Bring back Random Arena!

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: zzBlurryzz.7492


In Guild Wars 1, there was a game mode that If I recall properly, was called Random Arenas. You’d get matched up with 3 other team mates and get pit against another 4 people. Last team standing wins. The winner moves onto the next round against a team that won their previous round.

Why don’t we have something like this? We have PvP but only capture points.

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Sylent.3165


That was my favorite, they also had one with a timer where team with most kills won.

I did enjoy it a lot and wish they would bring some form back.

But…..the fights would go way to fast I think, and also in gw1 there was also a huge amount of pvp builds. I sadly don’t see it working well in gw2 even though it was a blast in gw

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Pandeh.5248


Because they dont want to split up the player base too much..

I want this too, but probably not gonna happen.

I would rather see HA make a return. Or a 10v10 including siege weapons.

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Anet is stuck in circular logic…. they have a low pvp population so dont want to split the low pvp population by adding more pvp game modes…. because the pvp population is too low.

The thought that more games modes might cater to more players that enjoy anything that’s not conquest never really seem to cross their minds in three years.

Deathmatch is a must option in all MMOs that want a PvP community.

RA was great fun, the random groups that would work great together great and went on long winning streaks was so much fun when it happened.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: smug.3895


I loved Random Arenas in GW1. You met new people, went on crazy streaks with them, and all friended each other, but I can’t see how it would be viable here. There are too many classes that can reset the fight in a small pvp setting, not to mention a myriad of other balance issues when the objective is to down every member of the opposing side once.

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Because they dont want to split up the player base too much..

I don’t think this is true.
Anet said that there are more players in WvW on a peek weekend than there were players who played GW1. If that’s true then one would think that there are, in general, more players playing structured PvP than there ever were in GW1.

The facts
GW1 had 6x more gamemodes than GW2.
GW2 has a huge surplus of players in the Stronghold queue yet queue times were worse due to a bigger pool.

The two explanations for Stronghold queue times is either the algorithm took longer than expected to analize the huge pool of players, or they simply lacked servers for people waiting in queues.

If it’s the latter, then it’s not because Anet doesn’t want additional gamemodes due to it’ll divide queue times. They’re not going to doing it because it’s an executive, financial strategy. Same as why they’ve been limiting server loads for wvw and pvp as well as not catering to certain, much needed, pvp aspects. They’re not going to increase something that’ll cost more money in the long run and they’re not going to spend large amounts of resources on a high risk project like Arenas or GvG.


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


i said this about 2v2, 3v3 etc arenas, applies here too

Don’t want to do it, because it could split an already small pvp player base into two smaller groups. also, there are complaints that it would screw up balancing the current conquest setup.

1. just implement it, don’t worry about balance, let people play what they want to play.
2. if people like it, it could bring in more players – which is what everyone would like. the top players are going to play where more players are
3. if everyone moves to it and it becomes more popular than conquest , then maybe conquest was the wrong system to be the primary focus of pvp.
4. profit

also, RA dont need any algorithm to match up anything. its random. RA. queue times were in the seconds, 30s i remember being normal.

also, too short of fights? that was part of the enjoyment. ur team sux, no prob fights are over fast, and since queues are short, next time might be better, at least u arent clickin around HotM with ur click in your hand bored. an win u got a good team, sweet u stayed a team for another round.

downside? i don’t see it, at least not for a normal joe player like i

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: smug.3895


i said this about 2v2, 3v3 etc arenas, applies here too

Don’t want to do it, because it could split an already small pvp player base into two smaller groups. also, there are complaints that it would screw up balancing the current conquest setup.

1. just implement it, don’t worry about balance, let people play what they want to play.
2. if people like it, it could bring in more players – which is what everyone would like. the top players are going to play where more players are
3. if everyone moves to it and it becomes more popular than conquest , then maybe conquest was the wrong system to be the primary focus of pvp.
4. profit

also, RA dont need any algorithm to match up anything. its random. RA. queue times were in the seconds, 30s i remember being normal.

also, too short of fights? that was part of the enjoyment. ur team sux, no prob fights are over fast, and since queues are short, next time might be better, at least u arent clickin around HotM with ur click in your hand bored. an win u got a good team, sweet u stayed a team for another round.

downside? i don’t see it, at least not for a normal joe player like i

What makes you think the fights will be short? Were you ever in a fight in GW1 where one player would run around in circles indefinitely until his res cool down reset? I would imagine some of the fights in this game would be infinitely worse since some of the classes can reset fights at will. In a small skirmish setting, it’s very hard to take down someone who doesn’t want to fight or feel the need to guard something.

If implemented, you’ll see the posts complaining that a group of four thieves only come out of stealth to gank one person and disappear again. Just jump on to WvW and you always see someone say something like “&%$# thief! Why can’t he just stay and fight? I’ll stomp him if he does.”

Bring back Random Arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


i said this about 2v2, 3v3 etc arenas, applies here too

Don’t want to do it, because it could split an already small pvp player base into two smaller groups. also, there are complaints that it would screw up balancing the current conquest setup.

1. just implement it, don’t worry about balance, let people play what they want to play.
2. if people like it, it could bring in more players – which is what everyone would like. the top players are going to play where more players are
3. if everyone moves to it and it becomes more popular than conquest , then maybe conquest was the wrong system to be the primary focus of pvp.
4. profit

also, RA dont need any algorithm to match up anything. its random. RA. queue times were in the seconds, 30s i remember being normal.

also, too short of fights? that was part of the enjoyment. ur team sux, no prob fights are over fast, and since queues are short, next time might be better, at least u arent clickin around HotM with ur click in your hand bored. an win u got a good team, sweet u stayed a team for another round.

downside? i don’t see it, at least not for a normal joe player like i

What makes you think the fights will be short? Were you ever in a fight in GW1 where one player would run around in circles indefinitely until his res cool down reset? I would imagine some of the fights in this game would be infinitely worse since some of the classes can reset fights at will. In a small skirmish setting, it’s very hard to take down someone who doesn’t want to fight or feel the need to guard something.

If implemented, you’ll see the posts complaining that a group of four thieves only come out of stealth to gank one person and disappear again. Just jump on to WvW and you always see someone say something like “&%$# thief! Why can’t he just stay and fight? I’ll stomp him if he does.”

1. some1 said the fights would go way too fast, so i was commenting on that, but u need to read the thread to notice these little things.

2. trolls are going to troll. u can’t avoid it completely. u dont need to live ur life/play a game/make decisions based on potential trolls. ‘no1 should be able to use credit cards, did u no people can just steal credit cards by walking past u, cash only for everyone’. do u thiink website articles/youtube vids shouldn’t have comments because a troll can post? maybe forums should only be poster threads, no comments. did u no that a troll can just try to derail a whole thread by posting an irrational comment?

3. we are talking about RA. so random. so if a 4 man thief team is randomly made and is unbeatable, they will have their 10 wins, and disband. if RA turns into every1 plays theif, eventually no one will play it, it will disappear, and the harm is what? u will still have conquest. i dont think i said every1 now must play RA