My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
(edited by online.1278)
just wonder mmr based soloq is coming back. Pure soloq without any premade with its leaderboard. Or arena in different ranking system but doesn’t allow any premade, just soloq.
we just don’t wanna match any 2~5 people of premade team. that’s it. really just that’s it. Pure solo.
Thank you!
(edited by online.1278)
I’m almost positive they are not bringing a solo queue back.
Yeah, everyone knows solo should come back. ANET only recently removed it though and it takes them a while to admit a mistake.
ummm solo que was horrible, most people yolo que and also the best players in the game were forced to wait 15+ min for games.
There coming out with guild leader boards and a reg leader board. If you cant make it on those im sorry to say you probably wont make it on a solo one either.
ummm solo que was horrible, most people yolo que and also the best players in the game were forced to wait 15+ min for games.
There coming out with guild leader boards and a reg leader board. If you cant make it on those im sorry to say you probably wont make it on a solo one either.
Hahhaaha, so funny.
He didn’t ask for soloq to be back because he wants to be on leaderboads.
Soloq wasn’t perfect at all, but it was definitely better than facing premades all the time as a soloqer.
SoloQ was amazing compared to what we have now.
I have said it a million times before but the main problems that nearly everyone couldn’t stand about SoloQ was 4v5 and Skyhammer. They dealt with both those issues but at the same time, they removed SoloQ.
It really was the day that ANet shown how clueless they can be. Ranked & Unranked replacing SoloQ & TeamQ was the biggest mistake ANet has made to sPvP since release.
There should be a soloQ option for solo players just like there will be a stronghold/conquest option. That way soloQ players can still be in the team queue but can avoid teams if they want.
Would love to have Sq back.
Solo queue should come back.
I would happy even if there would be just 2 spvp conquest game modes:
- solo
- premade team
Both could be ranked to avoid splitting the small spvp community even further. Thus there would no longer be unranked (you can always test your builds against the NPC or using custom servers).
And it should not include any of the broken/badly designed maps, namely: Skyhammer, Courtyard and Spirit Watch (these 3 maps don’t appear in ranked anyways). The game should never force players to play those maps. I have had 500-0 win and 125-500 loss in Courtyard and almost similar blow out scores in the above 3 maps. I prefer more even scored games e.g. 450-500 win or loss, not a total faceroll win or loss.
Solo Q wasn’t the problem, it was Team Q. If they separated team and solo, the teams would suffer by not having enough teams to go against. If the pvp pool is 20x the number, then a separate queue would make more sense.
I queue solo and it’s annoying going against organized teams but not all of them are unbeatable.
All i want is avoiding any kind & set of premade
Solo Q wasn’t the problem, it was Team Q. If they separated team and solo, the teams would suffer by not having enough teams to go against. If the pvp pool is 20x the number, then a separate queue would make more sense.
Merging queues is a stop-gap solution at best that does not fix the underlying issues. Let’s face it – teams are unhappy with the current system regardless of queue times, because it’s extremely hard to get good competitive matches with the existing queue system. If you have an established team and don’t want to waste your evening by stomping PUGs, your only option is to agree scrims against other established teams in a private arena, rendering ranked queue practically useless. This leads to the exclusive and stagnant scene we have, where the likes of ROM, Helseth and Chaith have to go on Points of Interest to practically beg WvW players to give sPvP a try in order to get some new blood in.
The two biggest issues that limit the growth of sPvP are the lack of incentives for entry level or mid level teams to stick together and tryhard, and the lack of in-game support for the forming of new teams. The only two segments of the sPvP population that are currently catered to are the ultra-casual soloers and the established top echelon of tPvP, meaning people with under 500 games or people that compete and win ESL weeklies on a regular basis. If only Anet got around to providing a proper seasonal league system with meaningful leaderboards and PvP-exclusive rewards tied to said leaderboards, the PvP in this game might actually take off and grow. A competitive solo queue is an absolute must-have part of that development.
(edited by Aereniel.7356)
Solo Q wasn’t the problem, it was Team Q. If they separated team and solo, the teams would suffer by not having enough teams to go against. If the pvp pool is 20x the number, then a separate queue would make more sense.
