Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I don’t know the logic behind this, i don’t even know its supposed to work like that, But..
Mesmer portal = extremely game-breaking hence people bug abuse it

i was playing paids in the new map temple of the silent storms and as usual we all start preparing for the underground buff that takes 10 seconds to get..
at 8.30 the buff spawns, we start a fight there,, and then all of a sudden a mesmer comes, activates invulnerability and then he starts channeling the buff…then he opened a portal…ported out..and when we was about to finish the cap, he ported back in, in result of capping the buff without even being there.

And i was just shocked, because i just stood there like an idiot,
One of the most important buffs in the map taken like no one was there

Mr. Jonathan Sharp.. how is this still here? Capping the buff without even being NEAR the actual buff??
I call it exploit and it should be fixed immediately

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


You can do this with a variety of classes.
A thief can start on a buff, shadow step port away then port back to finish it.

Also haste increases the rate at which u take the buff, making timewarp teamfight on a buff super powerful. Also, timewarp+mistform etc=uninteruptable cap.

(edited by daydream.2938)

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Tarisuca.3142


The buff is easily abused with certain skill combinations.

GW1: Tarisuka The Monk, GW2: Warmonk Tarisuca
Get Ready Save Glory Boost [GrDy] RiP

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Visionary.5681


I guess this is why they are trialing it.

Definately needs to get sorted though.

Its not as if Portal and Time Warp arent imbalanced as it is.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


Durrrrr [EU]

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Yeah that’s pretty bad. Kind of defeats the purpose of it taking a long time to channel. I’m not super concerned about the underwater combat because I’ve never even had to fight anyone underwater yet, but the buffs are too important to be able to take without opposition.

Although all the imbalance would be worth it if, just once in my life, I ran to far point at about 8:25 and interrupted the jerk while he was exploiting

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: drazzar.3042


Sorry but that’s just kitten and should be one of the most important reasons to not let this map be a paid tpvp map – don’t get me wrong, I think there is a lot of potential in this map , but at the moment its noch ready for paids.
And to be honest, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

[void] – GH

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I really enjoy this map. but Please..before you put it in the rotation, fix these exploits.
Because its really NOT fun when things like that happen.
I dont have problem with time-warp cap, because the person capping is still Near the buff. But this portal cap. really kitten me off because the guy wasnt even there.

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


the meditation exploiting needs to be fixed. I rage so much after losing a match we were winning due to exploiters

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawatak.8049



Temple is still full of bugs that need to be fixed ASAP :

Portal + channeling
Invulnerability while channeling not canceling (not intented because we can’t start channel while invul)

I don’t understand how they can just put it in the paid rotation while there are still tons of bugs (and these bugs are here since sooo long)

Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com

(edited by Hawatak.8049)

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


You can do this with a variety of classes.
A thief can start on a buff, shadow step port away then port back to finish it.

Also haste increases the rate at which u take the buff, making timewarp teamfight on a buff super powerful. Also, timewarp+mistform etc=uninteruptable cap.

^What Daydream said.

This is not an exploit, its just unfortunate that some of us think to do these things while everyone else gets jealous they didnt think of it on their own and cries exploit to the forum. The only issue I have with it is it creates incentive to bring certain classes, even though I dont think its necessary to bring certain classes the principal is what matters.


Temple is still full of bugs that need to be fixed ASAP :

Portal + channeling
Invulnerability while channeling not canceling (not intented because we can’t start channel while invul)

I don’t understand how they can just put it in the paid rotation while there are still tons of bugs (and these bugs are here since sooo long)


A lot of classes have access to these abilities that would give them an advantage at the buff, since you clearly understand this why dont you play around it? I just dont think its an exploit, but we’ll see. If it is I’ll eat my words.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Infectious.4836


So where is the warriors, necros, rangers ability to do this ?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


A lot of classes have access to these abilities that would give them an advantage at the buff, since you clearly understand this why dont you play around it? I just dont think its an exploit, but we’ll see. If it is I’ll eat my words.

you cant say its not exploit man!!
How can a mesmer, cap the kittenng point without being there!!!. Come on!

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


A lot of classes have access to these abilities that would give them an advantage at the buff, since you clearly understand this why dont you play around it? I just dont think its an exploit, but we’ll see. If it is I’ll eat my words.

you cant say its not exploit man!!
How can a mesmer, cap the kittenng point without being there!!!. Come on!

The exact same way they could spike a person without being there, the same way thief does it, just like ele when they pop vapor form.

The fact that many classes have a few ways of doing these types of things says its not an exploit.

