Can we finally nerf revenant plz

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


If i remember correct thief wins not a single 1v1, can t stand on point. Rev has the same role of +1 and decap but can even stay outnumbered for sometime cause has more blocks, invul and armor. Basically it should be a choice if u run thief or rev but currently there is no chance for running thief instead of revenant and that should be a sign maybe.

As a Thief main and Rev alt, I agree. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to reroll Rev instead of play Thief. It’s sad.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Crimson Shi.5047

Crimson Shi.5047

Gonna toss my opinion up in dis here thread, and say that double healing is wrong just by switching to a different stance. If only the other classes could be allowed two skill bars, and gain the benefits of a double heal also. Also being allowed to have your heal skill while rezzing your opponent is just silly. You don’t see DH’s have a trap heal cast under them when they rez, or a nec consume conditions while rezzing. With the removal of fast stomping it’s verrrrrrrrrrrry difficult. You can CC the rev for sure, not saying that is not a viable tactic but you’re still helping him with his sustain as all damage suffered is still healing them, no other class has this type of passing rezzing. Even if you look at all the ressing traits, none of them use something akin to theirhealing skill to do it.

The final tweak of course is staff 5, not sure why this skill can still push you back despite stability, you can’t even hit them in mid animation because it count as an evade. The overall damage wise though is pretty strong but is no different to me then when warriors used skull bash on you into 100 blades. Or a thief using devourer/bassi venom to lock you down into a pistol whip. Yes they are not “meta” classes but I’m just saying the crazy dps combo that Rev can is basically to me in the same context ^^.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Patrick.2987


With the survivability of the mentioned classes sure the damage is fine. In it s current state of survivability it isn t

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Amineo.8951


Seriously, if you see a Rev, just tell your team mates to spam CC and condis on it, it will die faster than a Thief because there’s no way to get out of it even with the Shiro dodge. If you take out the Rev in a team fight, the rest is easy stuff.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Patrick.2987


Yep rev dies faster than thief. That is why we see thiefes everywhere.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Amineo.8951


Yep rev dies faster than thief. That is why we see thiefes everywhere.

With all the condi burst going on at later divisions, yes it is, I can’t survive Mesmer and Necros focusing me.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Staff 5 doesn’t bypass stability and even if it did stability needs counterplay somewhere but that should be with some warrior procs (like popping a sigil that gives 5 seconds of bypassing stability, would be great for hammer and sword or mace + shield warriors) so warrior can get back into the game.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


If i remember correct thief wins not a single 1v1, can t stand on point. Rev has the same role of +1 and decap but can even stay outnumbered for sometime cause has more blocks, invul and armor. Basically it should be a choice if u run thief or rev but currently there is no chance for running thief instead of revenant and that should be a sign maybe.

As a Thief main and Rev alt, I agree. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to reroll Rev instead of play Thief. It’s sad.

^^so much this

Anet explanation behind consistent nerfs that lead thief to state of squishy ranger pet (thief can’t 1v1 anyone but serves as decap/+1 pet for team) were that thief has mobility and burst dmg for +1. Well rev has it all on top of amazing sustain. Did Anet throw their own logic out of window when making rev? Where is developer integrity in this?

Yep rev dies faster than thief. That is why we see thiefes everywhere.

With all the condi burst going on at later divisions, yes it is, I can’t survive Mesmer and Necros focusing me.

You are not going to live long as thief if condi chrono and necro are focusing you either. The reason why you don’t die as much as thief is because you almost never engage team fights on first place (nor should, since any random sneeze that is not even meant for you will instagib your thief).

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Gonna toss my opinion up in dis here thread, and say that double healing is wrong just by switching to a different stance. If only the other classes could be allowed two skill bars, and gain the benefits of a double heal also. Also being allowed to have your heal skill while rezzing your opponent is just silly. You don’t see DH’s have a trap heal cast under them when they rez, or a nec consume conditions while rezzing. With the removal of fast stomping it’s verrrrrrrrrrrry difficult. You can CC the rev for sure, not saying that is not a viable tactic but you’re still helping him with his sustain as all damage suffered is still healing them, no other class has this type of passing rezzing. Even if you look at all the ressing traits, none of them use something akin to theirhealing skill to do it.

The final tweak of course is staff 5, not sure why this skill can still push you back despite stability, you can’t even hit them in mid animation because it count as an evade. The overall damage wise though is pretty strong but is no different to me then when warriors used skull bash on you into 100 blades. Or a thief using devourer/bassi venom to lock you down into a pistol whip. Yes they are not “meta” classes but I’m just saying the crazy dps combo that Rev can is basically to me in the same context ^^.

