Broken OP Classes after last patch!

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


I won’t talk about Guardians the can burn you in 2 secs or about warriors that they never die and kill you with 3 skills in many cases.
After Last Patch the classes are even more unbalanced… fights are unfair and too easy for Necros and Mesmers mostly.

Mesmers can be in stealth for ever and gain health so fast while at the same time they deal some crazy damage spikes. They always had builds for spiky damage but they were receiving damage at the same time, the were dying if you manage to survive that initial burst even if they were very good and they couldn’t die you could see that they were receiving some serious damage. Now u struggling to kill 20% of their health then they run and stealth and they are full…

Now my biggest issue are the Necros… they can be brain dead staying still just pressing buttons and they kill 2 people for fun. If they are skilled they will never die, they can tank 2-3 people and kill one of them at the same time. They are always on death shroud hitting so hard and if you manage after a long time with highest of effort to burn their green life they still have full red health. Then if you burn some of the red life they go back to green and come out full again. Even if you stay out of their fields, they leach your life so fast, even if they play condi and you remove most of their conditions you still die very, very fast. They turn the fights when they join, it feels like cannot be countered…

I am playing for 1 and half year mostly PvP and only Elementalist, sorry if I don’t know skill names of the classes above or build details, I only know how to counter all different builds that I see. Right now necros, mesmers, some builds of guardians and warriors seam impossible!

Any thoughts about that or eles just got nerfed?

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Just a couple suggestions for you:

1) Make a mesmer, necro whatever and memorize skills/traits – then follow some profession specific streams and ask questions there – Duel a friend of your who uses any of the professions you’re having trouble with

2)Always use professions specific sub-forum and ask for help there, here you won’t get any help, only bitter and bothersome remarks

That’s all

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Jace al Thor.6745

Jace al Thor.6745

Just going to leave this here. I tend to multi class and while there does seem to be some balancing still to go I’ve yet to see where all the OP’ness is coming from.
And Mesmer having great heals? Lol.

Sachyi Asuna. A [KING]’s Mesmer Unified Kingdom

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


You must be playing fire/air/earth zerker signet scepter ele if you’re having this much trouble. A well played D/D ele is one of the strongest builds in pvp right now and shouldn’t have too much issues with those necros and mesmers, which are strong classes right now in my opinion but D/D ele is just as strong or stronger than them so your complaints are pointless.

I also suggest trying to play necro/mes/guard/warrior to get a feel for why those classes and builds are strong so you can learn what their weaknesses are.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice! I never had problems on 1v1, I was winning 80% of the fights or when I was loosing it was always very close, very good and intense fights. Now I am loosing 90% of the fights with necros, 70% with mesmers, guardians and warrios. My brother plays all classes and he agrees with me, that Necros are ridiculously OP at the moment, and Mesmers, Guardians and Warriors are walk in the park!

I am playing DD Ele with celestial Amulet > air, water, arcana. I am keeping cele cause I like the balance and I wan’t my fights to last long and not being a result of either me striking first and kill someone in 2 secs or me dying in a 2 sec.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I play all 3 light armor classes and ele is by far the most superior overall. Mesmers have high damage and stealth but are glassy and vulnerable to condition dmg. Necros are even easier to defeat than mesmers. They have bad sustain, can’t escape, long cooldowns, skills have long cast times.

There’s no limit to the amount of rotations eles have access to. Necros will soon run out of the green stuff and they’re pretty useless w/o it.

You need to practice more.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice! I never had problems on 1v1, I was winning 80% of the fights or when I was loosing it was always very close, very good and intense fights. Now I am loosing 90% of the fights with necros, 70% with mesmers, guardians and warrios. My brother plays all classes and he agrees with me, that Necros are ridiculously OP at the moment, and Mesmers, Guardians and Warriors are walk in the park!

I am playing DD Ele with celestial Amulet > air, water, arcana. I am keeping cele cause I like the balance and I wan’t my fights to last long and not being a result of either me striking first and kill someone in 2 secs or me dying in a 2 sec.