Merging queues is a stop-gap solution at best that does not fix the underlying issues. Let’s face it – teams are unhappy with the current system regardless of queue times, because it’s extremely hard to get good competitive matches with the existing queue system. If you have an established team and don’t want to waste your evening by stomping PUGs, your only option is to agree scrims against other established teams in a private arena, rendering ranked queue practically useless. This leads to the exclusive and stagnant scene we have, where the likes of ROM, Helseth and Chaith have to go on Points of Interest to practically beg WvW players to give sPvP a try in order to get some new blood in.
The two biggest issues that limit the growth of sPvP are the lack of incentives for entry level or mid level teams to stick together and tryhard, and the lack of in-game support for the forming of new teams. The only two segments of the sPvP population that are currently catered to are the ultra-casual soloers and the established top echelon of tPvP, meaning people with under 500 games or people that compete and win ESL weeklies on a regular basis. If only Anet got around to providing a proper seasonal league system with meaningful leaderboards and PvP-exclusive rewards tied to said leaderboards, the PvP in this game might actually take off and grow. A competitive solo queue is an absolute must-have part of that development.
These are my thoughts exactly. Great post.
What really kittenes me off about the removal of SQ is that it worked so well in GW1. Anet already has a great model for pvp but choose not to follow it. What would be smart—and maybe asking for too much—is for Anet is celebrate their past achievements by improving upon them and updating them to GW2.
Instead they move backwards with changes that absolutely infuriate members of the pvp community, especially those of us who are vets from GW1 simply bc we know how much better it SHOULD be.
ummm solo que was horrible, most people yolo que and also the best players in the game were forced to wait 15+ min for games.
There coming out with guild leader boards and a reg leader board. If you cant make it on those im sorry to say you probably wont make it on a solo one either.
Hahhaaha, so funny.
He didn’t ask for soloq to be back because he wants to be on leaderboads.
Soloq wasn’t perfect at all, but it was definitely better than facing premades all the time as a soloqer.
naw ill pass if they bring it back the way they did before ill be out. Being one of those people who is slightly better then average but not elite. I was spending 10+ min in que while i was in WvW or mapping then getting into que to see all the elite players from the tourneys which couldnt of been fun for them.
If they bring it back it would have to be structured better and with a different system. Just bringing back solo que would be a huge problem like it was before. I actually prefer that if you want to PvP you know what your getting into. with Guild vs Guild LB coming you should ajust a little not just demand a setting for just your preference when this game doesnt have hundreds of players at your skill level which would mean you come back on here crying about the match making.
Yes pls bring back solo Q back the lack of it kills all the fun of Pvp
Solo Q wasn’t the problem, it was Team Q. If they separated team and solo, the teams would suffer by not having enough teams to go against. If the pvp pool is 20x the number, then a separate queue would make more sense.
Merging queues is a stop-gap solution at best that does not fix the underlying issues. Let’s face it – teams are unhappy with the current system regardless of queue times, because it’s extremely hard to get good competitive matches with the existing queue system. If you have an established team and don’t want to waste your evening by stomping PUGs, your only option is to agree scrims against other established teams in a private arena, rendering ranked queue practically useless. This leads to the exclusive and stagnant scene we have, where the likes of ROM, Helseth and Chaith have to go on Points of Interest to practically beg WvW players to give sPvP a try in order to get some new blood in.
The two biggest issues that limit the growth of sPvP are the lack of incentives for entry level or mid level teams to stick together and tryhard, and the lack of in-game support for the forming of new teams. The only two segments of the sPvP population that are currently catered to are the ultra-casual soloers and the established top echelon of tPvP, meaning people with under 500 games or people that compete and win ESL weeklies on a regular basis. If only Anet got around to providing a proper seasonal league system with meaningful leaderboards and PvP-exclusive rewards tied to said leaderboards, the PvP in this game might actually take off and grow. A competitive solo queue is an absolute must-have part of that development.
I hate to tell you this but arena net over the course of the game has admitted exactly what you have said.
So you are not threading new ground. Unfortunately they are not going to change it until:
Numbers increase. I mean the fact that they haven’t change it probably means the % of ppl affected by it is not worth the extremely long queues for team PvP.
At best they might return it, during Hot when the hope PvP is reenergized.
Solo queue should come back.
I would happy even if there would be just 2 spvp conquest game modes:
- solo
- premade teamBoth could be ranked to avoid splitting the small spvp community even further. Thus there would no longer be unranked (you can always test your builds against the NPC or using custom servers).
And it should not include any of the broken/badly designed maps, namely: Skyhammer, Courtyard and Spirit Watch (these 3 maps don’t appear in ranked anyways). The game should never force players to play those maps. I have had 500-0 win and 125-500 loss in Courtyard and almost similar blow out scores in the above 3 maps. I prefer more even scored games e.g. 450-500 win or loss, not a total faceroll win or loss.
Exactly this, and I’ll one up you… Get rid of Practice/Hotjoin completely as well.
I am mostly OK with un-raked. That is where “practice” should be anyway.
I hate to tell you this but arena net over the course of the game has admitted exactly what you have said.
So you are not threading new ground. Unfortunately they are not going to change it until:
Numbers increase. I mean the fact that they haven’t change it probably means the % of ppl affected by it is not worth the extremely long queues for team PvP.At best they might return it, during Hot when the hope PvP is reenergized.
I’ve been here since August 2012, so I’m aware. What I’m saying is that Anet is not going to stop the churn unless they make the changes first. Ideally the league system with brackets and the whole glorious nine yards should be implemented and ready to go before HoT launches, because Anet won’t get a better opportunity to reboot the game. Ever. If the HoT masses roll in to sPvP and experience what we have now, the new blood will play for a couple of months and then leave to do PvE or whatever, the same way as countless player generations left before them, because sPvP has no sticky factor. PvP players need an infrastructure that caters to their competitive nature. Dedicated queues with brackets and leagues would represent exactly the kind of incentive that the sPvP scene so desperately needs.
You are right about Anet knowing all of this, though – it’s just that the changes are about two years and ten months late in the making. FeelsBadMan.
Solo queue isn’t coming back. Stop posting about it.
Im really tired of being put in 5 premades vs 5 pug, it just isnt fun.
I understand that premades also want to play agaisnt people, but msot matches agaisnt premades are total stomps.
Lets learn from more successful games out there; LoL. You can play up to 2 party in solo queue, after that, it is 5 man vs 5 man or nothing.
lets also learn from lol and put in surrender button, avoids wasting time one 500-100 games
lets also learn from lol and put in surrender button, avoids wasting time one 500-100 games
I like this actually.
It is terrible when you start the match and after 1min you look at the score and it is like 30 points for you and 120 for the enemy team. And what is worse is people on your team trying to fight and thinking they can change the score, lmao.
Agreed, its pretty frustrating to play against premades with pugs that are new to the game that literally just aa in place.
Also agree with above suggestion of a /resign /ff function, at like 10 minute mark or something with a unanimous surrender (3-2) so it isn’t exploited. While we’re at it lets add dishonor back as well. If it worked in GW1, I’m sure it’ll work in GW2.
Solo queue needs to come back. It’s time to realize that the idea of this hybrid queue was good on paper but does not work in practice.
There is no shame in admitting that and going back – at least on this one subject – to the previously working model.
Solo queue needs to come back. It’s time to realize that the idea of this hybrid queue was good on paper but does not work in practice.
There is no shame in admitting that and going back – at least on this one subject – to the previously working model.
I don’t think arena net thinks it’s a good idea, just that the pop is too small and players whine about queue times more than vs pre made.
It is either long queue times or no solo queue and they choose “shorter” queue times.
I think one problem is that people don’t even want to organize,
usully people don’t even speak before starting a match,
and most of the time they don’t want to reroll if necessary.
group have this advantage, that they are well balanced and know where to go.
But usually with the team up I usually found that game send strong pug vs medium premade. And the only reason we lose is cause people don’t want to team up.
the only difference if we were to go back to solo queue would be that everyone would play solo, with no strategy.
But that’s my impression with my games in pug, maybe you get more lucky and have some team work in your pug groups.
Im really tired of being put in 5 premades vs 5 pug, it just isnt fun.
I hardly ever see that. Most of the times I see things like 3+1+1 vs 4+1 or 2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1. Most of the premades are not full 5 man groups. So what is your solution for that? Have queues for 5, 4, 3, 2 and solo? That would result in 1 h queue times. I think the current system is quite good and results in acceptable queue times. Waiting just isn’t fun.
