Blocked Players

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Why do I get matched with players from my blocked list?

They are on my blocked list for a freaking reason. I dont put them there because I LIKE them so much. They are on my blocked list because I NEVER want ANYTHING to do with them.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


can you imagen how hard the people would abuse it ?
people would start blocking everyone who cant carry them.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


I wouldnt really call that abusing, since
a) player pool is way bigger than you obviously think,
b) any one player cant carry whole team anyway,
c) if you play bad you would be on THEIR blocked list, since you cant carry, according to your logic and
d) if you blocked too many, your queue time would take forever.

And lets be honest, how else to punish those that havent yet realized – after playing pvp at least to rank20 – that rushing far and dieing there five times in a row is NOT the way to win a game?
Atm, that guy actually gets carried by the system, thanks to wl mmr. He just looses until his mmr gets so low, the system practically throws a win at him and he will look at his statistic and think “Im good, I win 50% of my matches in solo queue”.
While someone with REAL knowledge about how to play his profession, how to predict enemy movements to prevent point capture, when to decap, when to cap, when to go for boss/buffs etc. sits there and ALSO has a 50% win rate, because as soon as he gets ahead of that 50% rate, he gets saddled with 4 far rushing rallybots until his rate is again at 50%.

So yeah…. I dont want to get matched with those players. I also dont want to get matched with that kitten from hotm mapchat spouting jew jokes and work with him to win a game. As I said, they are on my blocked list, because I dont want anything to do with them. They disgust me. And then having to work with them to win a match…. on top of all the other stuff that just goes wrong in gw2 atm, its enough to make me wanna quit this game and just say “kitten it”.

(edited by Yasi.9065)

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


It doesnt work that way, deal with it. To easy to abuse. Block is to avoid reading there chat, its designed for that not for anything else.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Kayberz.5346


I wouldnt really call that abusing, since
a) player pool is way bigger than you obviously think,
b) any one player cant carry whole team anyway,
c) if you play bad you would be on THEIR blocked list, since you cant carry, according to your logic and
d) if you blocked too many, your queue time would take forever.

And lets be honest, how else to punish those that havent yet realized – after playing pvp at least to rank20 – that rushing far and dieing there five times in a row is NOT the way to win a game?
Atm, that guy actually gets carried by the system, thanks to wl mmr. He just looses until his mmr gets so low, the system practically throws a win at him and he will look at his statistic and think “Im good, I win 50% of my matches in solo queue”.
While someone with REAL knowledge about how to play his profession, how to predict enemy movements to prevent point capture, when to decap, when to cap, when to go for boss/buffs etc. sits there and ALSO has a 50% win rate, because as soon as he gets ahead of that 50% rate, he gets saddled with 4 far rushing rallybots until his rate is again at 50%.

So yeah…. I dont want to get matched with those players. I also dont want to get matched with that kitten from hotm mapchat spouting jew jokes and work with him to win a game. As I said, they are on my blocked list, because I dont want anything to do with them. They disgust me. And then having to work with them to win a match…. on top of all the other stuff that just goes wrong in gw2 atm, its enough to make me wanna quit this game and just say “kitten it”.

So basically you want to manipulate matchmaking


Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


this is on of the most stupid thread i ever read.

Kayberz said everything.


Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.4802


a) player pool is way bigger than you obviously think,

And this is where you’re wrong.

If we had such a big pool as you said, we wouldnt have to deal with bad matches.

Bad matches excist because there arent enough ppl to pick from with same MMR/Division at same time, leading in unbalanced matches often.

Denied NA Account | 8.4k hours | 5.6k Games | Bored

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


a) player pool is way bigger than you obviously think,

And this is where you’re wrong.

If we had such a big pool as you said, we wouldnt have to deal with bad matches.

Bad matches excist because there arent enough ppl to pick from with same MMR/Division at same time, leading in unbalanced matches often.

Bad matches exist because the system is dogkitten.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


Overwatch had a thing like that with rating user negatively (wouldn’t pair you with them in MM) last beta.

Guy started rating everyone negatively every time he lost or disliked a game for any reason.

He ended up not being able to play/couldn’t queue (hour + queues.) lol

So ya, it just doesn’t work.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


You kinda made my point for me. If you block too many players, you will end up with endless queues anyway.

And no, the reason for bad matches is the kitten mmr algorithm that forces a 50/50 win-loss chance on you. The better you play, the worse your teammates get and the better your enemies get. Until you reach such a level that you simply cant win anymore.
For this algorithm anything > 50% win rate is an unnatural state that it wants to correct by forcing you to play more and more challenging matches. Which in most games is a good thing, only Anet kittened it up and made it impossible matches instead of challenging ones, thanks to bad pvp balancing.

The only thing to do to counteract this is to team up with worse players mmr wise than yourself. It was like that ever since they implemented the current mmr system and only now with divisions you actually SEE the smurfing. But it isnt really anything new.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: steppres.9046


Why kind of sissy, thin-skinned player blocks people anyway?

>He disagreed with me so I blocked him, that’ll show him!

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


Why kind of sissy, thin-skinned player blocks people anyway?

>He disagreed with me so I blocked him, that’ll show him!

>dealing with underage children on christmas holidays

Not everybody is born a masochist.

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Daroon.1736


Overwatch had a thing like that with rating user negatively (wouldn’t pair you with them in MM) last beta.

Guy started rating everyone negatively every time he lost or disliked a game for any reason.

He ended up not being able to play/couldn’t queue (hour + queues.) lol

So ya, it just doesn’t work.

It’s the hotheads like this (the ‘guy’ referred to,not the poster) who DC or AFK, or who start calling teammates noobs 2 minutes into the game because they died or mid was not taken, that are allowed to continue their toxic behavior because reporting and dishonor system is a total joke.

No one wants to play with these ppl, so sounds to me like it worked perfectly.

(edited by Daroon.1736)

Blocked Players

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Why kind of sissy, thin-skinned player blocks people anyway?

>He disagreed with me so I blocked him, that’ll show him!

They still exist, trust me!