Bring back solo queue [merged]
it would be nice again, for us casual long time pvpers. I second the OP… just do it!
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
They shouldn’t have combined soloq and teamq on first place :/
It is like: dear majority of community, we hate you and would like to punish you for pvp’ing.
[Teef] guild :>
i miss soloq
[Teef] guild :>
Yeah he make good arguments.
The only problem is that you dont want to split up the sPvP community too much. 2-4 man team is a real grayzone and I have no idea how we could solve that. Lets face it, sometimes you just want to fight with a friend.
The best compromise I suppose is to simply add solo queue (1 player only) and slap together current unranked and ranked 1-5 man queue into one giant ranked queue. Unranked has always been pointless anyway, we got custom servers for that. Truly competetive teams should get their own queue and rankings (5 man only).
I give this a here here…
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Solo queue sucked
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
People that judge ideas based only on their impression of the person who said them. That is one of the fundamental problems with society.
Judge the idea itself. If you disagree, refute the idea with evidence.
We need solo queue. Helseth isn’t elegant in his organization of ideas…but his evidence is still strong as heck.
Ranked pvp lost most of its fun for me since the merge, I thought free accounts wouldnt be allowed to ranked PvP though so the population wont change much and things will likely stay the same
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
People that judge ideas based only on their impression of the person who said them. That is one of the fundamental problems with society.
Which society?
Jeez Henry why you got to be a fundamental problem? We’re trying to optimise guild wars 2 matchmaking here..
Phaatonn, London UK
(edited by Phaeton.9582)
If they want leagues to succeed then they need solo queue back in the game.
Solo/Duo for a queue? Yes please.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
You need to get past his persona, his ideas are usually pretty good.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
1- Reliable Streaming Platforms for top players, giving gw2 more viewers. ?
2- Breeding and practice ground for future competitive players. ?
3- Giving new players a glance of were they stand and how much they can improve. ?
4- Something to do for people who like to PvP with a tight schedule. (Some of us have lives) ?
Solo Queue needs to happen, ASAP.
1- Reliable Streaming Platforms for top players, giving gw2 more viewers. ?
2- Breeding and practice ground for future competitive players. ?
3- Giving new players a glance of were they stand and how much they can improve. ?
4- Something to do for people who like to PvP with a tight schedule. (Some of us have lives) ?Solo Queue needs to happen, ASAP.
solo que was never fast, at the end there people either had 15 min + que times or the yolo qued.
Ummmm im sorry but alot of people came on here when solo que was dying showing the insane que times. Bringing back solo que solves nothing.
This game needs soloq, finding a team is not always easy unless they make this game 2v2 or even 3v3. Even if you have a team you can’t play with your mates all the time.
Josh Davis did say that solo queue wasn’t the direction that they wanted to go with PvP but this was a little while back.
Hopefully they’ll realize that they need to listen more to the pvp community when it comes to the core fundamentals of pvp before they go ahead and make changes.
Solo queue is really a must for league play.
When Josh said this we had a different spvp infrastructure.
Now Unranked replaced hotjoin like first step for new players and it’s a good thing and people will be incentivated to make teams because team leaderboard and rewards for team + direct access to major tournaments.
So I don’t really see reasons to limitate the solo experience with the risk of premades will be everywhere and will able to easy stomp soloers.
I really think with pvp leaderboard a solo queue is necessary to avoid a lot of complaints and to create a better pvp environment.
The majority of people don’t have time to handle a team and who will have time to handle a team will receive good rewards for his effort.
I don’t see problems with this.
Dota 2 has ranked matches with solo queue. Works like a charm.
Imagine all this new players joining gw2… and the game tells them: go find a team or don’t pvp at all… Great idea~ because you know, new players have such easy times finding a team /sarcasm off
When Josh said this we had a different spvp infrastructure.
Now Unranked replaced hotjoin like first step for new players and it’s a good thing and people will be incentivated to make teams because team leaderboard and rewards for team + direct access to major tournaments.
So I don’t really see reasons to limitate the solo experience with the risk of premades will be everywhere and will able to easy stomp soloers.
I really think with pvp leaderboard a solo queue is necessary to avoid a lot of complaints and to create a better pvp environment.
The majority of people don’t have time to handle a team and who will have time to handle a team will receive good rewards for his effort.
