Bunkers ruining game mode.

Bunkers ruining game mode.

in PvP

Posted by: JayAction.9056


Before anyone tries to diss my credibility, I’ve made it to Diamond as a zerk rev running a pve spec essentially.

Conquest has got to the point where its not even fun. Players are running so tanky that I, as a zerk rev with no defensive traits, don’t even have to worry about dying because i’m getting crit for less than 1k damage, but in return I’m not able to kill anything. I just got out of a match where there was literally no hope in killing anything, because enemy group sustain was just too high.

Tone down defensive cds on certain specs. Nobody should be able to just chain defensive cds back to back to back and not worry about even taking damage. Because when you add that with a moderate amount of toughness or a 100% defensive amulet it’s just cheese.

Why play pvp if the goal isn’t to kill other players?

At this point defenses are so over the top that you honestly don’t even need to have amulets with toughness or vitality. On rev for instance, just with cds you can chain 4-5 evades in a row, block, chain like 3 more evades, heal to full, and then in about 2-3 seconds u can do it all over again. And that’s just if u know how to rotate defensive cds, if u pick a tanky amulet too(and pick up some defensive traits) you can sustain for too great a period of time against two people running full damage specs. Please nerf this kitten.

(edited by JayAction.9056)

Bunkers ruining game mode.

in PvP

Posted by: jbondo.9817



Dusty Dawg

Bunkers ruining game mode.

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

The bunkers natural predator, Strong Pressure, has been CC’ed to death.

Typically a healthy combat design goes a bit like this, Bunkers -> Spikers -> Pressurers -> (repeats) Bunkers

In a battle of cooldowns you need a third man, bunker counters spike (or super high, super quick) damage with their own high, quick defense abilities. However, bunkers are vulnerable to pressure, since pressure doesn’t rely on cooldowns they can sustain themselves while applying unrecoverable damage to bunkers. This is where spikers becomes the predator to pressure, dealing quick, strong damage that pressures cannot recover from. Then it repeats with bunkers out sustaining spikers.

By this design no one play style can rain supreme, each play style has a weakness and even non-meta classes are still viable as by design they have a naturally designed strength against certain others.


What does this mean for Guild Wars 2 PvP design? IT MEANS IT’S SIX GOD CLUSTERkitten OF A MESS