Best pvp class ?
Legion of Doom [LOD]
sorry but none of them have helped me…
sorry but none of them have helped me…
If you can’t make any of the best meta builds work I think you may have to re-examine what the source of the problem is.
Legion of Doom [LOD]
Asura spirit ranger. You can master it in 2-3 days.
-.- kill me now lol read my discribtion please i put i can master any class fast i dont wana class just because its easy and i can master it in 2-3 days
Thief, Ele or Engi.
Everything else is for terrorists and you aren’t one of those are you?
But Spirit Ranger is the best in current meta. The most challenging class is probably Elementalist/Mesmer but they are not FOTM.
(edited by hash.6287)
Mesmer is best 1v1 class.
That being said, 1v1 has almost no place in competitive pvp…
Thief, Ele or Engi.
Everything else is for terrorists and you aren’t one of those are you?
lol! i hope not..
-.- kill me now lol read my discribtion please i put i can master any class fast i dont wana class just because its easy and i can master it in 2-3 days
Unfortunately the best 1v1 classes are the ones that forgive you the most, since if your opponent do a good job and stop your rotation, within a couple seconds you can do it all over again, or you can sustain long enough to do it over again… which is why spirit rangers are there – because it is the most forgiving class for mistakes (or when you’re at times outplayed). But better then spirit rangers is a warrior imo, axe/mace and longbow i’d say. Their passive heal signet makes them the best… (yes, one utility makes them the best 1v1 class in the game, its that stupid…), then you add in berserk stance (10s immunity to conditions – which is the most used in the meta right now), decent toughness & blocks (against power based builds) and with longbow you got very good amount of condi clear as well… then you got a very big amount of CCs you can bring which destroy sustain classes and voilá, a hell of an easy class to play with counters to literally everything..
(edited by saVdoom.2067)
mmm what about theif? looks good and you can use pistol to looks fun this is best?
although theif is the only class i seen – youtube lol
Warrior can be easily kited all day. You must be in range to do damage. Spirit ranger doesn’t have to.
is there dueling and 1v1 arenas and stuff?
tbh i only really play mmo’s because of there awsome pvp
Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have awesome pvp at this moment. It is the worst meta since launch.
thief for roaming in wvw is the best (the only thing that excels) . . . but in SPVP is bad.
The only viable build S/D since you have to cap and stealth is not an option.
The best right now that brings more on table is spirit ranger and necros.
Warrior can be easily kited all day. You must be in range to do damage. Spirit ranger doesn’t have to.
Longbow? Try to kill something only with longbow. Have fun.
Longbow? Try to kill something only with longbow. Have fun.
You said warriors get kited while having stuns and a ranged weapon, and you reply me how hard is to kill someone with a longbow? Wow that makes sense.
Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have awesome pvp at this moment. It is the worst meta since launch.
kitten dude i just spent £35 on a game im not gna like i only play for pvp -.- why do ppl put on webbies thakittens best pvp game e.e
Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have awesome pvp at this moment. It is the worst meta since launch.
kitten dude
i just spent £35 on a game im not gna like i only play for pvp -.- why do ppl put on webbies thakittens best pvp game e.e
This has got to be a troll thread.
Legion of Doom [LOD]
Connor, there is no “best” class as there a few classes that excel at different things, and a few that are just rubbish right now. The “best” class for you depends on your playstyle: do you want to tank/bunker with support, do you want to apply pressure in team-fights, do you want to 1v1, do you want to roam and burst, do you want to whittle down your opponents over time with a bit of mobility? Give us a little more information and we can point you to a couple of classes to look up/try out.
Also, check out the pvptv to watch some of better players on their classes (+entertaining) and ask questions. This can showcase different builds and can be an excellent introduction to the game-mode:
Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have awesome pvp at this moment. It is the worst meta since launch.
kitten dude
i just spent £35 on a game im not gna like i only play for pvp -.- why do ppl put on webbies thakittens best pvp game e.e
This has got to be a troll thread.
troll? it said kitten to cover swear words up… not a troll thread i havent even played yet its downloading
Connor, there is no “best” class as there a few classes that excel at different things, and a few that are just rubbish right now. The “best” class for you depends on your playstyle: do you want to tank/bunker with support, do you want to apply pressure in team-fights, do you want to 1v1, do you want to roam and burst, do you want to whittle down your opponents over time with a bit of mobility? Give us a little more information and we can point you to a couple of classes to look up/try out.
Also, check out the pvptv to watch some of better players on their classes (+entertaining) and ask questions. This can showcase different builds and can be an excellent introduction to the game-mode:
but no duel / 1v1 arena? if not how do i get refund if i can i didnt purchase the game on this site
mmm what about theif? looks good and you can use pistol to looks fun
this is best?
although theif is the only class i seen – youtube lol
Like I said thief, ele, engi. Those are your options or you are terrorist. Don’t listen to them about this Ranger stuff. Ranger is a terrorist.
I remain fixed that P/x thief sets are underwhelming I’d even include D/D in there as well. Outside of that solid stuff.
Do you like faceroll? GW2 is for you. You can have fun with Guild Wars 2.
PVP here has very fast pace. Most skills are instant so you can’t dodge it. Every class have insane amount of damage. You can 1 vs 1 on custom arenas.
Btw. less than 17,000 people have played solo queue in the last month.
thanks ensoriki . but still not answered my question … duels and 1v1 arenas are there?
1 vs 1 custom arenas exist. check it and decide.
Do you like faceroll? GW2 is for you. You can have fun with Guild Wars 2.
PVP here has very fast pace. Most skills are instant so you can’t dodge it. Every class have insane amount of damage. You can 1 vs 1 on custom arenas.
Btw. less than 17,000 people have played solo queue in the last month.
oooh thanks so no duels but custom arenas… can you like invite someone you wana duel to the custom arena so u can fight them?
thanks ensoriki . but still not answered my question … duels and 1v1 arenas are there?
You can duel players inside of hot-join/custom arena. While 1v1 encounters are fairly common, no specific area of the game is dedicated to solely 1v1.
oh ok thanks pal! i think im sorted mostly lol btw when i get on the game whats fastest way to lvl ? like questing/grind tbh if grind is faster thats better lol because i like solo grinding
You can pvp since 2 lvl.
The fastest way to grind is crafting.
wow seriously?! kitten yayyyy i can craft – make money and level!? fk me this is my game lol
oh ok thanks pal! i think im sorted mostly lol btw when i get on the game whats fastest way to lvl ? like questing/grind tbh if grind is faster thats better
lol because i like solo grinding
For PvP you’re automatically able to get the gear you need and are scaled up so you dont have to worry about levels. It’s a “skill based” format.
WvW you’ll need to get gear and level.
To Level up you can a) play WvW capturing objectives will give sizeable exp. You’ll find a guild to join quite easy and help coax you in b) Follow your personal story while completing events and Heart quests. Maxing out map achievements will give you additional rewards and experience.
If you chose to craft you’ll get exp for doing that as well, and if you are in a rush you can buy gems with IRL cash and convert it to gold using that to buy crafting materials and speed level that way.
Go to Desolation if you want a pvp community in the heart of the mists.
mm whats most popular server for eu please
desolation thanks XD
erm my download is taking ages its 2% and it been on for like 3 hour i got about 50-60 kb/sec anything i can do ? sept get better broadband because i live in country so i carnt get better :/
erm my download is taking ages
its 2% and it been on for like 3 hour i got about 50-60 kb/sec anything i can do ? sept get better broadband because i live in country so i carnt get better :/
Game client is ~15gb if you can’t improve your connection speed you’ll just have to wait =\
Legion of Doom [LOD]