I don’t see problems with this.
Except you won’t get good rewards because unless you are top 10 you will get farmed by top esl teams and their alts accnts and whoever they are carrying for money 24/7
[Teef] guild :>
Imagine all this new players joining gw2… and the game tells them: go find a team or don’t pvp at all… Great idea~ because you know, new players have such easy times finding a team /sarcasm off
When Josh said this we had a different spvp infrastructure.
Now Unranked replaced hotjoin like first step for new players and it’s a good thing and people will be incentivated to make teams because team leaderboard and rewards for team + direct access to major tournaments.
So I don’t really see reasons to limitate the solo experience with the risk of premades will be everywhere and will able to easy stomp soloers.
I really think with pvp leaderboard a solo queue is necessary to avoid a lot of complaints and to create a better pvp environment.
The majority of people don’t have time to handle a team and who will have time to handle a team will receive good rewards for his effort.
I don’t see problems with this.
Except you won’t get good rewards because unless you are top 10 you will get farmed by top esl teams and their alts accnts and whoever they are carrying for money 24/7
Speaking about EU, top teams are 3-4: Orng , TCG, 55hp and a random team created by other veteran players who sometimes play with one of these 3 teams.
Basically Top 5 – 10 is really open for veteran players who can make a 5 men team.
And so on
Ofc there is a big gap between top5 and the other teams but with a no super restricted rewards list many other decent/good team can do well in a Team leaderboard.
And with more teams, competition can grow.
Solo/duoQ is necessary for competitive growth, if leagues have merged queues it simply wouldn’t function as any indicator of skill, it would just become a glorified reward track that premades have an easier time farming.
I understand it’s a team game but how can the game possible grow with team queue (trying to coordinate playtime with 4 other team mates) as the only competitive fix for players? A skill representative solo/duoQ is a necessary feature for a healthy competitive game, the individuals who have proven themselves are the ones who will go on to create or join these teams that will compete in teamq.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
I get what you’re saying but detrimental isn’t the word you’re looking for.
I want solo q very bad. I’m sick of going against fully premade teams.
Ummmm im sorry but alot of people came on here when solo que was dying showing the insane que times. Bringing back solo que solves nothing.
If I recall correctly that was more because sPvP was boring as hell for anyone not hardcore into it… Reward tracks has made it alot more interesting to play for casual players.
If they dont want to make solo queue then tbh I think they should simply make the next best thing and split queues by their own definition of a premade – non-premades in one queue (1-2 players) and premades in a second queue (3-5 players).
But knowing how much they suck up to sPvP peeps it wouldnt surprise me if we see solo queue soon, lol.
premade – non-premades in one queue (1-2 players) and premades in a second queue (3-5 players).
Can you please explain to me how will you make 5 man teams from 3-4 man premades?
That’s why we don’t have Solo/TeamQ only YoloQ.. If you want to allow 3-4 man premades, you have to put 1-2 YoloQ-ers into the mix.
So you either make separate 1-2(-3-4) and 5 man Q or you have the full-mixed we have now.
Both has pros and cons, and Anet decided that full mix is better.. for them..
(If you have only 1-2 and full team Q, 3-4 man teams will “cry”.. ’Cos gw2 is for casuals.)
Can you please explain to me how will you make 5 man teams from 3-4 man premades?
Also possibly matching 3v3 or 5v5 (screw 4v4, no one need them).
Magic! .
Or we can count dd cele eles as 2 person when Qing up!
What it comes down to is that we all want an equal fight. I would love a working system that makes it as fair as possible for both teams based on who is in queue. Like a soloer would be paired with other soloers or equal numbers in premades on both sides, like 1-2-2, 1-1-1-2. Premades of 2 or 3 will face a premade of equal number. A full premade wiøl face a full premade. This could ease both sides in favor or against soloq.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
What it comes down to is that we all want an equal fight. I would love a working system that makes it as fair as possible for both teams based on who is in queue. Like a soloer would be paired with other soloers or equal numbers in premades on both sides, like 1-2-2, 1-1-1-2. Premades of 2 or 3 will face a premade of equal number. A full premade wiøl face a full premade. This could ease both sides in favor or against soloq.
