Bunkering Far?

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Ranked Match. Some guy says to team, “Nobody go to far unless you can kill something.”

I play a bunker. I can hold of 1 or 2 for quite a while. I like to go to far and do that because it gives me a well-delineated role that helps the team win at the other points.


Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


Depends on your team comp, if your team is very glassy they need you as bunker in a teamfight to stand on the node and play for 2 nodes. This way you can decap your enemies and your glasscanons can win teamfights after a decap, cause you can be 5v4 in the teamfight after a decap when your enemy backcaps.

If your team is very sustained / slow and got many melees you want to force fights on 3 nodes cause you wont be able to decap alot and you wont win fights quickly, then it is important to not give a freecap to your oponents and keep it neutral.

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
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Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

What if you can’t hold far? Or what if your 4 remains teammates can’t reliably hold on of the other two points because the enemy is rotating really well.

The problem imo is that people like you assign themselves a node and refuse to adapt if the enemy is beating you.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I wholeheartedly agree with guy there. don’t go far unless u can kill it, seriously. bunkers are much more useful home or mid. reason for this is at far, it will get reinforced quickly and u will get zerged.

as a power ranger for example, I will annihilate just about every turret engie, ranger or necro quickly. I will go far, check what’s there and decide what to do.

it really hurts your team to go far, and die.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Thanks for the insights. I had read and always thought that bunkering far was a classic strategy. If you get killed, just head back and keep them having to go get you, pulling them away from mid.

You’re a time waster for two enemies, ideally.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I mean it can work, but your team really has to be on top of things. usually someone should be right behind u to back u up when they reinforce. it can also be godly, if you can stay alive for a long time when the opponents are baddies.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


I tend to go far in forest. My experience is that there are two advantages to going far: Stealing the enemy’s home point and giving your team extra points OR becoming a distraction using sustainment. You want to go in for the steal. Despite this, sometimes you can’t steal. Instead, you distract the other team to give your team an advantage on mid. If you can do well 1v1 and survive well in 1v2, far is the place for you. Or, if you’re capable of netting in the other enemies at the beginning without being a great threat to far, then it’s also ok.

But if you can’t take it 1v1, you shouldn’t waste your time too much with it, or else it just hinders your team once the other team knows their home is safe.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: st desnuss.5738

st desnuss.5738

It depends on :
- if the guy who cap close stay or not
- if the mid can hold 3v4 for 15-20sec
- if u don’t get oneshotted when crossing on map like temple nifhlel
- if u do?t suicide in a 2v1(or more)far for nothing
- your and ennemy teamcomp.

If u manage to avoid all that stuff u might be fine

In reality crossing far in a bunkering way, is way better with two guys, with one guy its better to send something who can win his 1v1 and disengage/kit when backup come in then u should be fine on other points or atleast stop ennemy snowballing, keep in mind that the worst thing u can do its dying between far and mid when disengaging, if u’r 100% dead keep surviving on node then die on it, if u can survive but not sure u can try to escape, but in this case don’t go to mid just leave anywhere u can survive and make sure he let u alone, then reengage the 1v1 if u have a great matchup.

Sry about my horrible english, i hope it´s understable^^

Ybobb [SmK]
Guard ~ EU

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


It’s worth it on a full-capped far until they start avoiding you. But like others said, bunkering solo queue, you might be more useful in the teamfights.
Just let close push far.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
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Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Ranked Match. Some guy says to team, “Nobody go to far unless you can kill something.”

I play a bunker. I can hold of 1 or 2 for quite a while. I like to go to far and do that because it gives me a well-delineated role that helps the team win at the other points.


If you can hold 1v1 on far point keeping it neutral it’s fine

If you can hold 2+ ppl on their point it’s fine

1v1 on neutral point means situation is even as long as you don’t die, same goes for 1v2 on their point…ofc if you can 1v2 while also keeping it neutral (As decrap engis used to do in every single match during decap meta) you’re giving your team a huge advantage…it’s all about maths after all

If you get matched vs bad ppl going far is actually a good tactic since most times, if you run a pretty bunker spec on war, engi or ele you can easily stay 1v2 (Even 1v3) while keeping it contested for some time while you teams is, hopefully, gonna win on other points…sometimes i also go far at start on shatter mesmer, if they don’t have a thief there ofc, just because even if i will never be able to hold the point i can still force at least 2 of them to chase me around kiting them all day, dropping portal and going away after some time and then come back to decap as soon as they leave…randoms literally LOVE to chase mesmers around for some reason, and while they’re doing that my team can easily outnumber them on mid and get the cap

