Boring Game - Anet kitten D us.

Boring Game - Anet kitten D us.

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Really? What avenue do we have to show our frustration? I can quit, what the hell does Anet care?

The game is boring. And just when Season 2 started, it is worse.

I was Diamond with over 50% win ratio. How the hell am I 2-26?

Say its because of the algorithm that supposedly place people my skill level on my team. And our oppenents are always elite. How is that fair.

5 days into this and the only answer is “Wait until the great players move on”.

My time would be better suited negatively publicizing this game, then actually playing it.

Boring Game - Anet kitten D us.

in PvP

Posted by: lead.7543


There is life outside guildwars, you can meet new people, spend money on things you care about (not pixels and gems) and actually carve a path for your future. Do not look back and enjoy it!

Many before you have done that when they first moved from GW1 to GW2. Many are currently doing it… (over 2 entire teams I played with in Season 1 quit even before Season 2 started for other games). To be honest, it is the best choice.

Boring Game - Anet kitten D us.

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I don’t think people realize how “Ranked” works. People your skill level should be on your team. Avoiding higher tier players through Diamond was unfair to skilled players who had to compete with the top players, while lesser players just had to compete with other lower tier players.

Maybe people should just gamer around to realizing ranked play isn’t for everyone, so long as unranked still pairs people up on both sides to balance MMR. Ranked should keep like skill players together and divisions should eventually reflect skill level as people rise in ranks.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Boring Game - Anet kitten D us.

in PvP

Posted by: Wayland.3528


They definitely broke something in the matchmaking. And this was all done to avoid having to explain the old system. Something is off, I just wish they would address it.

On top of that, basically requiring streaks to make it tiers really took a lot of the fun that was around last season. Where every point mattered, you would fight tooth and nail because you might just NOT lose a pip. Or even gain a pip. And ending a streak wasn’t the end all be all.

They claimed they weren’t doing that and weren’t explaining why people got multiple PIPs because with the new matchmaking all would be balanced. But it isn’t… it is broken beyond last season.