Well, the matchmaking we have now is trying to do it.. spvp just don’t have enough players all day to make is possible with 100% chance, so sometimes you got the premade vs full pug setup..
Pretty please? Premades are dumb when solo queueing.
I’d at least like to participate in the new ranked system, being an engineering student means I don’t get time to join a team. With the new league system being nearly my only HoT content for PvP.
I guess I can just come back when Solo Q comes back, hopefully it eventually happens.
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
You need to get past his persona, his ideas are usually pretty good.
Nah his ideas are terrible. And persona? What is he an actor? You can’t be a bully to everyone on the internet and call it a persona. That is just his personality. Its like saying that I am only a bully on Saturday’s, apart from that I am a really nice guy honestly. And why would helseth, who is one of the most infamous premade runners want solo queue. lol.
As for solo queue. No it shouldn’t come back. It would split the community too much. Pretty obvious really.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
You need to get past his persona, his ideas are usually pretty good.
Nah his ideas are terrible. And persona? What is he an actor? You can’t be a bully to everyone on the internet and call it a persona. That is just his personality. Its like saying that I am only a bully on Saturday’s, apart from that I am a really nice guy honestly. And why would helseth, who is one of the most infamous premade runners want solo queue. lol.
As for solo queue. No it shouldn’t come back. It would split the community too much. Pretty obvious really.
You message makes literally zero sense. Let me make it easier for you.
With solo queue
—Solo queue
—Team queue
Two queues. If you want to play solo, you have a choice. If you want to team with someone, you join team queue. It doesn’t split the community. The community is already split. It just prevents PUGs from facing premades.
Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.
You need to get past his persona, his ideas are usually pretty good.
Nah his ideas are terrible. And persona? What is he an actor? You can’t be a bully to everyone on the internet and call it a persona. That is just his personality. Its like saying that I am only a bully on Saturday’s, apart from that I am a really nice guy honestly. And why would helseth, who is one of the most infamous premade runners want solo queue. lol.
As for solo queue. No it shouldn’t come back. It would split the community too much. Pretty obvious really.
It’s already understood that pre-mades in unranked is very bad manners. All we’re asking is for the rule to be made official. Well behaved pre-mades do not go to unranked. Only inconsiderate pre-mades intent on exploitation queue up in ranked.
Unfortunately despite the bad manners, you can’t force people to be nice. There will inevitably be inconsiderate pre-mades who keep queuing in unranked. A solo q will simply put a stop to such bad behavior.
I think the best option we can hope, with a shared queue, is to not face a full premade if we are not in full premade.
Yea bring soloq back. Theres no way to be competitive as a solo player in this game. Anets logics “almost no one is playing team arena so we remove soloq, because soloq was more famous than team arena”. So Anets conclusion is, remove the most popular version…and then they think team arena will get more people, which worked for a while bc people do want to play pvp, but after tons of fail when it comes to facing premades people quit doing team arena. Anet is like “we dont know why people dont play pvp anymore so we introduce leagues instead”. The problem will still be there anet unless you add soloq back. Only because you think a change will make people play it more, doesnt mean it will be like that. Not all people have time to have a proper team. In gw1 you had different types of pvp, both individual and team. I remember a few months ago i lost 10 times in a row bc i faced premades only. When you lose 10 times in a row it has nothing to do with you as a player, bc you have 4 other people in your team that cant suck that hard everytime you have a match. The system is just flawed. More and more people will quit ranked and its because it gives solo players nothing in return and eventually there will be the same 5 teams that face eachother anyway.
First of all, I want to say I really like to see soloqueue back but analyze for a moment these issues:
Soloqueue issues:
4 men team doesn’t start
3 men team starts with more difficulty (can’t have 1-1 but only duo)
2 + 2 doesn’t start
These are real issues if anet wants to implement a soloqueue.
Best filter for me is only 5 men vs 5 men, to avoid facing full premade if u’re solo or partial premade and a better competion between full teams.
With a pure solo queue basically you cut off many roster size compositions.
When we had the old soloqueue team queue was basically only for full premades, the matchmaking for other roster size worked badly (indeed).
So, only 2 scenarios are possible
1.soloqueue +full team queue
2.shared queue (like now) hoping with more population, matchmaking can work better
Anet wants to try scenario number 2
(edited by philheat.3956)
Even Blizzard decided solo/duo q is healthy for a game.