Ofc any half decent player will never stay 1v1 on your point if he can’t win fast, or chasing ppl everywhere…but since playerbase is awful atm, and matchmaking too, chance you can troll scrubs on far 24\7 is actually pretty high. Ofc i would never go far alone with shatter mesmer vs ppl i know but if other team is composed by uknowns i usually always give it a try…i can still disengage if they eventually start using their brain, but that’s a pretty rare case xD

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Impact.2780


The far push can be advantageous, and you can simply decap or full cap, and or distract 1+ opponents there. But it can also be harmful to your chances of winning. Knowing when to and when not to go far is important. This is why in solo queue, when you get that player that says "I’ll take far" or "leave far to me", people instantly think the match is going to end up going badly, because that attitude implies an unwillingness or lack of consideration to adaptation, and adapting to the match flow while keeping your team composition in mind is key.

Going far depends on the outcomes of fights, the enemy team, your team, your role, and your strategy. For instance, if your role is to keep a point decapped, then you would of course go far. That being said, you should also have a secondary role in which you can work with your team on a point if needed, thus, depending on the outcome of a fight on one of the other points, and how tanky and sustainable your team is, leaving far (or not going far) would be better. In a game where strategies need to be flexible to allow for adaptation, each member of the team should be able to fulfill more than one role, for example, roamers are often far point assaulters, supporters are often secondary bunkers or backpoint defenders, etc. Next is the decap opportunity; when far is empty and it won’t be damaging to the team fight for someone to slip away, they can decap far and run back. This forces one of the enemy to go and backcap - removing them for the team fight for longer than the decapper was gone - giving your team the advantage in the team fight as well as costing them some points, thereby giving you a greater lead (or closing the gap if you’re behind). The decapper is usually a roamer with the mobility to get it done as quickly as possible. Also, when you’ve won two points - close might be in the process of being defended but not in need of assistance - and the enemy is mostly on respawn, you can grab a decap on far, or, if your team has high sustain, you can push it and hold it, forcing the fights across 3 points. Pushing for all three points to hold them can also be a strategy from the start of a match. For an enemy team that lacks sustain, this can be devastating, as you can out last them. If the enemy team has a lot of burst, you have to be careful not to die there, as it can cost you one or both of your other points (most "decap" builds, when they die, tend to die on the point). If a point is lost it’s alright, as pushing for three gives you the theoretical advantage given your sustain, that if one is lost you can always fall back to the other two, and in effect it would have just been a very long decap or 3 cap. You can also try this if your team has the mobility (portal) and think you can gain a greater lead while not losing your other points.

The issue with bunkers going far is the fact that you may be needed to rotate to another point, and bunkers are slow. While you’re moving, you’re an easy target, you can be purposefully slowed, and your team needs you now. The other issue is, as a result, that they tend to die on the points rather than leave.

I won’t go into having a dedicated far decap and distraction build on the team vs. not. I’ve had lengthy discussions on it before in which neither side wishes to concede. I disagree with it.

Edit: Saying "some guy" implies you’re in solo queue. It’s hard to achieve much, if any, coordination in solo queue, so pushing far is even more risky unless you have the mobility to decap and leave. You can never know what your team mates are thinking, whereas in a premade you’ll hopefully have a strategy known by each member, and vocal communication.

EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

(edited by Impact.2780)

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731



Looking at Impact’s analysis, and the analysis of others above, it is easy to see why players queuing solo are at such a disadvantage over a thoughtful team that has played together and weighs all these things (and thinks in the way Impact is pointing out).

It would be worth a discussion on just HOW a solo player can have the best chance.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496


Looking at Impact’s analysis. And the analysis of others above, it is easy to see why players queuing solo are at such a disadvantage over a thoughtful team that has played together and weighs all these things, and (thinks in the way Impact is pointing out).

It would be worth a discussion on just HOW a solo player can have the best chance.

I would argue that bunker @home and 4 @mid should be the standard for solo queue.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


I am more interested in how to squeeze out 200 points against a skilled premade team. They almost always seem to wipe pug and keep it under 80 points. It’s a guaranteed -1 point each time your MMR gets high enough to have you slotted for death.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
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Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


I am more interested in how to squeeze out 200 points against a skilled premade team. They almost always seem to wipe pug and keep it under 80 points. It’s a guaranteed -1 point each time your MMR gets high enough to have you slotted for death.

You have to counter rotate while they hammer the rest of your team. If they’re good enough to go for a 3capstrat then nine times out of 10 you can get yourself points by counter capping. Problem is 200 is hard to get versus a good team. My team came up against a pug and we triple capped them and continued to beat them 5v5 at their close. It was a sad affair really…

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
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Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I am more interested in how to squeeze out 200 points against a skilled premade team. They almost always seem to wipe pug and keep it under 80 points. It’s a guaranteed -1 point each time your MMR gets high enough to have you slotted for death.

ya ya !!!

scoring at least 200+ team points seems very, very impossible against very very good premade teams.

can we lower the score threshold to 100 team points instead?

most such blow out games end with 500 vs 80 + (less than 100, never over 200 +)

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


because your team will get 4v3’d mid and wipe
and you will get ganged by 3 other people, then you will complain why you 1v3 at far yet people still lost mid.

only if you can bunk 2 people since the beginning till your teamate actually get mid, it’s not worth it. not 2 mention most bunkers are too slow to rush far.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


I am more interested in how to squeeze out 200 points against a skilled premade team. They almost always seem to wipe pug and keep it under 80 points. It’s a guaranteed -1 point each time your MMR gets high enough to have you slotted for death.

ya ya !!!

scoring at least 200+ team points seems very, very impossible against very very good premade teams.

can we lower the score threshold to 100 team points instead?

most such blow out games end with 500 vs 80 + (less than 100, never over 200 +)

Please no, people will start adjusting their strats just to get to 100 points. We also want the leaderboards to be less grindy, so we don’t want to reward ‘playing good’ as much anymore. We need emphasis on wins.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
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Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Depending on the degree of mismatch, say a 5-man of high MMR against 5 solos playing class dailies, I could see “lowering the scoring bar” for the newbies to get a point for the match.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Most people do not understand how rotation works and go far randomly or don’t go far when they should.

Are you going far as an opening play and not looking at numbers at mid?
Are you going far as a low mobility class like ranger after capping home with a thief on the other team?
Are you going far as a bunker to fight the cele warrior/turret engi who’s on point?
Are you going far as a thief and fighting a 2v1 while one of your teammates sits on home?
Are you going far as a low mobility class after stomping 3 at mid ?
Do you go far as a Low mobility class when stalemated at mid?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, You don’t know how to rotate, and should stop going far, Here’s your sign.

Do you go far when your Team mates are being stomped as a High mobility class with escape mechanics?
Do you go far as a high mobility class(portal shadow step) When your team mates are winning mid/stalemated and leave after a decap to force one of the opponents to rotate?

Then you understand how rotations work.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: risenlord.2035


the whole stand on a point and bunk it isn’t very useful for your teammates. You should be rotating with them instead of them coming to you. Far decap is a disengage tactic for when you’ve been outplayed on home or mid, or when you’re trying to occupy a 2v1 to get a double cap. camping far the whole match isn’t very useful.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

aye i feel terrible. i enter ranked arena queue solo by myself and caused my team to lose.

it happened in the forest of animals map.

at the start of the match, i rushed far, tried to keep far neutral and contest it. got killed.

respawned, rushed far again, thinking the other team may not have someone guarding there, bad choice, their guardian is bunking far.

i thought i could kill their guardian or neutralize it with stomp launch plus pin down so i proceed to 1v1 the guardian. bad choice again. after quite some time their thief came back from mid after murdering my team mates and i was killed.

so after respawning, i saw home was contested, so i went there to help with the clean up, then i left home, not sure what i was thinking, but i ran to far again, but the guardian was there, i was thinking maybe i can steal their animal.

then i proceed to 1v1 svanir, then the guardian noticed, approached, was watching me, so i pulled svanir away, the guardian then try to engage, then i tried to disengage svanir and slip into far (mines) as i ’m using greatsword bow warrior. their guardian noticed my attempt and fell back quickly as well. then i tried to finish off svanir quickly but then their two thieves came together with their guardian and finished me off along with svanir.

so yeah … my team scored 400+ but i caused my team to lose.

so … don’t go far unless you are very good, or your opponents are not as good as you. regretful match of mine. my team mates were silent and did not comment much though. but i feel very bad even now.

i made many of mistakes highlighted in this topic just now.

must … not make the same mistakes again !!! T_T

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: st desnuss.5738

st desnuss.5738

aye i feel terrible. i enter ranked arena queue solo by myself and caused my team to lose.

it happened in the forest of animals map.