Since you play cEle:

a) Necros:
→ Don’t spam condis on them, so they won’t transfer them back on you.

b) Guardians
→ Focus on cleansing burns and dodge torch skills, if they are condi.
→ Dodge ‘burst’ (spin2win), if they are power.

c) Mesmers (while I agree they are OP as kitten, they are disadventaged against cEle in 1v1)
→ Try to dodge Mirror Blade and iZerker.
→ Try to keep Armor of Earth and Obsidian Flesh (if playing with focus) for burst.
→ If you see Mantra of Distraction on them, try to keep Armor of Earth for stuns leading to huge kittened burst.
→ They die to your burns easily, unless they run Mantra of Recovery (otherwise they don’t have enough cleanses).

d) Warrior
→ Run as much as possible so they will have problems in landing all their burst on you.
→ Blind them!
→ Disengage when they Rampage and kill them once it’s not avalible.

Air is the worst trait line for Cele…
Pick a) Fire for more damage and Blinding Ashes to blind spam while burning; or b) Earth which allows you to overcome CC (stablity on switch) and it should help mitigate burst since Stone Heart counter completly Air/Fire sigils and since enemies can’t crit you, they hit like wet noodles.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Jace al Thor.6745

Jace al Thor.6745


You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

Sachyi Asuna. A [KING]’s Mesmer Unified Kingdom

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.

Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
Superior burst;
→ Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
→ Stealth;
→ Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
→ Invul (Distortion);
→ Spammable Blinds;
→ Boon removal…

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Jace al Thor.6745

Jace al Thor.6745

Nerf in the eyes of these forums means running something into the ground.
Balancing- shaving- traits like CS and PU would fix the problem.

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.
Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.
Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
? Superior burst;
? Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
? Stealth;
? Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
? Invul (Distortion);
? Spammable Blinds;
? Boon removal…

So yeah. If I’m going for superior CC I’m not taking PU which mean decoy and mass invis(unless torch is taken) are my only stealths. But wait I’m running moa and MoD and blink and portal. Hmmm yeah I can’t seem to fit everything you listed into a build. Maybe if I gave up some CC for for stealths, went full zerk, but still wouldn’t work like you say.

Sachyi Asuna. A [KING]’s Mesmer Unified Kingdom

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.

Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
-> Superior burst;
-> Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
-> Stealth;
-> Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
-> Invul (Distortion);
-> Spammable Blinds;
-> Boon removal…

We can say nearly the same about thieves


Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285



You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.

Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
-> Superior burst;
-> Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
-> Stealth;
-> Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
-> Invul (Distortion);
-> Spammable Blinds;
-> Boon removal…

We can say nearly the same about thieves

Hell to the no.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Nerf in the eyes of these forums means running something into the ground.
Balancing- shaving- traits like CS and PU would fix the problem.

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.
Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.
Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
? Superior burst;
? Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
? Stealth;
? Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
? Invul (Distortion);
? Spammable Blinds;
? Boon removal…

So yeah. If I’m going for superior CC I’m not taking PU which mean decoy and mass invis(unless torch is taken) are my only stealths. But wait I’m running moa and MoD and blink and portal. Hmmm yeah I can’t seem to fit everything you listed into a build. Maybe if I gave up some CC for for stealths, went full zerk, but still wouldn’t work like you say.

U1: MoD;
U2: Blink*/Decoy**
U3: Portal;
U4 Moa.

GS + Sword&Torch*/Staff**
As you see, you can cover missing part with your 2nd weapon set.


You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.

Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
-> Superior burst;
-> Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
-> Stealth;
-> Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
-> Invul (Distortion);
-> Spammable Blinds;
-> Boon removal…

We can say nearly the same about thieves

While I’m true Thief hater, I’ve to disagree. Because:
-> Burst? Thief need to land Backstab (D/P), to do so:
a) Thief has to be stealthed;
b) Thief has to get engaged into melee combat (!!!);
c) Thief ‘burst’ is lower.
-> Amazing CC? Basilisk? Not even close, because:
a) Requires Thief to attack;
b) Isn’t instant cast from distance.
-> Stealth? Yeah.
-> Teleports? Yeah, both Sword and Shortbow are good (even better I would say) for self mobility, however Mesmer brings unique team teleport (Portal, which can decide games).
-> Invuls? Noooooope.
-> Spammable Blinds? Yeah, but:
a) Thief has to sacrifice Initiative, which leads to damage loss (unlike Shatters);
b) Thief Blinds aren’t insta casts.
-> Boon removal? Yeah, Thief can even Steal boons.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Nerf in the eyes of these forums means running something into the ground.
Balancing- shaving- traits like CS and PU would fix the problem.

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.
Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.
Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
? Superior burst;
? Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
? Stealth;
? Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
? Invul (Distortion);
? Spammable Blinds;
? Boon removal…

So yeah. If I’m going for superior CC I’m not taking PU which mean decoy and mass invis(unless torch is taken) are my only stealths. But wait I’m running moa and MoD and blink and portal. Hmmm yeah I can’t seem to fit everything you listed into a build. Maybe if I gave up some CC for for stealths, went full zerk, but still wouldn’t work like you say.

U1: MoD;
U2: Blink*/Decoy**
U3: Portal;
U4 Moa.

GS + Sword&Torch*/Staff**
As you see, you can cover missing part with your 2nd weapon set.


You do realize that eles are currently the most OP class in PvP right?

FYI, lol you missed his memo:

Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice!

Lol yeah this is funny. And yeah like that one guy said air is the poop traitline for cele ele, and if he actually did his research he’d know that fire and earth are much better.

Also when it comes down to class balance, I beleive that there are great builds on all classes. Strategy and rotations (from point to point, not skill rotations) and individual skill and teamfight strategy competence play a much bigger role in determining the outcome of a match than than the builds or classes themselves. Which is why I’m so sick of everyone spouting that necros are garbage tier when they’re very good in the hands of someone who knows the game and his class well.

I love to fight a well played necro. Especially one that has proper DS and utility managent.
But I’m honestly tired of seeing all the nerf this and that because I can’t beat it in a 1v1. Check the profession subforums and there’s enough discussion about how to deal with certain skill like PU on Mesmer that these threads are pointless and will lead to unnecessary nerfs. (We all know necro and Mesmer doesn’t need nerfs)

If any class need ‘nerf’, it’s Mesmer actualy.

Mesmer only really needs a slight shave if anything. Right now I feel like its really well balanced, but a slightly higher and per target ICD to confounding suggestions would solve most of the percieved OPness.

Mesmer has too much of everything, while having it in one build, e.g.:
-> Superior burst;
-> Amazing CC (Mantra, Moa);
-> Stealth;
-> Teleports and Portal (which we could count as ‘turning the tables’ often);
-> Invul (Distortion);
-> Spammable Blinds;
-> Boon removal…

We can say nearly the same about thieves

While I’m true Thief hater, I’ve to disagree. Because:
-> Burst? Thief need to land Backstab (D/P), to do so:
a) Thief has to be stealthed;
b) Thief has to get engaged into melee combat (!!!);
-> Amazing CC? Basilisk? Not even close, because:
a) Requires Thief to attack;
b) Isn’t instant cast from distance.
-> Stealth? Yeah.
-> Teleports? Yeah, both Sword and Shortbow are good (even better I would say) for self mobility, however Mesmer brings unique team teleport (Portal, which can decide games).
-> Invuls? Noooooope.
-> Spammable Blinds? Yeah, but:
a) Thief has to sacrifice Initiative, which leads to damage loss (unlike Shatters);
b) Thief Blinds aren’t insta casts.
-> Boon removal? Yeah, Thief can even Steal boons.

Thief CC is greater than mesmer CC, dont forget pistol 4, panic strike, and shortbow 1 when stealthed, and all of this with lower CDs Also he can bring party support with SR and team-stealth with combos, and if he cannot use any invul, he have all sort of evades.. All of this combined with the fact that thief have an insane roam with sb 5, so he brings a infinte better version of the portal… Agree, your burst have to be on melee range, but you can abuse all your teleports in order to be in melee range the little seconds you need to use your burst

EDIT: What im trying to say is, of course shatter mesmer is right now a really strong build, but I dont think it is broken…


(edited by Krysard.1364)

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Lol play a mesmer and necro won’t be a problem. Play a cele elementalist, mesmer won’t be a problem.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


EDIT: What im trying to say is, of course shatter mesmer is right now a really strong build, but I dont think it is broken…

If you consider it as not broken, compare what it can do with post-patch:
→ Engi;
→ Necro;
→ Ranger.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Honestly if you think Necro is op then you have awareness issues, necro has as a matter of design low mobility, slow cast times that are easy to interupts and a lack of stability and hard cc.

