Not sure about solo queue, and you’d be targeted hard in Team Queue. Obviously, there is no stun break, and shield is your only real defensive action, so play smart.
Oh, and don’t forget to make the Warrior race an Asura – short as possible :P.
longbow warrior is best ranged.
Longbow/Rifle Warrior new meta
Shortbow thief does some excellent damage to multiple targets and add sigil of fire to do even more. It’s also pretty fast too. I would build 10 30 0 0 30 so that you have some condi and the extra 15% damage at full initiative. The primary attack hits hard.
I have been using a sniper build for engi, just because I got a “PvP plated sniper rifle” skin.
Good enough for trolling hotjoin…
For the “sniper headshots” feel and big numbers, you’ll probably have to look towards warrior though.
Main thing is: get the sniper rifle skin, well worth it.
(edited by Flamfloz.6732)
Mesmer vs Warrior “sniper” comparison:
Mesmer has the most powerful long range burst in the game. The damage is spread across multiple attacks that you can time so they all come together as one huge burst – much more reliable than the warrior’s rifle burst which is easily dodged.
You have many more tools as a Mesmer, too. A rifle Warrior must sacrifice all utilities and traits to get things that buff up the kill shot (which is easily dodged), while the Mesmer can still get useful team utilities and maintain high ranged burst damage.
Finally, a Mesmer can peel for himself – a warrior cannot do this. Once a warrior is focus-fired, he stays focused until dead because he has nothing to drop the focus. Rifle warriors are screwed even more-so in this department because they’re built completely glassy.
(edited by zone.1073)
Mesmer vs Warrior “sniper” comparison:
Mesmer has the most powerful long range burst in the game. The damage is spread across multiple attacks that you can time so they all come together as one huge burst – much more reliable than the warrior’s rifle burst which is easily dodged.
You have many more tools as a Mesmer, too. A rifle Warrior must sacrifice all utilities and traits to get things that buff up the kill shot (which is easily dodged), while the Mesmer can still get useful team utilities and maintain high ranged burst damage.
Finally, a Mesmer can peel for himself – a warrior cannot do this. Once a warrior is focus-fired, he stays focused until dead because he has nothing to drop the focus. Rifle warriors are screwed even more-so in this department because they’re built completely glassy.
And also you shoot pink lasers and disappear in an explosion of butterflies.
Mesmer greatsword is of course the noobtube/AWP of guildwars it’s good when you’re on a ledge, far away and your opponents are relatively glassy.
It’s the dev’s way of giving new mesmer players a chance to kill high level/skilled players if they screw up. (especially mes vs mes)
but really imho pales in comparison to the staff and s/p..
killshot warrior, the nothing even close when it compares. The feeling even feels liek your playing in a sniper mode. So much fun every now and then, but for sPvP? … god, your gonna get crushed, theres just not enough room for a real sniper to pick a target and pick off.
Still, i put my vote in on killshot. As it feels like a sniper.
Well from a damage standpoint Killshot is the best range attack. Yeah sure it has an obvious animation and it can be easily dodge. You just have to use it in the right way. Pretty much you have to sit back and wait until you see an opening.
Most rifle warriors I see just run into melee range, and I’m just like err…
It’s fun and works well for hotjoins, but I don’t think anyone has made a serious rifle build for tpvp yet.
Ya, killshot more a wvw thing. PvP too enclosed and tight. Still fun to play though.
You would think ranger would be the best sniper, but Mesmer gs with s/p phantasm build feels much stronger. It is extremely easy to play, has great burst, and perhaps most importantly, the tools to hide and escape.
Ranger doesn’t have very good burst, and a glass ranger is probably the easiest thing to kill in the game.
HGH engi.
15 bad boys
30/30/10 zerker ranger with QZ.
Wait did they change something to make ‘sniper’ viable?
last i checked this game rolled with 30% of your skills being gap closers like teleports and kitten. so things like ‘lines of combat’ and ‘positioning’ didn’t punish players for being bad and making mistakes.
I do the sniper role. Love it. I actually found lots of nice spots to perch and shoot with an aerial view of the battle.
My usual game play resembles what my brother calls the jungler from LoL. I look at the map, check to see which points are contested. I glance at the icons, then at the HP bars and see if they are in combat or just capping. If in combat I rush in (perma swiftness), unload all my CDs, down the enemy, seldom even glance back and just rush off again in look of a point that needs to be capped or is being contested.
I will hardly ever sit on a point.
Rifle/SD engineer. Most squishies die from a single burst and even bunkers get a large chunk of HP stolen from them.
Best memory: killing three at once (a one life time event and thus more cherished for it) by seeing three people sit on a point fat and happy while capping it. Choose one, unload everything, downed, SD bounced between the others and hurt them. Drop the elite crate, stun them for two seconds, fall at their feet, rifle 3 (aoe), rifle 5 (super aoe). With only a sliver of HP the turrets from the elite crate finished the other two and I could stomp at will with 100% HP.
