Buying locked PvP runes? buying PvE runes?
5g for a certain Rune but you search it up and you can get the same one from a Vendor with enough Ley-line and 2g. If i buy the PvE rune, does it unlock it for pvp also? or do i really have to buy that locked PvP rune just to use in PvP only?
You do have to buy the PvP version to use it in PvP. Because it’s just that, a version.
In PvE, you buy 1 rune that goes on 1 piece of armor. To get all six effects, you need to buy 6 of the rune and apply it to 6 equipped pieces of armor. So your 2g becomes 12g.
In PvP, you buy the rune once for the PvP build and you get all six effects when you equip it via the build panel. Not a bad deal for the more expensive runes.
Thank you so much for answering very informational, much appreciated. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t the same as Gw1, back then getting anything unlocked in PvE made it accessible in PvP.
I’m just gonna buy the rune I want in PvP. Thanks.