Can anyone explain? wtf?

Can anyone explain? wtf?

in PvP

Posted by: Glael.7643


How is it possible that it says I won 99 matches but on the other side just 96?
wtf is this? did 3 matches just not count?
Or do unranked matches not count there (which would be logical) but then again I only played 2 matches unranked since the season started and not 3…
I don’t understand this….


main necro,thief
nerf thief, nerf it all

Can anyone explain? wtf?

in PvP

Posted by: Spoichiche.1290


I think it has to do with dc.
When you lose and a team mate was dc for at least 3min, it is not registerd as a loss but a ‘forfeit’ in the system.
Same thing if you win when an enemy was dc for at least 3min, it doesn’t register as a win but as a ‘bye’.
The system never really show it but there are 5 different outcomes for a match : victory, defeat, desertion (when you get dced), bye and forfeit.

I guess the matches won on the left pannel take into account both wins and byes, and the right panel only the wins or something like that.

Can anyone explain? wtf?

in PvP

Posted by: Justine.6351


yes pretty sure DC or something. I have mine off aswell. When I finished doing placement matches I only had 9 on the score board.

Can anyone explain? wtf?

in PvP

Posted by: Glael.7643


wouldn’t be fair actually since I also lost points when someone dc’ed :/
also another thing I thought they wanted to fix but apparently didn’t.

main necro,thief
nerf thief, nerf it all