Bug: can´t use any ability

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


Noticed this bug around 4 month ago, happened a couple of times today.
Never got any attention on bug report forum and since it affects PvP too, I post it here.

So I can press any ability and it won´t work until I start moving again, happens after dodgerolls, burning speed, leaps and on any class. I can switch attunements, but skillbars will only show that I press the buttong without executing the action.
Can´t figure out what exactly is causing this.
Concerned this bug occurs in a tournament and my action won´t be registered .

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile: http://play.eslgaming.com/player/7930634/

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: Dante.8456


I get this a fair amount. I’ll press a skill and it will show that it has been pressed by flashing but it will not execute. It is all due to lag or poor connection spikes

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


I get this a fair amount. I’ll press a skill and it will show that it has been pressed by flashing but it will not execute. It is all due to lag or poor connection spikes

No, alsong as i stand still I won´t be able to execute any skill, no matter if its 5 seconds or a minute later. So it has nothing to do with lag, delay or anything.

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile: http://play.eslgaming.com/player/7930634/

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: oxtred.7658


I’m having this a lot of times, dodging fixes it. It’s annoying to blow a dodge and spend 2 3 seconds doing nothing though.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


moving alone fixes it, but sometimes you are immobed, stunned or it just takes a second until you realize whats going on.

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile: http://play.eslgaming.com/player/7930634/

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Weird, for me moving doesn’t fix it.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: Snorcha.7586


/dance will fix it

Bug: can´t use any ability

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


Can we bump this? I’ve received it multiple times today, and I get it most days. Sometimes moving itself will fix it, but a lot of the time you can’t move for a few seconds and then once you do it takes a while for your skills to come back.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs