Breath of life to the meta

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Swish.2463


So I see a lot of threads stating various things that a net needs to do to change the meta and while many of them are true, they tend to consistently miss the mark.

Currently we have a pvp that contains only one style of game type. This means players can develop one best type of build to play the one match type.

Let’s look at conquest and what it requires to win.. Holding places on the map to earn points faster than the other team. This match type promotes tanks builds to sit on a point. Runners to move quickly from point to point and high cc survival builds to push tanks off points.

Are all classes capable of performing one of the above roles at this Time? the short answer is no.

With limited balance patches taking place what is the best way to ensure a much larger meta?

It’s actually very simple.. More game modes. Let’s take battle of kyle and remove the points and have the match winner become the death of the opposing guild Lord like gvg from gw1. How much would this alter your build decisions if you knew there was a chance this match would show up in a rotation? What if the ctf game type from winters day was added as well?

Different builds preform much better in different game types.

So what game types do you guys. And gals. Feel would benefit a change to the meta the most.

Ps perhaps of we keep it in a more professional cdi styled proposal a net might take note.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Vamp Rook.7835

Vamp Rook.7835

I’m sure that with new gamemodes builds will change, for example, with gw1 gvg we’ll see more healing power builds and less bunkers.

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Nice timing, i just created topic about how we dont need new game modes.

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Swish.2463


I’m sure that with new gamemodes builds will change, for example, with gw1 gvg we’ll see more healing power builds and less bunkers.

I agree but imagine if these game types were just a part of the rotations. Would healing builds be the go to if you had to cover all your bases as a team?

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: aussieheals.6843


Can’t really say until I see the new amulets but i’m assuming that condi would still rain king as it spreads over a coordinated group trying to rez a body. If that wasn’t the case I’d assume people would finally spec hybrid because dieing would cause your team to wipe and a great big push from your opponent.

IGN: Aussie Archer

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Vence.6974


Just bring out GvG already with guild halls…the meta will have no option but to change

The Yellowflash of GW2

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Totally agree with this.

Not only would this spice up the meta, but it would also cure a lot of boredom from sPvP-focused players.

Breath of life to the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Swish.2463


Nice timing, i just created topic about how we dont need new game modes.

I did notice your topic.. Which oddly appeared shortly after mine and used examples from mine.. Glad I could inspire you to start your own inflammatory thread I guess.

Regardless I feel that a return of Ha styled pvp would spice up the meta and bring several professions back into the fold. I can’t see decay engines being highly effective when you can choose to keep your distance from them for example. Hammer bow warriors would have a hard time adjusting to mat h types where they can’t focus on pinning opponents in a small area of a map. People may still run them for potential conquest matches in a line up but they could also fall out of favor to a different warrior build or class altogether.

I feel that while it would be lovely to just have different match types in different lobbies it doesn’t support the evolution of a mega so much as it does different me as which then have to balance off one another. It seems more crucial to install all match types under a single umbrella for the time being.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet