(edited by Mrbig.8019)
Bye bye solo q
becuz they trying to make this esports…kitten the solo player
Also had a full solo vs full premade game earlier. Not fun. The game after that was 1-1-1-2 vs that same premade. It gets boring after a while.
they obviously have made their choice. get a team or stop playing pvp. if your goal is to shrink not grow the community then they made the right choice…all though a dumb one.
and i dont see why it would be hard to make it so no more than 2 solo players go against a full premade. or make unranked 3 player or less queue.
as a mainly soloq player, i dont care about the leaderboard i just want competitive games.
but oh well, lots new games coming out over the next year.
Bring PPK back to WvW!!!
I quitted pvp already. now pvp is for just people who like to grind and farming. Not that much personal micro & skill is required to get to higher position of leaderboard but you just grind all 24 hours just like Lexiceta.4156 did. I would go play wvw or different game though. Anet kitten their game themselves, who care? it is just like parent told child to do something. I even feel people who play for this grinding arena are idiots unless they are casual players though, GG
(edited by Kitt.2567)
Yup.. Some pretty nasty matches even with the group of friends I usually run with who I’m pretty sure are much lower MMR than me. We don’t play seriously like, to improve improve improve - I’d like to but I can’t find any people who are of the same mindset and reasonably active - they just like to play for fun, somewhat organised. The opponents we were getting were quite good, which is ideally a good thing, except with even one person in our team not very experienced in PvP, it feels like the game is being thrown.
Now I’m trying to queue solo... Get put with a 4-man party against a 5-man party. Sounds good, except the guys I was with had no communication, the zerg mindset - they did try when I pointed out not to zerg close and feed points - but they clearly had never fought people that good before. Our team also had the better comp - the other side had 3 rangers an ele and a necro. It was the classic "where are you guys?" "I’m suddenly 3v1 no matter which direction I go?" "their bunkers have the freedom to just follow me around the map?" It’s really not enjoyable at all. I’d love to be able to play with people at the same rating as me, I really would love to play competitively with people who know their class, roles and strategies, but I don’t have that luxury because I can’t find people of that likeness to team up with. I was looking forward to this, but now it’s just horrible. I feel punished for liking this game and wanting to do what the devs themselves want us to do. Trying to work up the scoreboard is also something I’d like to do because it’s something to aim for, and I wouldn’t mind trying to earn some of those rewards. But with these matches... I can’t even do that.
Actually just spam solo queue until you murder your MMR into the ground and face less skilled individuals than you, where on the team vs team basis it’s relatively even. Here goes...
I have q’d 6 games solo from about ~5:30PM EST to ~7EST and had a very good experience with all of them. The first few games the other teams seemed a bit lower skill tier(not horrible though)and the last few were very close and competitive with equally skilled players on both sides. I am happy with it so far, a little under two minute q times and fairly even matches with a nice balance of team comp on both sides. Seems fine to me… maybe I just lucked out?
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST
How do you know you were up against premades? I just got accused of being in a premade even though everyone on my team was a solo Q.
On the score screen, you can right click on each name as a solo Q and see if you get the option to “join group” or “invite to party”. If it says join, that person is on a group.
I dislike that some people think they are up against premades and blame the system. It’s hard to keep track of how often this is really happening.
How do you know you were up against premades? I just got accused of being in a premade even though everyone on my team was a solo Q.
On the score screen, you can right click on each name as a solo Q and see if you get the option to “join group” or “invite to party”. If it says join, that person is on a group.
I dislike that some people think they are up against premades and blame the system. It’s hard to keep track of how often this is really happening.
Cuz i know them.
RIP solo queue, i will also miss you. pvp is just not as fun anymore =(
they do not seem to be willing to split a 5man vs 5 man only or even a 4man premade vs soloers due to population issues, all u need to do is group up all time and never solo— > u can go top 25….
as a solo player i dont want to face 2,3,4,5 man premades at all. i want a queue for all solo players.
Right now I’m strictly solo and currently rank 40 in leaderboards, the start was rough but I think it’s fine. Granted the leaderboards just started and getting that isn’t exactly difficult.
Right now I’m strictly solo and currently rank 40 in leaderboards, the start was rough but I think it’s fine. Granted the leaderboards just started and getting that isn’t exactly difficult.
I agree with Chase. Give the boards some time to even out a little. With that said, I think it will be harder for soloq players to maintain a high rank or get to a high rank unless people start working together.
We are at a slight disadvantage where you could have a team comp. that is expected to win but because no one is willing to communicate they will lose and lose points on the board.
New L2P for soloq players: either team up or be willing to communicate with others you don’t know about what is happening in the game.
Since the new patch the matches seem to be the same quality as before all the changes, even as a soloQer.
Done 5 matches so far soloQing, all 5 were against premades. This is pretty fun, jk.
Since the new patch the matches seem to be the same quality as before all the changes, even as a soloQer.
You, and everyone stating the same thing are out of ya’ll’s minds lol. I, and a lot of the people I talk to are getting straight kitten d in both Unranked and Ranked. My games are generally the same. I’m either on the team that has a premade ( -1 or 2 ) and wins, or on a team that is composed of SoloQ’ers like myself. So far, all have been losses/wins by landslides.
Got stomped by the same premade 3 times in a row on my EU account. 1-1-1-1-1 or 2-1-1-1 on my side every time. WTB premade repellent!
I quit too because solo queue is a joke. Its less playing vs premades and more having total randoms on your team when it insta pops.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I hope they add solo queue again.
Yep, 99% of my games have been against premades still, why is this a thing?
Can’t wait to see how the q gets fixed without solo players.
It’s not just SoloQ, the whole MMR and matchmaking system at the moment simply does not work properly.
Like I said in another post, my MMR is decent but I have only played around 85 matches of sPvP and yet the other game I was against CM where they were in a 3 man party and I was running duo with my friend of similar MMR.
I then went into a match yesterday with a Warrior running banners and just auto attacking things with his hammer, against a team of full rank 70s+
I enjoy sPvP at its core but the matchmaking system really needs fixing quite desperately.
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]
Going solo is now impossible.
If you’re at any half decent MMR ( mind, n ot rank) you get paired with full high rated teams ( no, i’m not talking about bad teams)
had 3 premades ( baddies) first 3 matches, stomped them with randoms.
Next 3 matches, old top 100 teams ( got AFK twice in a row).
So if you’re any decent, bye bye solo q.
NOOOOO don’t give up i know you can do it, perseverance is the key, you must keep on keeping on !
Tried to get my daily engineer win yday so i queued up for unranked arena. After 5 min of waiting I was put in a team of solo players against 4 man premade with 1 solo and the match ended 500-0 thanks to 2 people going afk in my team after the initial push.
Was the best fun I had in pvp ever! /s
Going solo is now impossible.
If you’re at any half decent MMR ( mind, n ot rank) you get paired with full high rated teams ( no, i’m not talking about bad teams)
had 3 premades ( baddies) first 3 matches, stomped them with randoms.
Next 3 matches, old top 100 teams ( got AFK twice in a row).
So if you’re any decent, bye bye solo q.
NOOOOO don’t give up i know you can do it, perseverance is the key, you must keep on keeping on !
lel i’m keeping on, it’s not like i care about it.
Just annoying to see my W/L ratio affected by totally loopsided matches.
Whatever, W/L ratio doesn’t even matter anymore, nothing really matters now tbh.
The new daily design with class specific wins is not going to help the overall experience either. All the dailies should be big picture objectives such as cap/defend node, win a match or two with any class, rally 5 team members, gain X amount of rank points, do 100k damage to other players, etc. All it would have taken in that meeting with the daily changes is a tad bit of critical thinking for somebody to say, “Guys I think putting in dailies that require people to play a specific class is a bad idea, because it will probably contribute to poorer matchmaking which is what we are trying to change. Instead lets do this ____________”.
Even the cap/defend node daily could be considered bad if people change the way the would otherwise play a match just for the sake of completing a daily, but one shouldn’t be too hard to get in a match.
(edited by Kuju.2153)
Since the new patch the matches seem to be the same quality as before all the changes, even as a soloQer.
You, and everyone stating the same thing are out of ya’ll’s minds lol. I, and a lot of the people I talk to are getting straight kitten d in both Unranked and Ranked. My games are generally the same. I’m either on the team that has a premade ( -1 or 2 ) and wins, or on a team that is composed of SoloQ’ers like myself. So far, all have been losses/wins by landslides.
Thank you for your sharing your subjective experience while giving your subjective opinion on my subjective experience.
I have 8 ranked matches so far, only 2 have been landslides, which isn’t far off from where it used to be. Like I mentioned, since the 12/16 patch, it seems to be alright so far, but it’s only been a day. Before that I was having a hard time against premades and whatnot too, or getting players that triple capped points on my team, but so far it seems alright.
i had a couple of landslides and a couple of really close matches.
one of the landslides tho we had someone leave for like 4-5min and then come back (not afk but actually logged out). so i cant really blame that on anet.
Bring PPK back to WvW!!!
hey man my experience has been exactly the same. ive been getting stomped since the patch hit. I had a pretty good MMR (I think) going in, and now I keep getting grouped with soloers running weird builds and dying instantly. I think im 2-8 now…my game hasn’t changed, but my teammates’ skill level has it seems
Nope solo que is just fine.
Que’d solo 3 games, nothing but solo que’ers in the game.
However, that matchmaking… Still broke.
Shouldn’t be games won by over 250, pretty much means it was a bad game. Games should be ending 325 to 500 at least, anything less than 250 is unacceptable.
3 games, 3 unacceptable games due to bad matchups. Not due to playing against premade.
Btw, that guy on the last screenshot ‘full kittens on this team’. Pretty much haha, I be getting pounded 1v2 all game and the rest of my team go zerg mode at home. Than they’d keep targeting the bunker guardian instead of the necro or try and kill that evasion thief rather than aiming for necro. Why they try to kill hard things is beyond me.
Than they’d lose to that Mesmer 1v1, I wooped his butt every single 1v1. That thief and necro tho, lucky they played as a team to save each other from my wooping.
I just play the game to woop people now, already expect gw2 matchmaking crappy. It’s been so bad for so long, its just the norm to me now. Not getting proper updates has become the norm for me too (pvp build template promised who knows how long ago). If you see me in game, prepare to get a wooping.
But ya, that matchmaking terrible. Crap games. All single sided games.
hey man my experience has been exactly the same. ive been getting stomped since the patch hit. I had a pretty good MMR (I think) going in, and now I keep getting grouped with soloers running weird builds and dying instantly. I think im 2-8 now…my game hasn’t changed, but my teammates’ skill level has it seems
Have to agree. Just started with playing today and lost the 1st match, 2nd, 3th..
now i’ve won my first match today, yeahj!
i’m something about 1-13. before 16th. i was ranked 100-300 depends on my activity and that was really fun because matches were nice and i meet alot of people who are top10 and also played them.
now i’ve to play with players who are just running around without capping close at the beginning or a team who caps free pts with 4 people just to get the capture points.
no fun.
+ only soloers
+ good maps