I completely agree that rev has some broken mechanics but only when its compared to theif, warrior and DH.

Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

I can do the same thing with engy, it has double heal, double mini form, great condi cleansing, perma stability and amazing boon reapplication. With hammer it gets reflects, team AOE blocks and probaly the 2nd best rezzing class in the game.

Rev isnt op compared to engy

Necromancer can dps and do condi dmg. Also many of its skills are offensive passive. People complained about warriors defensive passive skills. Here the necro takes boons away like resistance,(killed condi rev and warrior) made chill able to dps,(kills thief) thats not including the ability to take condi and give it back to you on crit.

rev doesnt need a nerf when it comes to necro.

OP questions my logic but you cant nerf something when its simply not the best at anything. Rev is on par with the other elite classes atm.

For years its been this way, pew pew ranger was the only viable ranger class for 2-3 years and it struggled against thieves and mesmers on off point fights. Bunker ranger wasnt as good as any ele build, bunker guardian or shoutbow warrior.

Only a few players could use a necro in high level play. Seriously like 2-4 players even used necro before HOT for AG/ESL level play.

There has always been a bottom feeding class. It was ranger,necro,mesmer before and now its simply warriors, thieves, gaurdians turn until anet learns what build diversity is and balance.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

Yes if we would remove warrior, dh and thief , revenant would be still op.
Rev would still dominate the dmg-bruiser-role completly
Rev would still have laughable broken skills and traits
Rev would still hit too hard as a damage class
Rev would still be too versatile with an offensive amulet

#make other dmg-classes great again # vote rev nerf

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Malchior.5732


Ok, guys and gals.
The Herald does need some nerfs and changes. However, we can say the same for most of the elite specs. Druid, Tempest, Scrapper, and even Dragonhunter all need some nerfs and changes in some way. Some more than others. Stop ignoring that fact.

The Herald is also NOT the main culprit for certain classes being left out. It is a symptom, not the cause. Thief and Warrior simply CANNOT stay in these chaotic, post-HoT team fights to deliver their damage (at least not easily) while the Herald is pretty much designed for it (Auramancer healing helps a ton too). Thief and Warrior both have advantages over the Herald, but those advantages simply don’t matter much in Conquest right now. Dragonhunter mostly relies on gimmicky damage and their job gets MUCH more difficult as soon as a Tempest joins the fight (notice how it’s not the Herald’s fault?).
It’s not the Herald that’s pushing them out; it’s the environment created by the other elite specs in unison that is pushing them out.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

Yes if we would remove warrior, dh and thief , revenant would be still op.
Rev would still dominate the dmg-bruiser-role completly
Rev would still have laughable broken skills and traits
Rev would still hit too hard as a damage class
Rev would still be too versatile with an offensive amulet

#make other dmg-classes great again # vote rev nerf

After reading that last post…

Uh yeah just what I guessed, OP was and is still basically just crying for mindless nerfs. “Gawd Rev just killed me on my fav class, most be OP so plz nerf! There’s no way it was my fault cause I’m a top world player, so don’t ever tell me to git gud!” Just like 90% of the people who just come here to complain.

And not only that, but whenever someone mentions the option of nerfing EVERYTHING at the same time there’s still some people who keep basically hating on just Rev, same thing on threads for different classes.

Biased much


This person gets it!, thank god there’s still some people with sense here.

Ok, guys and gals.
The Herald does need some nerfs and changes. However, we can say the same for most of the elite specs. Druid, Tempest, Scrapper, and even Dragonhunter all need some nerfs and changes in some way. Some more than others. Stop ignoring that fact.

The Herald is also NOT the main culprit for certain classes being left out. It is a symptom, not the cause. Thief and Warrior simply CANNOT stay in these chaotic, post-HoT team fights to deliver their damage (at least not easily) while the Herald is pretty much designed for it (Auramancer healing helps a ton too). Thief and Warrior both have advantages over the Herald, but those advantages simply don’t matter much in Conquest right now. Dragonhunter mostly relies on gimmicky damage and their job gets MUCH more difficult as soon as a Tempest joins the fight (notice how it’s not the Herald’s fault?).
It’s not the Herald that’s pushing them out; it’s the environment created by the other elite specs in unison that is pushing them out.

