Bring back PvP build button in practice mode

Bring back PvP build button in practice mode

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Dear ArenaNet: In the PvP patch before this one, you added the great ability to tweak and alter builds while in hotjoin via button at the top of the screen. Then, for some undocumented reason, you took it out in the current patch.

It was very convenient and helped with tweaking/refining builds while in hotjoin. Please bring it back.

Edit: Revised based on new info!

(edited by Kharr.5746)

Bring back PvP build button in practice mode

in PvP

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


You can set a keybind for the PvP build panel thingy and still open it during matches.

Bullet Punch

Bring back PvP build button in practice mode

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


You can set a keybind for the PvP build panel thingy and still open it during matches.

Thanks! I did not realize this was a thing. It’s still a bit silly that they removed the PvP build button from the top of the screen.