Bring back 5 man que
Remove class stacking – or bring it back – but do one of those
Bring back 5 man team queue in a diffirent leaderboard. Yes I know the queues will talke longer for those who decide to queue as a full team but I think that it’s a bit silly that in a TEAM PvP gamemode you can’t really play with… well… your TEAM!
And yes please remove class stacking. I’ll gladly wait a minute longer for my queues if it means we’ll have balanced teams.
Would really make the imbalances in the game be less of a problem.
Solo queue is silly. It’s a crutch for people who want to be good without working as a team.
No. No need to hide who of the 5 man got carried to the slot.
bring back a thing that ruins pvp for casual players and soloers? terrible idea, yea go home
Lol i soloq every season and from a soloq perspective having premades r fine in rank and if you want casual go unrank. I found cool people to que with in this last off season that were fun to pvp is all. ive never had a problem with premades and most of the premades u guys prolly faced were jus randoms from guild trying to get guild missions done …no comms strat… U guys lost plain n simple
My advice: Make Ranked Full Solo Q or make Ranked Premade Only so you can’t join ranked without a team so the bad players don’t get carried by premade farming soloers and leaderboards would be a lot more accurate on players on top are really skilled and not some bads got carried that you kill in 1v1 easy with gold/silver rating.
Full Solo Q: fair for everyone, all solo players. Great.
Premade 5Man vs 5Man Q: fair for everyone, everyone in premade team none have to play with solo players. Great.
5man+Solo Q: unfair to full solo players, worse players taking the spot of good full soloers, full soloer get worse W/L ratio. grouping giving a higher win chance advantage so leaderboards are far far from being accurate its only accurate to that take advantage of Premade group.
Solo/Duo Q: unfair to full solo players, worse players taking the spot of good full soloers, full soloer get worse W/L ratio grouping giving a higher win chance advantage so leaderboards are far far from being accurate its only accurate to that take advantage of Duo Q.
Example for current state:
PvP god ( For example its you )+ 4 random or PvP god ( you) + PvP god ( skilled friend) + 3 random = Which comp sounds better? Which comp will ez mode farm top leaderboards? thats the current mm balance and how accurate is the leaderboards and how much i care about leaderboards as full solo player. Im able to join solo but punished for not playing in Duo Q with someone that skilled if i want to see my name higher on leaderboards.
We can’t see who is the highest rated full solo player i want to see it as i want to know who are the best players without taking advantage of duo q and without lie.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
i want to have 5 man ranked queue legendary title like “legendary carried” title
Gate of Madness
I believe majority already ruled.
Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]
I believe majority already ruled.
Not a fair ruling considering there has never been a 5v5 only Team Queue. Just a bunch of solo players traumatized from getting farmed in mixed queue.
- Have Solo Queue and 5v5 only Team Queue.
- Separate Leaderboards for Solo and Team Queue.
- Separate Rewards for Solo and Team Queue, providing greater rewards to Team Queue.
- Do not allow class stacking.
Anet needs to try this for just one season.
I believe majority already ruled.
The vote was slightly over 50% if I recall correctly. This solo/duo only is a trial for season5. It needs to pass a 75% threshold to stay for future seasons.
Not bring it back, create a separate team pvp mode. Should have a solo/duo queue and a team queue.
It’s no fun to go up against organized teams when you’re pugging, but it’s equally not fun to have to play with random people – many of whom seem uninterested in winning.
Team queues would solve a lot of the matchmaking issues as you would have full control over who is on your team. Spvp is a 5v5 game and this truly is the way it was supposed to be played. You’d see better strategy and likely higher quality matches.
Honestly I don’t understand why we can’t have both solo q and group q.
And it’s why I voted against solo/duo q when it got polled. I don’t see why we should have to sacrifice one for the other.
Find pvp players:
yeah, no thank you, solo duo much better.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
You can’t do a 5v5 only queue without require SoloQ to be grouped with other team queues because a 4 player team needs a soloing player to join them.
Though a solution to that could be to make a solo only queue but if there’s a 4 player team playing, then that queue can select a solo player from the solo queue options to join them. This could also apply to games with two 2 player teams together.
So you have full premade only, SoloQ only, and 2-4 player team queue separated as well. So a solo queue player will always be put on a team with either two 2 player teams or one 4 player team. Either way, they aren’t going up against a 3-4 player teams with 4 other solo queuers on their own team.
- 1 player queue
- 2-4 player queue
- 5 player queue
1 player queue (SoloQ) players can be placed into a 2-4 player queue team if those games require extra players, 2 player teams can be matched with 3 player teams, two 2 player and one 4 player teams will take someone from SoloQ, and 5 player queue teams will only face other 5 player teams.
It makes zero sense to eliminate real teams from the one place in the game, aside from raids, where that is the whole point. Please fix this profound error in judgement Anet. I don’t want rewards for losing. I want to play with my PvP guildmates.
I agree; with limitations. This change has made PvP for me utterly boring. Why? I want to play it with my friends and/or guilds-mates. I don’t care about the MMR rating, or the little icon that would be displayed next to my name – don’t really like how they look anyway (sorry Arena net) and I don’t think I’m alone here.
However it’s still ranked, so instead of having it only solo queue, or getting a mix of all kinds of parties in it; make it balanced.
If one team is made out of a 2+3 group, make the other team made out of the same, or at least as closely similar as possible. Having a pre-made 5 vs solo queuers would be unfair, having it I.E. 5 vs 3+2 would be a lot better. But do not limit who you can play with… it sucks all the fun out of it…
If someone out there thinks that would be unfair for the top whatever people… fine; legendary division can be solo queue only, but for the people who play this game just as that: a game let them team up with friends… isn’t that kinda the whole point of MMOs?
Solo/duo queue limitations has officially made this season completely impossible for me to enjoy, despite the fact that I was excited about all of the other changes.
Even when I’m maintaining or gaining ground, just dealing with three or four pugs every match makes it completely not worth it.
Combine this with the end of AG, and tbh I am wondering why I still log in anymore. GG anet, I’m done.
I am fine with soloq, what needs to go is class stacking. Sitting in second match in a row with 3 thieves on my team…. lel.