It may not be designed like that on purpose, and they may even change it but that doesnt make it an exploit.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


spell thats have cast bards (this basically includes capping) allow you to use ports to move mid cast.

Common example, cloak and dagger +steal.
Churning earth and teleport on ELE.

So, this feature is by design, but i think an unintended consequence is to use movement ports on the buffs. Esseentially using a buff is a cast time ability, and you can use any non attack port combined with a cast time ability.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


The exact same way they could spike a person without being there, the same way thief does it, just like ele when they pop vapor form.

The fact that many classes have a few ways of doing these types of things says its not an exploit.

It may not be designed like that on purpose, and they may even change it but that doesnt make it an exploit.

Are you for real!? While it’s true a thief and elementalist can start channeling and then teleport way back, they are still there and you can stop them just by attacking. Mesmers in the other hand, have a portal, and the entrance may be in the enemy spawn aswell, making it impossible to stop…

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Dexxer.3174


(I was the one using it today vs Hawke and some other people like Radom
→ and many raged about it… called it abuse after the game)

Hawke, like i said it after the game:
as long as arenanet doesnt call an abuse to : portal/ Shadowstep/ blink stump
i feel like its ok to use portal /shadowstep in that situation…

its the same like doing the guild lord rush with portal on map 2 …
we do it all the time, but the better teams LEARNED to counter it…
→ they just keep an eye on our mesmers and dont let them go to their lord and portal the whole team with them…

Teams watching that move the FIRST time (like you did or like Ninjas and others today..) they were just not prepared…

It has it counters: just keep an eye on the mesmer and you should be allright
+ if it works its NOT EVEN CLOSE to the point like a guild lord rush on map 2 (it does NOT give you 150 points !)


Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawatak.8049


We don’t care of the rush lord, this use of the portal is normal (you use it to teleport people)

Channeling + portal shouldn’t be there, same for timewarp + channeling.

This IS a bug, or if it’s not then Anet designers just suck

Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


I am 100% sure this is not intended, and it will be changed after the trial is over, when this game mode becomes permanent.

You shouldn’t toss the word exploit(er) around lightly. This isn’t a game mechanic that was unintended and being abused, this is simply a game mechanic that was applied to the buff incorrectly. Communing shouldn’t be the same as channeling a spell.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


I think timewarp channel is fine, it works with downing and rezzing and every other channeling skill, so why not? The portal trick is another story completely. Do all quickness type skills work with the channel? My team runs a warrior consistently, so it would be nice to know if his quickness would work here

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Dexxer sorry mate but are you really serious about what you wrote?
This map so kittening small the portal could be everywhere. There does no counter exist! The same is true for this invulnerable + time warp kitten (shadowstep is a joke against this). Either all or no classes should have access to such huge advantages, since the buffs are gamebreaking most of the time.
If after this week these bugs still exist I will just simply report anybody who is using it in paids because this cannot be intended. Its like porting into red castle on foefire to kill the guild lord

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Visionary.5681



Portal on map 2 is an imbalance, that is all.

Portal used in this abusive manner , its an exploit.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


This is known about and intended. It is also completely counterable. The mesmer only has one distortion and he will be vunerable two times. Once before he ports away and once right when he gets back. The distortion does not guarantee a cap.

Not an exploit!

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

(edited by Oni.5429)

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Who ever plays a mesmer and its trying to defend it..please..stop
Helseth..u cant possibly say that its not an exploit…
I Reapeat!! It is not logicaly possible to consume a buff while not being even there!! why would you be able to do that?? why….
even if it has a SLIGHTLY chance of interrupting it, its still an abusive way of using the portal.

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


Slight chance of interrupting it? If you place a single aoe before he ports back on the buff it wont cap.

Regardless, even if it is overpowered, that’s not what you’re calling it. You’re calling it an exploit. Anet is fully aware of the fact that you can portalcap the points and it was with intention left there. This is thus not an exploit. An exploit is something like you teleporting through the lord gates using a teleport and then killing the lord without even touching the gates, not planned or intended by anet at all. See the difference?

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Slight chance of interrupting it? If you place a single aoe before he ports back on the buff it wont cap.