One time thing but gawd, should have frapsed it
I do the sniper role. Love it. I actually found lots of nice spots to perch and shoot with an aerial view of the battle.
My usual game play resembles what my brother calls the jungler from LoL. I look at the map, check to see which points are contested. I glance at the icons, then at the HP bars and see if they are in combat or just capping. If in combat I rush in (perma swiftness), unload all my CDs, down the enemy, seldom even glance back and just rush off again in look of a point that needs to be capped or is being contested.
I will hardly ever sit on a point.
Rifle/SD engineer. Most squishies die from a single burst and even bunkers get a large chunk of HP stolen from them.
Best memory: killing three at once (a one life time event and thus more cherished for it) by seeing three people sit on a point fat and happy while capping it. Choose one, unload everything, downed, SD bounced between the others and hurt them. Drop the elite crate, stun them for two seconds, fall at their feet, rifle 3 (aoe), rifle 5 (super aoe). With only a sliver of HP the turrets from the elite crate finished the other two and I could stomp at will with 100% HP.
One time thing but gawd, should have frapsed it
Oh man that’s sick. I did this yesterday! Was on home point with a 30/30/10 berzerker ranger. I get rushed by 4 guys and open with RaO, barrage, and peel off to the side. I then target their spirit ranger caught full on in the barrage so I send my wolf on him and rapid fire as he gets knocked down. He hasn’t healed yet so I do a quickness to finish the rapid fire and get the wolf fear off before he heals, i knock him back with point blank shot and follow with a swoop -> hilt bash -> maul combo to down him. Quickness is still running so I go for the quickness stomp while his teammates spam their aoe on me. I get hit with nade spam, all the spirit procs, a sanctuary (but i still have stab from RaO), and an earthshaker. I get the stomp from the quickness before the ranger reacts, full cleanse the condis with SoR, and use lightning reflexes to GTFO followed by GS/LB shannanigans and escape with a few k of hp left. Only time I wish I could’ve recorded something.
TL;DR 1 v 4 get a kill and escape in a tourney in under 15s.
For the OP with ranger I get 2.5 – 3k crit autoattacks at max range.
(edited by Eurantien.4632)
… :‘( … not even one mentions Power-GC-necro’s. Yeah, they can be trained, but the dmg in Lich-form can be pretty silly. Other than that, they are not really snipers, I know.
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
I do the sniper role. Love it. I actually found lots of nice spots to perch and shoot with an aerial view of the battle.
My usual game play resembles what my brother calls the jungler from LoL. I look at the map, check to see which points are contested. I glance at the icons, then at the HP bars and see if they are in combat or just capping. If in combat I rush in (perma swiftness), unload all my CDs, down the enemy, seldom even glance back and just rush off again in look of a point that needs to be capped or is being contested.
I will hardly ever sit on a point.
Rifle/SD engineer. Most squishies die from a single burst and even bunkers get a large chunk of HP stolen from them.
Best memory: killing three at once (a one life time event and thus more cherished for it) by seeing three people sit on a point fat and happy while capping it. Choose one, unload everything, downed, SD bounced between the others and hurt them. Drop the elite crate, stun them for two seconds, fall at their feet, rifle 3 (aoe), rifle 5 (super aoe). With only a sliver of HP the turrets from the elite crate finished the other two and I could stomp at will with 100% HP.
One time thing but gawd, should have frapsed it
Oh man that’s sick. I did this yesterday! Was on home point with a 30/30/10 berzerker ranger. I get rushed by 4 guys and open with RaO, barrage, and peel off to the side. I then target their spirit ranger caught full on in the barrage so I send my wolf on him and rapid fire as he gets knocked down. He hasn’t healed yet so I do a quickness to finish the rapid fire and get the wolf fear off before he heals, i knock him back with point blank shot and follow with a swoop -> hilt bash -> maul combo to down him. Quickness is still running so I go for the quickness stomp while his teammates spam their aoe on me. I get hit with nade spam, all the spirit procs, a sanctuary (but i still have stab from RaO), and an earthshaker. I get the stomp from the quickness before the ranger reacts, full cleanse the condis with SoR, and use lightning reflexes to GTFO followed by GS/LB shannanigans and escape with a few k of hp left. Only time I wish I could’ve recorded something.
TL;DR 1 v 4 get a kill and escape in a tourney in under 15s.
For the OP with ranger I get 2.5 – 3k crit autoattacks at max range.
The stuff of legends! Just getting away from a 4vs1 on a glass ranger is a feat let only stomping one and getting away.
Glass ranger certainly hits hard, its the only build I’ve played and been able to get 16+ kills on in a tourney, but its pretty frustrating if the opposition decide you have to die (for me anyway).
Please post builds of what you talk about…I have no idea!!
What kind of engineer were you playing?
I view mesmers as casters, but you are correct about the ranged DPS. I was thinking either arrow or bullet?
ISO ranger/engi/thief/warrior builds for this
This is for hotjoin btw, maybe some YOLOq.
anyone care to chime in?
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