Bright future?

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: Sakulos.7963


Hey all, hope you guys had a great break!

There are so many things to talk about, so instead of quoting individual people, I’ll just
make a post outlining things that people have mentioned.

New features: As I said in the Guru state of the game, January won’t see any big updates.
Everyone is getting back from vacation, so it’s a small patch. We’ll see bigger updates in
later patches, etc.

I plan to write out a full blog for these features as they’re closer to being ready. But I can
give a few details now:

[almost there???]*Custom Arenas. This is still our top priority for the time being, as it allows the
playerbase to do so many things. You guys can set maps up in the ways that you
want, and it you can set up your own servers to allow you to practice with your
friends. It also allows custom tournaments, etc. It just gives you guys a lot of control
over the game, so we’re pushing hard on it.
[Invisible?]*Ratings/matchmaking/leaderboards. These are being worked on. I’ll give more
details on this later, but quickly: We will be using our MM (matchmaking) system to
match teams up against one another. Each player has their own rating, and these
ratings are used when 2 teams are fighting one another. MM obviously won’t be
used in public matches (because people are jumping in/out all the time), and
instead will be used in tournament formats. We will be using the MM system in the
background as you play, and then we will be showing player ranks via our official
leaderboards. These leaderboards will show things like player ranks, wins, losses,
qualyfing points, etc.
[no ticket barrier, so… yes?]*New player experience/teaching the game better. We want players of all
experience levels to enjoy the game, not just the hardcore. We’ll talk more about
this stuff later, but we want to make sure all players enjoy the game. Custom Arenas
will help here as well, because players can find arenas where they feel comfortable,
and play the game with the same players every day while they learn the game, etc.

[DONE]*1 team vs. 1 team. Like with other things, I was going to do a more robust blog on
this later, but we are doing this. We will be testing out Temple of the Silent Storm
for tournament rotation play by doing a 1 team vs. 1 team setup (as opposed to the
8 team setup we use in tournaments). This will mean only two teams play, one wins,
one loses. It will cost less to enter these 1on1 matchups than tournaments, but
rewards will also be scaled down. You won’t have to go multiple rounds, and once a
match is over, both teams can jump right back into the pool. So overall, compared
to tournaments, it will have less rewards, but it’s quicker to play and easier to get
into/out of. We’ll be testing this system in the near future to see how it works, and if
feedback is positive, we may look at trying to incorporate the 1on1 format into PvP.
We know that free tournaments are going almost all the time, but we recognize that
paid tournaments are having some issues right now, so have been listening to you
and have made plans to improve the experience. You guys have made some great
suggestions, and a lot of your ideas are in alignment with the things propounded in
our internal meetings. So thank you for all your passion and suggestions!

That’s all I can say for now on that stuff for now. I’ll try to jump back in this thread during
the week as time allows.



Stop posting that they did nothing.
Things are on the good road to the bright future. I have my concerns, like all of us. But lets stay optimistic.

[nRBL] Next Rebel guild leader

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Custom arenas have only been top priority for the last 6 months, guys.

These were features they told us about in the beta or before. The lack of features isn’t the problem, the pace which they implement them is. People were fine playing an incomplete, garbage PvP with no MMR at release. They’ve had to put up with it until now, and still have to put up with something almost as bad.

(edited by Larynx.2453)

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: East.8960


Custom arenas have only been top priority for the last 6 months, guys.

yea you surely know with all these competitive teams playing right? oh wait…. they are all waiting till things get fixed. gg.


Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Custom arenas have only been top priority for the last 6 months, guys.

yea you surely know with all these competitive teams playing right? oh wait…. they are all waiting till things get fixed. gg.


That reply made no sense.

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: waka.9826


funny thing is this is what they are also going to say on the third SOTG

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


funny thing is this is what they are also going to say on the third SOTG

“Don’t worry. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. We have plans for some upcoming changes, but we can’t give too much information about it.”

Reason why the SOTG isn’t worth the 40 minutes or whatever it takes to watch it. I can sum it up in 2 sentences.

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: Sakulos.7963


Anet working hard, they ignore forums for few days that means smth’s surely coming….

[nRBL] Next Rebel guild leader

Bright future?

in PvP

Posted by: Miko.5726


Anet working hard, they ignore forums for few days that means smth’s surely coming….

What is the diffrent to Blizzard? Blizzard says: "We implement cool, new things! Sometimes!