Stella Truth Seeker

(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Crimson Shi.5047

Crimson Shi.5047

Gonna toss my opinion up in dis here thread, and say that double healing is wrong just by switching to a different stance. If only the other classes could be allowed two skill bars, and gain the benefits of a double heal also. Also being allowed to have your heal skill while rezzing your opponent is just silly. You don’t see DH’s have a trap heal cast under them when they rez, or a nec consume conditions while rezzing. With the removal of fast stomping it’s verrrrrrrrrrrry difficult. You can CC the rev for sure, not saying that is not a viable tactic but you’re still helping him with his sustain as all damage suffered is still healing them, no other class has this type of passing rezzing. Even if you look at all the ressing traits, none of them use something akin to theirhealing skill to do it.

The final tweak of course is staff 5, not sure why this skill can still push you back despite stability, you can’t even hit them in mid animation because it count as an evade. The overall damage wise though is pretty strong but is no different to me then when warriors used skull bash on you into 100 blades. Or a thief using devourer/bassi venom to lock you down into a pistol whip. Yes they are not “meta” classes but I’m just saying the crazy dps combo that Rev can is basically to me in the same context ^^.

I completely agree that rev has some broken mechanics but only when its compared to theif, warrior and DH.

Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

I can do the same thing with engy, it has double heal, double mini form, great condi cleansing, perma stability and amazing boon reapplication. With hammer it gets reflects, team AOE blocks and probaly the 2nd best rezzing class in the game.

Rev isnt op compared to engy

Necromancer can dps and do condi dmg. Also many of its skills are offensive passive. People complained about warriors defensive passive skills. Here the necro takes boons away like resistance,(killed condi rev and warrior) made chill able to dps,(kills thief) thats not including the ability to take condi and give it back to you on crit.

rev doesnt need a nerf when it comes to necro.

OP questions my logic but you cant nerf something when its simply not the best at anything. Rev is on par with the other elite classes atm.

For years its been this way, pew pew ranger was the only viable ranger class for 2-3 years and it struggled against thieves and mesmers on off point fights. Bunker ranger wasnt as good as any ele build, bunker guardian or shoutbow warrior.

Only a few players could use a necro in high level play. Seriously like 2-4 players even used necro before HOT for AG/ESL level play.

There has always been a bottom feeding class. It was ranger,necro,mesmer before and now its simply warriors, thieves, gaurdians turn until anet learns what build diversity is and balance.

Oh I was saying the dps is okay, some people on here are like … omg damage is op from Rev. But was just highlighting that the crazy dps combo is possible with all classes with proper build, and setup. Just the passive rezzing, and double healing I felt was silly. Engi triple combo evade into blast finisher from his own water field is definitely ghey though. But only highlighted Rev tweaking. Yes while most people cry this or that is op, alot of people generally don’t look across the whole scenario. Not to mention any nerfs that get implemented affect pve too like it or not. But people have knee jerk reactions to things that seem to them impossible to defeat.

Hint People: Adapt or die

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Gonna toss my opinion up in dis here thread, and say that double healing is wrong just by switching to a different stance. If only the other classes could be allowed two skill bars, and gain the benefits of a double heal also. Also being allowed to have your heal skill while rezzing your opponent is just silly. You don’t see DH’s have a trap heal cast under them when they rez, or a nec consume conditions while rezzing. With the removal of fast stomping it’s verrrrrrrrrrrry difficult. You can CC the rev for sure, not saying that is not a viable tactic but you’re still helping him with his sustain as all damage suffered is still healing them, no other class has this type of passing rezzing. Even if you look at all the ressing traits, none of them use something akin to theirhealing skill to do it.

The final tweak of course is staff 5, not sure why this skill can still push you back despite stability, you can’t even hit them in mid animation because it count as an evade. The overall damage wise though is pretty strong but is no different to me then when warriors used skull bash on you into 100 blades. Or a thief using devourer/bassi venom to lock you down into a pistol whip. Yes they are not “meta” classes but I’m just saying the crazy dps combo that Rev can is basically to me in the same context ^^.

I completely agree that rev has some broken mechanics but only when its compared to theif, warrior and DH.

Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

I can do the same thing with engy, it has double heal, double mini form, great condi cleansing, perma stability and amazing boon reapplication. With hammer it gets reflects, team AOE blocks and probaly the 2nd best rezzing class in the game.

Rev isnt op compared to engy

Necromancer can dps and do condi dmg. Also many of its skills are offensive passive. People complained about warriors defensive passive skills. Here the necro takes boons away like resistance,(killed condi rev and warrior) made chill able to dps,(kills thief) thats not including the ability to take condi and give it back to you on crit.

rev doesnt need a nerf when it comes to necro.

OP questions my logic but you cant nerf something when its simply not the best at anything. Rev is on par with the other elite classes atm.