Im really tired of being put in 5 premades vs 5 pug, it just isnt fun.
I hardly ever see that. Most of the times I see things like 3+1+1 vs 4+1 or 2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1. Most of the premades are not full 5 man groups. So what is your solution for that? Have queues for 5, 4, 3, 2 and solo? That would result in 1 h queue times. I think the current system is quite good and results in acceptable queue times. Waiting just isn’t fun.
The best option is to split ques in two: 2+ and soloQ.
This would lead to parings like 2+3 or 5 vs 2+3 or 5. Obviously you couldn’t que as 4 in such que system.
Im really tired of being put in 5 premades vs 5 pug, it just isnt fun.
I hardly ever see that. Most of the times I see things like 3+1+1 vs 4+1 or 2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1. Most of the premades are not full 5 man groups. So what is your solution for that? Have queues for 5, 4, 3, 2 and solo? That would result in 1 h queue times. I think the current system is quite good and results in acceptable queue times. Waiting just isn’t fun.
My solution would be to have a solo queue and a team queue. All people who are teaming (5,3,2) get put in the team queue.
(edited by A Volcano.2510)
The best option is to split ques in two: 2+ and soloQ.
This would lead to parings like 2+3 or 5 vs 2+3 or 5. Obviously you couldn’t que as 4 in such que system.
So 4 man Teams have to split in 2 × 2 man Teams? That’s not the best way to encourage team play and build a community.
And honestly 2+3 vs 5 is as fair/unfair as 3+1+1 vs 4+1 or 2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1. So I see no improvement here.
Or just have people either form full teams or solo queue. That seems simple.
Or just have people either form full teams or solo queue. That seems simple.
Nope, that seems like the end of PvP. I think many would stop playing PvP if they are forced to play solo when only 1, 2 or 3 of their friends are online.
So 4 man Teams have to split in 2 × 2 man Teams? That’s not the best way to encourage team play and build a community.
So 4 man has to find 5th man before they que.
And honestly 2+3 vs 5 is as fair/unfair as 3+1+1 vs 4+1 or 2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1. So I see no improvement here.
I disagree.
3+2 is much more fair than 3+1+1 vs 5. Since being 2 as roamers (e.g. Mesmer & Thief) instead of 1+1 can already means that: a) you’re playing with someone you know; b) you can communicate with that person on VC; c) that also means you aren’t playing as 2+1+1+1 vs 5 and a+b is true between those 3 too.
(edited by Morwath.9817)
Considering we’ll have 4 queues with stronghold (2 unranked/2 ranked) i’d put a little limitation for unranked for 1-2 players only (solo/duo queue), keeping free ranked queues (every combination).
And honestly 2+3 vs 5 is as fair/unfair as 3+1+1 vs 4+1 or 2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1. So I see no improvement here.
I disagree.
3+2 is much more fair than 3+1+1 vs 5. Since being 2 as roamers (e.g. Mesmer & Thief) instead of 1+1 can already means that: a) you’re playing with someone you know; b) you can communicate with that person on VC; c) that also means you aren’t playing as 2+1+1+1 vs 5 and other a+b is true between those 3 too.
English is not my native language so I might not make myself clear.
What I meant is a match (2+3 vs 5) is as (fair/)unfair as a match (3+1+1 vs 4+1) or a match (2+1+1+1 vs. 3+1+1). Of course none of the matches is really fair because in every one of these matches is a bigger group fighting against one smaller group/solo players. But the Matchmaking system is trying to make up for that with a factor to the MMR of the bigger group.
If you want perfectly fair matches you must enforce equal group sizes. I’m quite sure the size of the queue is not big enough to enforce equal group sizes and maintain acceptable queue times.
I’ve had 7 straight losses to teams so far tonight, the most recent one by over 400 points.
This is just stupidity. I can’t think of a faster way to drive people out of PvP.
That’s tough man. Maybe you should look into finding a group of your own? Solo queue was fun when my buddies weren’t on, but it really doesn’t seem to encourage that higher level of cooperation which you apparently experienced in your matches and that’s the type of play I think we should encourage.
Organized play is another example of the zerg mentality. That’s the primary reason I won’t go to WvW. It’s great for the side with a good team.
I don’t come to GW2 to be a 4v1 target dummy. It’s stupid and it’s not fun to have a guild team against pugs where I’m spending a whole match badly out numbered.
