Bunker meta - almost atleast

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Really feels like we are moving back to a bunker meta, guess its still too early to tell, but everything is super tough.

AMulets were never the issue, but I guess we (by we, I mean ANET, since I knew this) learnt that now.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


You mean that this newly added amulet that offer power, precision, ferocity, and condie feels bunkery ? Quite the opposite, don’t you think?

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Good. Hope it doesn’t go too far into the bunker bore-mode state but an actual BALANCE of choices to play and not just power creep CC hell.

I know the thrill of killing things in a few hits but for once it’s nice to pull out the tanky character and take it through a stroll in the park knowing it works pretty good for a change.

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Reverence.6915


One of these days, ANet will split the balance up between PvE, WvW and sPvP. The balance changes were good for WvW, but are inevitably bad for other modes due to the differing play styles.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Zephyra.4709 and flog.3485

I have no words for how little common sense you just displayed, neither one of your posts were remotely relevant.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Really feels like we are moving back to a bunker meta, guess its still too early to tell, but everything is super tough.

AMulets were never the issue, but I guess we (by we, I mean ANET, since I knew this) learnt that now.

Maybe they should give stealth and teleport to everybody after reducing the base HP to 10k for all professions ofc, then remove all bunker amulets and just leave marauder..there, that should satisfy you. You can’t kitten for more “skill” when everybody the same

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

The hell are you talking about. This is the burstiest it’s been in a very long time.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


@Novuake Well with so little you said about why feel like it is back to a bunker meta, it is hard to make a valuable counter argument to your statement….The only thing I wanted to point out to you is the fact that they added new stuff to pvp, i.e this bursty amulet with no defensive stats. How can we go back to a bunker-meta with such an amulet? I will agree, though, that I am having a hard time understanding what Zephyra tried to mean.

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


The hell are you talking about. This is the burstiest it’s been in a very long time.

This ^^.. this meta is burst af (excuse my language) but everyone and their moms are running around the maps with either +10 stack of might or +10 stacks of vulnerability. Some5hing has to be done about the might though…

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


No last night I noticed definitely tankier builds. As i figured the hit to damage specs like necro and guard have pushed us towards bunker with more rangers eles and warriors. There may be burst, but less classes are doing significant boon removal and damage. I can only assume Anet wanted this?

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Rekt.5360


With much of the specs offering good DPS nerfed (Condi reaper dmg nerfed, scrapper sustain rekt pretty hard) I definitely think we’ll go back to more bunkery builds despite the fact that everybody is running yolo in unranked right now, remember pre-season 1 when HoT came out, people were crying that they died in 5 seconds and that Time to kill was too short because “Everything is too bursty”, well shiet look how S1 turned out. I already see a bunch of shoutbow warrs which, even as a warr main, absolutely disgusts me as a build because its the same boon spamming healbot garbage as what ele has been since HoT started (I seriously pity all ele players who want to play S/F or Staff DPS seriously, even if your class has been competitively viable for a long time you’re stuck with the most stagnant and boring type of builds for way too long).

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

(edited by Rekt.5360)

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


From what I noticed its less tanky. Most condi builds are not bunkery these days and alot of classes are abusing burns again. Berserker and dh both have builds that do a good amount of burn though I don’t think many people play them at the moment.

I do agree that revs with perma 10 stacks of might and fury is rather unfair.

Bad Elementalist

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


I find the disparity between people’s opinions of whether the meta is bunky or bursty comical.

NSPride <3