It’s stupid Posts like yours that make it so hard to get any real balance changes to the necro class. I mean look at what has happened since the announcement of reaper and it’s reliance on chill. It’s been needed before we even got a chance to see what it could do hahaha. (Cry)

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


EDIT: What im trying to say is, of course shatter mesmer is right now a really strong build, but I dont think it is broken…

If you consider it as not broken, compare what it can do with post-patch:
-> Engi;
-> Necro;
-> Ranger.

The same as pre-patch, but with better dps… And this is also applied to mesmer, the unique major change post/pre is the blind when using shatters


Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: I I.7359

I I.7359

D/D ele is amazing. You need some practice if your dying to classes 1v1.

Fizzy Bubbler

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


EDIT: What im trying to say is, of course shatter mesmer is right now a really strong build, but I dont think it is broken…

If you consider it as not broken, compare what it can do with post-patch:
-> Engi;
-> Necro;
-> Ranger.

The same as pre-patch, but with better dps… And this is also applied to mesmer, the unique major change post/pre is the blind when using shatters

I really can’t believe that you really think about it this was, because:
→ Is Engi better now than pre-patch in your opinion?! (e.g. has more dps?)
→ Is Condi Necro (imho Terrormancer was the only truly viable) better than prepatch (e.g. has more dps?); or you consider power builds (including gimmick Signet builds) as ‘same, but with better dps’?
→ Is Ranger same, but with better DPS, even when Ranger does less damage now?

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


EDIT: What im trying to say is, of course shatter mesmer is right now a really strong build, but I dont think it is broken…

If you consider it as not broken, compare what it can do with post-patch:
-> Engi;
-> Necro;
-> Ranger.

The same as pre-patch, but with better dps… And this is also applied to mesmer, the unique major change post/pre is the blind when using shatters

I really can’t believe that you really think about it this was, because:
-> Is Engi better now than pre-patch in your opinion?! (e.g. has more dps?)
-> Is Condi Necro (imho Terrormancer was the only truly viable) better than prepatch (e.g. has more dps?); or you consider power builds (including gimmick Signet builds) as ‘same, but with better dps’?
-> Is Ranger same, but with better DPS, even when Ranger does less damage now?

Engineer has been nerfed since its traitline changes lack synergy and now make celestial engineer a pretty poor choice.

Condi necro hasn’t been viable since January, because shoutbow became popular, and it still won’t be popular because the ele/support guard/mantra mes comps all have AoE cleanses for eachother that cause terrormancer to have 0 pressure in teamfights. Its still good in 1v1s though.

The signet builds are not a gimmick. A build that can easily get to 25 stacks of might with celestial stats and death shroud to boost survivability is really strong, while it has similar levels of boon corruption compared to the old terrormancers. Because of that might stacking and tankiness, hybrid necromancer has secured a place in pvp for the forseeable future.

I’m not sure about ranger, but the hits to traps and spirits look questionable for them. Just giving my 2 coppers.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817



Terromancer was viable in TFs. He was great for securing kills. You was focused and you try to escape with stability? Great! Get some Fear, and some more Fear… poor little kitten ;-)

Not viable since patch, because:
→ Everyone deals more damage, it’s easier to melt Necro.
→ Condi damage (other than Burn*) can’t compete with power damage even 1v1.
→ Boons are corrupted in random order, so no more tactical Stablity → Fear.
*Dhumfire has horrible scalling and does 1k damage with +1200 condi dmg Amulets.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064



Terromancer was viable in TFs. He was great for securing kills. You was focused and you try to escape with stability? Great! Get some Fear, and some more Fear… poor little kitten ;-)

Not viable since patch, because:
-> Everyone deals more damage, it’s easier to melt Necro.
-> Condi damage (other than Burn*) can’t compete with power damage even 1v1.
-> Boons are corrupted in random order, so no more tactical Stablity -> Fear.
*Dhumfire has horrible scalling and does 1k damage with +1200 condi dmg Amulets.

Well people in high tier pvp would disagree with you about that. Noscoc says on his stream that pure condi is terrible for that reason, as well as all the other nerfs you listed, which simply put the nail in the coffin on terrormancer.