That’s why there are so few people on at night that I often see the same people 3 matches in a row. Newcomers get powerslammned and leave. Solo players like myself get power slammed and wonder why they are wasting there time.
Organized play is another example of the zerg mentality. That’s the primary reason I won’t go to WvW. It’s great for the side with a good team.
I don’t come to GW2 to be a 4v1 target dummy. It’s stupid and it’s not fun to have a guild team against pugs where I’m spending a whole match badly out numbered.
That’s why there are so few people on at night that I often see the same people 3 matches in a row. Newcomers get powerslammned and leave. Solo players like myself get power slammed and wonder why they are wasting there time.
i felt the same way recently. i suggest going back to hotjoin. u’ll be surprised how much more enjoyable it is. most of the fights are against other solo players, so u don’t have to worry as much about that
when u start to notice that your server is getting too lopsided one way or de other, just change servers.
the nice part about not being locked into a terrible unbalanced fight for 10 mins is u can just leave and find a better one
Bumping this because apparently it hasn’t been said enough already since there is still no change.
This is extremely frustrating to start a soloQ a being matched against 4-5 man premades as a solo player.
Every PvP player complain about this, i’ve yet to see anyone that thinks this was a good change.
Can’t you just admit you made a god kitten mistake and just go back to the way it was ? You know, the way people liked it.
So many changes went in the wrong direction, people gave feedback about it and it never got changed again. (Same thing about not being able to do anything while in queue…)
With PvP leaderboards getting released this year, pre made teams will rule the entire game if solos won’t be able to queue separately. Matchmaking has been a mess since forever, but by adding leaderboards and PvP only items bound to them, you are actively punishing solo players. There aren’t many PvP players left in GW2 and it will probably get even worse if you don’t do something about this….
I thought it was confirmed that league queues will have both options, solo and group. But regardless of which you queue into, your position/rank will be calculated on your own performance aka solo.
I thought it was confirmed that league queues will have both options, solo and group. But regardless of which you queue into, your position/rank will be calculated on your own performance aka solo.
You have a source for that? And didn’t they say “wins” are used to get to the higher ranks of the leaderboard?
Basically one must have and use voice speak to get others to queue with you because watching fight changes on the mini map and ally health in the corner is too much.
I have a kid at home who has supersonic hearing for my and the wife’s voices. I am not risking waking the beast for that, so I am relegated to solo queue, alot.
This is pretty fun for me alot of the time, but it gets increasingly frustrating when I get stuck with plainly new or low rank players all-the-time. Especially when it is up against 3-5 premade players. I know I am fairly decent at my class, and to go from maybe 2 hard earned wins to 5 losses consistently, really sucks. I don’t care about rank, it’s just not fun to get wiped on the floor by 3 players because my allies are all fighting one bunker necro and a thief.
Just make a queue that can only be entered alone. Tigers with tigers, wolves with wolves, etc. It’s exhausting.
Tigers with tigers, wolves with wolves, etc.
I don’t understand this part of your post. Rank doesn’t have anything to do with skill. How about people with a second account? Those people would be forced to noob bash for the first month or so (which isn’t fun for either the player or the people facing that player).
Plz, add Soloque now that gw2 is free to play(more players), especially with the leagues coming up.
Helseth summed up pretty well why it should happen:
Yeah he make good arguments.
The only problem is that you dont want to split up the sPvP community too much. 2-4 man team is a real grayzone and I have no idea how we could solve that. Lets face it, sometimes you just want to fight with a friend.
The best compromise I suppose is to simply add solo queue (1 player only) and slap together current unranked and ranked 1-5 man queue into one giant ranked queue. Unranked has always been pointless anyway, we got custom servers for that. Truly competetive teams should get their own queue and rankings (5 man only).
Yeah he make good arguments.
The only problem is that you dont want to split up the sPvP community too much. 2-4 man team is a real grayzone and I have no idea how we could solve that. Lets face it, sometimes you just want to fight with a friend.
The best compromise I suppose is to simply add solo queue (1 player only) and slap together current unranked and ranked 1-5 man queue into one giant ranked queue. Unranked has always been pointless anyway, we got custom servers for that. Truly competetive teams should get their own queue and rankings (5 man only).
This ^^
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