Best spvp class is?

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: poolman.7245


Been playing mmorpg games since forever ago and i must admit that for the first time i’m finding it dificult to pick the best class. I’m most interested in wining at any cost, so with that said, what class would increase my chances of wining a match? I do not care about the dificulity of play, not looking for cookie cutter easy way to play. Just the class that when mastered brings the best chances of scoring a win. I have been stuck with mastering a glasscannon archer type, but I don’t think they are the best class to bring to the table. I think part of my problem is that this game spoils you in that you do not need to level to gain the best abilities needed for pvp, as a result I end up rolling a new char for pvp, give him a few runs without understanding the charctor and then giving up and switching back to my archer. Anywyas, before I invest alot of time mastering a new class as to not wast time, i wanted to see what you guys think?

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: Lawbringer.1956


Thief is OP and the best, mash 1 3 shot

mesmer is close second, but much harder to play

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


If you want to do well in PVP…play them all. Learn each of their weaknesses and strengths and learn to exploit both to your advantage. Best advice I can give you.

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: agentofatlas.2859


Probably Mesmer followed by Guardian. Thief is great on 8v8 though.

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Probably Mesmer followed by Guardian. Thief is great on 8v8 though.

Bout the only time thieves are good in sPVP, as in 5v5 you have to plan around your teammates and how you can synergize with them which is what I believe they will be balancing around. 8v8 is too chaotic to balance on.

Best spvp class is?

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Play all of them, find their strengths/weaknesses, then play the class you enjoy. You’ll nearly always perform better on a character you enjoy playing compared to one you don’t.

Currently, though Mesmers are probably top of the dog pile. Thieves are great pubstompers, but some teams are dropping them in favor of other classes in 5v5.