I’ve had 7 straight losses to teams so far tonight, the most recent one by over 400 points.
This is just stupidity. I can’t think of a faster way to drive people out of PvP.
This is exactly what I was going to say. If the whole reason they got rid of solo q was to speed up m/m time because of low pop, having all the matches be blowouts will only exacerbate the population problem. I just got out of a 100-500 game and I’m absolutely done with PVP. Out of my last 7 games, all were blowouts and I lost 5 and won 2 but none were even at all. The sad part is I really want to play pvp, I want to enjoy it, but without decent matchmaking, I’ll just go back to running dungeons and silverwastes.
ArenaNet seems to be doing more and more to encourage teams instead of solo play in PvP. They have done this with the announcement of Leagues and the Guild team leaderboards. Now while leagues are not just for Teams it is implied that you will have better luck in them if you have a team.
Now the game once had a solo queue and it was taken away due to the population in PvP at the time being low. Now with free to play, ArenaNet is reporting a large increase of players into PvP so now the population is there to support a solo queue. Also though, why would I as a solo player on a team of pick ups want to fight a fully organized premade group who is most likely communicating on teamspeak or some other program? Now while ArenaNet can not do anything to stop the use of teamspeak in a match, if they added a solo queue they could by proxy discourage the use of such a program.
Not only that but a five person solo team going against another five person solo team enhances competition because both teams have a equal and fair chance to win the match because both are on equal footing regarding the way they communicate, fight and distribute players to various points on the maps.
Now to why I think the upcoming leagues do not favor solos and embrace the “premade team culture” that has become the Guild Wars 2 way of life in PvP for many. It does this in the sense that, you can honestly just solo the first league or two before the benefits of team kick in, because at a certain point you start to lose pips and tiers, in an attempt to negate this chance of loss, many will form a premade team thus making it more likely for them to get higher up, This leaves the solo player who doesn’t have a team or wants to play solo at a disadvantage.
A solo queue would benefit so many, let those who do not want to embrace the team culture have their chance for an equal footing in play.
I sure hope they will bring solo queue back, these premade teams are ruining my pvp enjoyment. Its not fun knowing 1 out of 5 matches(from my experience) is as good as hopeless because you will be fighting a premade team. And yes i know for sure they are premades because they have the same guild tags
I solo Q ranked because of the potential kitten map selection on unranked, but I only face 4-5 man premades. kitten is only gonna get worse when Leagues drop unless there’s a leagues only Q. I guess you won’t be able to solo Q at all unless you wanna lose. RIP.
we don’t know this for certain yet but the system had a “weight” value to games, basically games where odds were stacked against you held a smaller weight than those where you were the favorite contender.
what this means is that a solo player could lose vs premades 3 times 500 – 0 before losing 1 rank point and if the games were close (higher than 300 points – 500) you could keep losing indefinitely without losing points.
i think we are going to see some iteration of that system in place when the leagues hit.
we don’t know this for certain yet but the system had a “weight” value to games, basically games where odds were stacked against you held a smaller weight than those where you were the favorite contender.
what this means is that a solo player could lose vs premades 3 times 500 – 0 before losing 1 rank point and if the games were close (higher than 300 points – 500) you could keep losing indefinitely without losing points.
i think we are going to see some iteration of that system in place when the leagues hit.
I think the main point is if people keep losing 500 to 0, pvp pop is going to fall out of the bed. Right now Anet wants to encourage premades because they’re trying to make GW2 a legitimate Esport and I think they intentionally want pugs to be farmed. It’s a short sighted strategy that’s going to backfire because the vast majority of pvp players aren’t running in premades.
We already get a better solution when HoT releases.
We already get a better solution when HoT releases.
which would be?
The problem with suggesting solo queue to anet, with the threat of the population declining will not work.
This is because ever since solo queue has been removed, the pvp population has only been growing….by a big amount too. Anet will dismiss this argument quickly.
However, correlation does not mean causation. The pvp population has been growing for different reasons, the only thing you can do, is try to sell the fact that solo queue will only bring positive aspects into the game, and allow the population to grow even larger than it is now.
Peoples shall just not be able to group while playing league. Must be SoloQ only, if you want to play with friends, just go unranked.