Dhuumfire is sort of balanced around the potential that reaper could bring, since that will apply burning faster and in a melee cleave, meaning probably 3-4 stacks most of the time with the other RS skills mixed in. I think hybrid necro could capitalize on that but it would depend on many unknown variables for the reaper, mainly will the loss of most ranged pressure make up for the crazy things reaper shroud could do? I’m also skeptical of the greatsword, as its slow but it seems to have a few good skills.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Tom.8029


The most annoying thing after the patch are Necromancers with Unholy Sanctuary. That trait that has them enter Death Shroud if Life Force is above 10% when they would take lethal damage is a complete pain.

Even if they are geared to do a lot of damage, I still feel like they have 3 health bars.
Some Necromancers open with Death Shroud, so you have to deal with that. After you wipe out that Death Shroud, you have their normal health. Then by the time you get their Health down really low, their Death Shroud is completely full again and they enter it automatically just as you’re about to kill them.

Primordial Dragons [Drgn]
Fort Aspenwood Elementalist

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


The most annoying thing after the patch are Necromancers with Unholy Sanctuary. That trait that has them enter Death Shroud if Life Force is above 10% when they would take lethal damage is a complete pain.

Even if they are geared to do a lot of damage, I still feel like they have 3 health bars.
Some Necromancers open with Death Shroud, so you have to deal with that. After you wipe out that Death Shroud, you have their normal health. Then by the time you get their Health down really low, their Death Shroud is completely full again and they enter it automatically just as you’re about to kill them.

I really love how necros start with 0 lifeforce on match, then u can just freekill them whole game, and everytime theyre on respawn, instead of a good “here have 50% of your proffesion mechanic to make a comeback” you actualy lose -23% lifeforce cz of DS coding.

Dont 2v1 a bunker necro unless youre both zerker. gg
Or get a broken mesmer or 3.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

(edited by Flumek.9043)

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: phokus.8934


The biggest issue with Mesmer is the amount of blinds that they can spam and you cannot evade it. Blinding Dissipation needs to have a cooldown (low, 5s) associated with it and be able to miss through evade/dodge.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Loop.8106


Thanx for the feedback but I am not a noob and I do not need your advice! I never had problems on 1v1, I was winning 80% of the fights or when I was loosing it was always very close, very good and intense fights. Now I am loosing 90% of the fights with necros, 70% with mesmers, guardians and warrios. My brother plays all classes and he agrees with me, that Necros are ridiculously OP at the moment, and Mesmers, Guardians and Warriors are walk in the park!

I am playing DD Ele with celestial Amulet > air, water, arcana. I am keeping cele cause I like the balance and I wan’t my fights to last long and not being a result of either me striking first and kill someone in 2 secs or me dying in a 2 sec.

If you were winning 80% of your fights, you were using the an OP build to begin with (D/D ele, the king of cele meta). Necros has always been strong vs eles due to boon-corruption. I dont see any other way of a necro having 90% winratio vs you. Losing 70% to guardians makes you bad. Nothing else.

Optimise [OP]

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

The biggest issue with Mesmer is the amount of blinds that they can spam and you cannot evade it. Blinding Dissipation needs to have a cooldown (low, 5s) associated with it and be able to miss through evade/dodge.

Blind on shatter already has a CD attached to it.

F1 12s
F2 24s
F3 38s
F4 50s

Great case of percieved OP’ness where none exist, as though blind shatters are, or can be spammed like a thief can.

Thing that has been asked for that’s most reasonable is to remove the hit through evade. Seems reasonable enough (all other “through evade” condi applications were removed in the past).

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


Rampage one key win Warriors
Mesmers stealthburst+everything
Med Guardian has too much burn damage in zerker/marauder
Ele has far too much sustain & damage

The one key win elites really bring pvp down.