Damage doesn’t interrupt, only hard cc does, right? Or have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Explain me exactly whats the difference between killing the lord while the doors are still closed and a mesmer which abuse his portal to freecap the buffs? Also you have a slightly chance to kill the attackers before they are able to kill the lord.
I explain you in detail why it is an exploit: You need to get in range to start the channeling. When you port out of the range the channeling should be interrupted since you are not in range anymore to interact (like every other class) and you are also not able to finish channeling when do not port back to the buff.
However its somehow frustrating that Arenanet is not able to make a single statement. I mean already high ranked people from curse think this abuse is legit…but maybe they just cant compete against other high ranks without it (sorry bro you deserved it)
I guess easiest way to fix it is to increase channeling time to 11s.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawatak.8049


Yep, once you used a distortion damages don’t interrupt you. But maybe someone gonna say it’s intended …

Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Explain me exactly whats the difference between killing the lord while the doors are still closed and a mesmer which abuse his portal to freecap the buffs? Also you have a slightly chance to kill the attackers before they are able to kill the lord.
I explain you in detail why it is an exploit: You need to get in range to start the channeling. When you port out of the range the channeling should be interrupted since you are not in range anymore to interact (like every other class) and you are also not able to finish channeling when do not port back to the buff.
However its somehow frustrating that Arenanet is not able to make a single statement. I mean already high ranked people from curse think this abuse is legit…but maybe they just cant compete against other high ranks without it (sorry bro you deserved it)
I guess easiest way to fix it is to increase channeling time to 11s.

I feel that the portal cap/shadowstep cap etc needs to be fixed. So im not here to defend it. But the difference is that the game had in its design the idea that you could channel CAST something and then port somewhere else to finish it. Its a major mechanic in how certain classes play (ele, and thief in particular).
Where as porting through a door wasnt at all by design.

Now having said that, that design has led to an issue with these cap points that wasnt forseen. So somehow they should address that. Interesting tip though, if you know where the mesmers portal leads to, and have someone nearby you can interupt him there.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


Slight chance of interrupting it? If you place a single aoe before he ports back on the buff it wont cap.

Damage doesn’t interrupt, only hard cc does, right? Or have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

You have. Damage interupts it.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


So where is the warriors, necros, rangers ability to do this ?

Although rangers and warriors cannot do this, necros can. Flesh wurm → Spectral Walk → Channel → port → port → finish channel.

A little cumbersome since it takes 2 utilities to do but it’s still possible.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Tarisuca.3142


I do not think that this is an exploit. It is just lame. I hope Anet will just remove the mesmer portal from the game.

GW1: Tarisuka The Monk, GW2: Warmonk Tarisuca
Get Ready Save Glory Boost [GrDy] RiP

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Slight chance of interrupting it? If you place a single aoe before he ports back on the buff it wont cap.

Damage doesn’t interrupt, only hard cc does, right? Or have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

You have. Damage interupts it.

…well shucks. I don’t feel too much like an idiot because the first time I played the map was Wednesday…but still, that would have been nice to know. I could swear I’ve taken damage without losing the interaction…now I really want to go test it.

That would seem to make the “portal trick” (whether or not it should be called an exploit doesn’t matter to me) even more game-breaking.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawatak.8049


Once you used some distorsion or mist form, damages will no longer interrupt you.
Btw, being able to mist form/distorsion while channeling is not intended, because you can’t start channeling with that.

Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


It’s cheap as hell and I can’t imagine that this is intended.

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


I think timewarp channel is fine, it works with downing and rezzing and every other channeling skill, so why not? The portal trick is another story completely. Do all quickness type skills work with the channel? My team runs a warrior consistently, so it would be nice to know if his quickness would work here

Not even going to comment on how stupid this statement is. It just shows that competitive play is about abusing bugs and broken mechanics because of people like you. Pathetic.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


I think timewarp channel is fine, it works with downing and rezzing and every other channeling skill, so why not? The portal trick is another story completely. Do all quickness type skills work with the channel? My team runs a warrior consistently, so it would be nice to know if his quickness would work here

Not even going to comment on how stupid this statement is. It just shows that competitive play is about abusing bugs and broken mechanics because of people like you. Pathetic.

Because I’m ok with quickness affecting this channel like it affects every other channel in the game? Sounds legit. Sorry about all the abuse, I didn’t know what I was doing.

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Understand that NOT EVERYONE wants to play a Mesmer and not everyone wants to play an Ele. And most of all, not everyone is going to depend on underhanded BS. If you actually understood that you would look at your statement and delete it because of how stupid it was.

Right now ANET is being a bunch of pathetic preachers saying that “You have to have broken classes like Mesmers and Ele’s and you have to use Time Warp + Mist Form to satisfy Temple’s ‘objectives’ or you will not succeed.”

If you don’t see the current “competitive-ness” right now, its god pathetic and is close to what I just described.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


This is known about and intended. It is also completely counterable. The mesmer only has one distortion and he will be vunerable two times. Once before he ports away and once right when he gets back. The distortion does not guarantee a cap.

