I’m tired of waiting for Anet to balance PvP. It’s not going to happen. Chronomancer by itself, with its 30 seconds of endless blocking/invul/reset/invul/blocking/evade/teleport/blocking/invul/evade/blocking, MORE than proved that. So I propose a simple solution:
Let me blacklist a class I don’t want to see. Let me go into a game KNOWING I won’t have to see the class that makes my veins boil like molten magma and flat out ruins the entire experience for me. I would HAPPILY accept a kittening 40 minute que if it means I can play a game that I enjoy.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this desire. Ranked doesn’t have to be a cesspool of pain, suffering and metabuilds. But it is. So let me block the one I hate the most. I would happily sink 1k dollars for this feature.
Invent a draft mode, similar to MOBAs. One class will be banned by each team, then the player is allowed to pick their characters one after the other. This would not only VASTLY improve matches in general (Giving each team time to convene, talk about a plan and possible comps) and unite the players in a way that matchmaking currently doesn’t. Right now? You’re tossed into a RANKED match, a gamemode where teamwork matters, with a minute to prepare and plan. A SINGLE minute.
Also, PS. There needs to be some sort of rank requirement to play Ranger in ranked. I swear half of them are bots with how horribly they play. Whoever gets the dumber ranger loses the game. What a fun system we have in place.
This would be broken beyond belief. with everyone checking, No thief, no mesmers, no engi, no dragon hunters. queue would be hours. also, players may only know one class or two, which would hurt that drafting mode you spoke very much. + this game has builds. not pre-made setups on particular characters. and and ranked does have a requirement of rank 20 if I am correct, having requirements would hurt the game and class diversity, and if you are having problems with rangers. bring reflects or blocks.