at the start of the match, i rushed far, tried to keep far neutral and contest it. got killed.

respawned, rushed far again, thinking the other team may not have someone guarding there, bad choice, their guardian is bunking far.

i thought i could kill their guardian or neutralize it with stomp launch plus pin down so i proceed to 1v1 the guardian. bad choice again. after quite some time their thief came back from mid after murdering my team mates and i was killed.

so after respawning, i saw home was contested, so i went there to help with the clean up, then i left home, not sure what i was thinking, but i ran to far again, but the guardian was there, i was thinking maybe i can steal their animal.

then i proceed to 1v1 svanir, then the guardian noticed, approached, was watching me, so i pulled svanir away, the guardian then try to engage, then i tried to disengage svanir and slip into far (mines) as i ’m using greatsword bow warrior. their guardian noticed my attempt and fell back quickly as well. then i tried to finish off svanir quickly but then their two thieves came together with their guardian and finished me off along with svanir.

so yeah … my team scored 400+ but i caused my team to lose.

so … don’t go far unless you are very good, or your opponents are not as good as you. regretful match of mine. my team mates were silent and did not comment much though. but i feel very bad even now.

i made many of mistakes highlighted in this topic just now.

must … not make the same mistakes again !!! T_T

Then “guys i was 2v1 the whole game and u can’t win other points, L2P NOOB” ^^

Ybobb [SmK]
Guard ~ EU

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


i play condition sw/sw LB warrior and I typically run straight to far to prevent the full cap. with 3800 armor and 1k healing power with lots of condi removal and dodges, I rarely die 1v1. in most cases I get the kill and the full cap, unless I am in a 1v2 which happens a lot. In a 1v2 my goal is to survive long enough that my team caps mid and home by being 4v3. Then someone rotates far to assist me, or I gtfo and defend our 2-cap.

it tends to work very well playing solo because if things go well at far I can get the kill and full cap and hold it for several minutes and end up with a starting score of like 100-0.

its a more 1v1 oriented build based on forcing enemy rotations rather than coordinating my own rotations. that’s why its’ good for pugging but maybe not such a good strategy in a coordinated match.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


Go far if you know you can decap it. otherwise don’t bother imo.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


imo solo teams 1 home 4 mid once you have mid work sides its just a safer plan and you can disengage and move anywhere in the map supporting whatever point you want a bit quicker. But to each their own.

Necromancer Main

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


if you’re playing solo it’s often dangerous to rely on winning a big team fight because you’ll usually have 1-2 noobs that rally everything you manage to get down.

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


if you’re playing solo it’s often dangerous to rely on winning a big team fight because you’ll usually have 1-2 noobs that rally everything you manage to get down.

idk I feel its more forgiving when its 4v4 then 1v1-3v3-1v1 for new players.

Necromancer Main

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


I trust them more in a teamfight than in rotating. Many players are somewhat mechanically skilled, but a lot of people aren’t that great on rotating/reinforcing/picking fights, etc (basically conquest)

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
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Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


it probably depends on your MMR. it always feels like as your MMR increases, instead of getting more skilled enemies, you simply get kittentier allies. (queueing solo i mean)

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I trust them more in a teamfight than in rotating. Many players are somewhat mechanically skilled, but a lot of people aren’t that great on rotating/reinforcing/picking fights, etc (basically conquest)

Its funny rotations something that should be easy is the hardest part of PvP LOL. Good rotations can make bad comps beat good comps thats just funny to me but it shows its not only about how high you can get your DPS numbers.

Necromancer Main

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Well it’s hard because it’s quite ‘subtle’. I think a lot of people don’t realize that they made a mistake conquest-wise.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Bunkering Far?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Well it’s hard because it’s quite ‘subtle’. I think a lot of people don’t realize that they made a mistake conquest-wise.

yeah, conquest is hard.

i made another mistake but this time i was playing together with 4 friends.

it was the forest of animals maps again.

our opponent was stronk, but somehow we just won a team fight at far (henge) and being a roamer, off i go, i thought about running to mid to decap it since scores were like 400 – 400

however, chieftain was available and should be safe to kill since we just wiped them at far (henge) but noooooo i just wanna go to mid to decap.

reached mid, their guard is bunking mid …

well i tried to 1 v 1 their guard …

he’s a zerk med guard with very stronk damage. i barely got away.

we lost that match with 460+

things may be a bit different if i went to kill chieftain instead of trying to go to mid to decap …

maths fail aye, i didn’t count the corpses.