Not an exploit!

And this is why I have no respect for EU’s meta. It is underhanded and just not honorable at all much like the current meta right now. Mesmers “distortion” balanced and “time warp” being balanced. I have NOT seen or heard anything that took effort work in your meta so I’m really sorry that I have to call you out on this.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


Understand that NOT EVERYONE wants to play a Mesmer and not everyone wants to play an Ele. And most of all, not everyone is going to depend on underhanded BS. If you actually understood that you would look at your statement and delete it because of how stupid it was.

Right now ANET is being a bunch of pathetic preachers saying that “You have to have broken classes like Mesmers and Ele’s and you have to use Time Warp + Mist Form to satisfy Temple’s ‘objectives’ or you will not succeed.”

If you don’t see the current “competitive-ness” right now, its god pathetic and is close to what I just described.

I’m talking exclusively about using quickness, not in combo with ele. It could be time warp and elixir s for engi and be the same thing. Other classes have access to quickness. Apparently you’re not understanding what I’m saying

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Quickness/stability/portal/shadowstepping(Or any other instant ability) should interrupt the cast.

It’s not a fun mechanic, it’s not a fair mechanic, it’s buggy, and needs to be fixed but it definitely isn’t one of the bugs that’s easy to fix you probably would have to change how all interaction/casts work just to tackle this.. you’d need to peel programmers from things like “Ratings System” or other really important features.

I’m hoping they keep this map out of rotation for just a while longer..

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


What if when an enemy starts to channel the buff, and you try to channel it yourself, his channel is cancelled and yours will start. Of course he can do the same to you making him start all over again on his channeling while interrupting yours. It will be a never ending cycle unless one is killed or stops trying to channel the buff. At least with this, those invul skills and portal gimmicks can be countered and might even be considered useless while channeling the buff?

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: soul.5368


There is also a bug involving guardian blockers and capping.
And yes , I’m actually positive all of this is intended , ANET has shown repeatedly that it favours underhanded bullcrap that people can abuse when they fail to win the actual pvp / strategy part of the game.

And for those comparing blink lord rush to this and claiming it’s different , simply lol , it’s just another way to win pvp by AVOIDING pvp. GG , log more eles.

SoulX – Devil Inside

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


just get rid of those buffs already…

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


I don’t know the logic behind this, i don’t even know its supposed to work like that, But..
Mesmer portal = extremely game-breaking hence people bug abuse it

i was playing paids in the new map temple of the silent storms and as usual we all start preparing for the underground buff that takes 10 seconds to get..
at 8.30 the buff spawns, we start a fight there,, and then all of a sudden a mesmer comes, activates invulnerability and then he starts channeling the buff…then he opened a portal…ported out..and when we was about to finish the cap, he ported back in, in result of capping the buff without even being there.

And i was just shocked, because i just stood there like an idiot,
One of the most important buffs in the map taken like no one was there

Mr. Jonathan Sharp.. how is this still here? Capping the buff without even being NEAR the actual buff??
I call it exploit and it should be fixed immediately

best way to show your disapproval is with ur tickets dont join paids if they are bugged

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


just get rid of those buffs already…

No. That’s the point of this map, that’s why this map is different from all the other maps.

Fix the buffs; No long distance channeling, 5 meter distance to channel; other team beginning to channel triggers (StabilityPiercing)knockback around the node would be fun. No haste capping… Timewarp 5second caps are dumb.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: warpy.1687


SOOOOO…. they blow timewarp + mist form to cap the three point buff. How do you guys not win team fights vs such a team? Also, I thought you could start capping each point immediately after the buff activates.

Why not force team fights on the points instead of at the buff? Why not focus the mesmer down before he reaches the buff?

Is it hard to device a strategy around this by looking at the enemy team comp at the start of the game? I usually see most teams lose only because they play into the winning teams strats. Most players in this game have to kittening clue how to force plays from their enemy team, and the ones that do are on top of the QP ladder.

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: bashoo.6854


please fix these exploits before you put it into the paid/free rotation system

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: reedju.5786


I am surprised this thread has gotten no dev love. It seems like an important issue and I have not been able to find any information from Anet on this. Channeling from a distance does, in my opinion, seem broken (not an exploit) seeing as it is the only aspect that makes this map unique.

Black Avarice

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Tyler Bearce

Tyler Bearce

Game Designer

I’m working on fixes for these types of commune related Temple issues. Though they won’t make it in until the next major patch. In the meantime, we are rotating Temple out of the paid tournament rotating, tomorrow.

(edited by Tyler Bearce.3427)