JQ Druid

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Pepsi.8907


Thief thingies

-> Burst? Mesmer needs plan a few things, to do so:
a) Mesmer needs to start Mirror Blade ahead of time and away from target without being seen (can use stealth)
b) Mesmer needs to teleport to the target at the optimal time during the 3/4 s of channel.
b) Mesmer needs to be in melee range for optimal burst output
c) Mesmer also needs to activate Mind Wrack and land Mind Stab at a relatively short interval
d) Mesmer Burst is higher because it lands simultaneously at least 3 skills the Mirror Blade burst itself is similar to Back Stab
-> Let me get the CC skills of Mesmer
a) Mantra of Distraction: 2 stun, 3 if traited, instant with 5 sec between charges, goes on background 30 CD needs 2 3/4 second to charge. Range of 1200 with 180 radius
b) Diversion: 38 CD shatter that lands 1s of Daze per clones/self shattered, override and doesn’t stack in duration, must have perfectly placed clones for the full potential, range of 1200 with 240 radius
c) Illusionary Wave: a CC but no daze or stun, push target.
d) Magic Bullet: Bouncing CC with a 25 CD, recharge faster when traited with interrupt, range of 1200, first target is stun for 2 and a half sec, second is dazed (stun if CS procs) for same amount.
e) Counter blade: Piercing daze with channel time of 3/4 sec and range of 900, 15 CD.
f) Chaos Storm: 240 radius dazing for 1 1/4s each pulse (1/s.) duration 6s range of 1200
The only reliable stun we possess at range, before a burst, is Mantra, if you get stun by a mesmer out of a fight you can be sure as hell the burst is coming soon. Good shatters don’t stun before bursting.
Stun from sword and pistol are taken by power lock, shatters uses torch. While staff usually replace GS (bye bye shatter burst) (except in double range, but then, no pistol, sword, or whatever)
-> Mesmers possess 4 stealth: The Prestige which is a 3s Stealth (6 if traited) on a 30 CD, Decoy which is, again, a 3s stealth time (6s if traited) with a 40 CD and MI, which is kitten stealth (10s if traited) on a 90 CD… and veil, a light feild very visible that stealth for 2s (4 if traited) on a 72 CD.
Our stealth, even with PU, are pretty mediocre on fairly high CD. None of them are lower than 30 and none are spammable, unless you use mimic, which takes a UTIL slot and is on a 90 CD (72sec if traited). We don,t get buff in stealth like thief, in fact, stealth bring us nothing but invisibility… no regen, no clear condis, no increase dps. Just pure invisibility.
-> Teleports? We have one. Blink. 30cd (24 if traited), 1200 range. That’s it. Maybe Phase retreat, but it’s no break stun and doesn’t bring you further than 400 range from your enemy (can go up ledges and things which is nice.)
About Portal, it’s not as OP as you make it look. Portal is glamour skill with a 90 CD that starts in the background, possess a 5000 range (I can’t go from home to far with this) and you basically have 60 s. to land your second door after the first, or else you’ll waste the skill. Yes, it can be game changing, but playing a portal well is hard and requires good team organisation.
-> Invuls? Our invuln: Distortion, 1 second per clone (total of 4), 50CD. Blurred frenzy, 1/2 s. of invuln, 12 CD. MAYBE signet if traited, but most of your UTIL is taken by signet, no decoy, no port, nothing. But again, 1 s. of invulnerability on fairly high CD.
-> Spammable Blinds? Yeah, but:
a) Mesmer has to sacrifice shatters, which leads to damage loss, CC loss, Sustain loss.
b) Mesmer possess a total of four blinds, respectively 12, 25, 38 and 50 CD.

You’re all happy and all to point fingers at mesmer claiming it’s brokenltyOP, you don’t even understand the class properly… It needs to be shaved and fixed, not nerfed to the ground.

Broken OP Classes after last patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Pepsi.8907


The biggest issue with Mesmer is the amount of blinds that they can spam and you cannot evade it. Blinding Dissipation needs to have a cooldown (low, 5s) associated with it and be able to miss through evade/dodge.

Blind on shatter already has a CD attached to it.

F1 12s
F2 24s
F3 38s
F4 50s

Great case of percieved OP’ness where none exist, as though blind shatters are, or can be spammed like a thief can.

Thing that has been asked for that’s most reasonable is to remove the hit through evade. Seems reasonable enough (all other “through evade” condi applications were removed in the past).

Blind application goes through everything right now except i THINK invuln (could be wrong though) , this should really be fixed.

Yes it should, I can’t see many people saying it’s alright as it is. When you dodge or block, you dodge or block. No exception.