Better Matching Today for Avg player
I got to agree with this. Unlike past days( yesterday especially), i’ve had very good matchs today, whatever the map was, even against premades. All matchs were close scores ( at worse 500-350)
Had much better games, too.
I really like these changes.
It destroyed NA though :p. They got huge queue times.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
I rather queue longer than having to have a blow out match (which isn’t fun anyway). I think the match making has been improving a lot, in just a few days. I’m optimistic that within a few weeks, the new system will be able to give us even better match making, when the MMR of the new player coming in settles down.
Thank Justin and the team for the hard work!
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Is this so? Awesome, I’ve been itching to go back to PvP, but was really discouraged by the matchmaking system. Wish me luck while I que.
Never had a bad match today yet. Most all were close and could have gone either way till the end, and turned on a few key decisions in the last few minutes.
I am playing in Unranked, at an average MMR.
I suspect the top tier players got tired of stomping 500-0 in Unranked and are playing Ranked Q for a challenge at the moment. Or they are not playing at all right now.
I wish I was avg.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I rather queue longer than having to have a blow out match (which isn’t fun anyway). I think the match making has been improving a lot, in just a few days
. I’m optimistic that within a few weeks, the new system will be able to give us even better match making, when the MMR of the new player coming in settles down.
Thank Justin and the team for the hard work!
NA is reporting 30min+ queue times though. And even then they get a bad matchup, because the system just gives up I think. :p
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Butch, I tried ranked and saw it was at 4 minutes average. I didn’t stay in Q, cause I figured I am not skilled enough yet for the new ranked Q.
matchmaking is getting better much better then yesterday for sure
For the record I soloQ on weekends European time and used to be on he higher 95%/bottom leaderboard.
Before the patch, matches were quite often one sided and while I still have the occasional blowout now (gotta love courtyard), the scores seem much tighter and match quality feels better too.
Congratulations on the improved match making but above all for the competitive and server infrastructure!
The more I think of it, the more I’m inclined to believe that Anet had to rebuild things almost from scratch in terms of pvp infrastructure and that what happened with the TP (last minute addition, non optimised and not ready for growth) plagued pvp as well.
I am very surprised of such an oversight as it seems the pvp designers spent more time on combat, maps and esport blabla rather than on infrastructure, which is probably why the pvp development has been so painfully slow…
Hopefully you guys can adopt a much more reactive and flexible approach now and deliver more regular updates:p
Today I don’t see any match with 3 classes on one side too, so it’s much more rare than before.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
finally something positive so developers gj
It is definitely better than it was a few days ago. However, I am still losing around 2/3 of games which suggests it still needs work. I used to win around half my games in SoloQ which sounds about right over the long run. I do have a high rank and wonder if the matchmaking overestimates the impact of this on my skill level.
for ranked arena, it seems that,
the more experienced and skilled a player / a team is, the longer the queue time will be. the various feedback in the forums confirmed this.
super casual average or below average player like me have almost non existent queue time. usually less than a minute. longest 1 – 2 minutes tops.
It’s been good for me as well, some great matches, I do see improvement.
here are the scores for the 4 ranked games that i had today.
1st game,
i think the other was just simply better than ours.
2nd game,
i thought i could ascend the spirit ball but the other team had a warrior and guardian 2 man combo, kept on ascending the spirit ball. i cannot handle the 2 of them by myself.
3rd game,
i think everyone did their best, but perhaps the other team is just much better at holding the points. i think everyone in our team was roaming and not standing guard on our points, causing them to be neutralized very easily.
4th game,
i would say a close game, the other team was leading by 100+ earlier on, but we caught up with the scores at 280+ and then it was a race until the end. later i checked the map chat and saw one member of the other team complaining about team mates throwing the match.
the queue time is broken.
i’m trying to get my 5th ranked game today, 25 minutes and still waiting.
i left the queue at 25+ minutes.
will try unranked or hotjoin later.
previously, the queue time is only 1 to 2 minutes for me.