For years its been this way, pew pew ranger was the only viable ranger class for 2-3 years and it struggled against thieves and mesmers on off point fights. Bunker ranger wasnt as good as any ele build, bunker guardian or shoutbow warrior.

Only a few players could use a necro in high level play. Seriously like 2-4 players even used necro before HOT for AG/ESL level play.

There has always been a bottom feeding class. It was ranger,necro,mesmer before and now its simply warriors, thieves, gaurdians turn until anet learns what build diversity is and balance.

Not to mention any nerfs that get implemented affect pve too like it or not.

Which is exactly why anet needs to start balancing PvP separate from PvE. Not sure why they didn’t do this from the start like people have been wanting and asking for years.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

Yes if we would remove warrior, dh and thief , revenant would be still op.
Rev would still dominate the dmg-bruiser-role completly
Rev would still have laughable broken skills and traits
Rev would still hit too hard as a damage class
Rev would still be too versatile with an offensive amulet

#make other dmg-classes great again # vote rev nerf

After reading that last post…

Uh yeah just what I guessed, OP was and is still basically just crying for mindless nerfs. “Gawd Rev just killed me on my fav class, most be OP so plz nerf! There’s no way it was my fault cause I’m a top world player, so don’t ever tell me to git gud!” Just like 90% of the people who just come here to complain.

And not only that, but whenever someone mentions the option of nerfing EVERYTHING at the same time there’s still some people who keep basically hating on just Rev, same thing on threads for different classes.

Biased much

Where did I actually write that I got killed against revenant on my fav class?
I’m not complaining about losing 1v1s – I’m complaining that the revenant is too strong in the current state of pvp in general.
It’s a fact that the revenant dominates the complete dmg-bruiser-role and it’s a fact that the revenant is the only class with an offensive amulet which is so versatile like no other class. You also don’t have to be that experienced in pvp to see that sword 2 and staff 5 is entirely broken for example.

And congratulations for being just another one who didn’t read properly. I never said that I think that revenant is the only class which deserves a nerf currently. But I said 1000 of times that this thread is about revenant and not about whether the scrapper, the reaper or the paragon from gw1 also needs to get nerfed.

If something is mindless, it is your post.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Adapt or die, let anet balance their game as they see fit.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

Yes if we would remove warrior, dh and thief , revenant would be still op.
Rev would still dominate the dmg-bruiser-role completly
Rev would still have laughable broken skills and traits
Rev would still hit too hard as a damage class
Rev would still be too versatile with an offensive amulet

#make other dmg-classes great again # vote rev nerf

After reading that last post…

Uh yeah just what I guessed, OP was and is still basically just crying for mindless nerfs. “Gawd Rev just killed me on my fav class, most be OP so plz nerf! There’s no way it was my fault cause I’m a top world player, so don’t ever tell me to git gud!” Just like 90% of the people who just come here to complain.

And not only that, but whenever someone mentions the option of nerfing EVERYTHING at the same time there’s still some people who keep basically hating on just Rev, same thing on threads for different classes.

Biased much

Where did I actually write that I got killed against revenant on my fav class?
I’m not complaining about losing 1v1s – I’m complaining that the revenant is too strong in the current state of pvp in general.
It’s a fact that the revenant dominates the complete dmg-bruiser-role and it’s a fact that the revenant is the only class with an offensive amulet which is so versatile like no other class. You also don’t have to be that experienced in pvp to see that sword 2 and staff 5 is entirely broken for example.

And congratulations for being just another one who didn’t read properly. I never said that I think that revenant is the only class which deserves a nerf currently. But I said 1000 of times that this thread is about revenant and not about whether the scrapper, the reaper or the paragon from gw1 also needs to get nerfed.

If something is mindless, it is your post.

Each role in the game will be always be dominated by one profession

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: AivenPrimus.9184


Anet should really close this topic,
Since OP does nothing but keep on repeating same pointless non-argumented statement.

Specifically asking for Revenant nerf is simply a selfish attitude, since every single Elite spec is way more powerful than base specs.

Do tell me when was the last time you saw a person play without Elite spec?
Every Elite spec is just as guilty of being ’’imbalanced’’.
And putting some of them together is what causes your stupid obsession with ’’nerfing’’ something.
Revenants are versatile, sure … but any half-decent person can deal with them, or wouldnt bother with them at all.

Everything about Revenants are predictable and readable.
If you cant be smart enough to pay attention and play around it, then dont bother asking for anything.

Not even once in my League matches there have been ’’bunch’’ of Revenants.
S1 was swarmed with Mesmers,
S2 is swarmed with Necros,
And not once I felt the need for them to be in my team.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Patrick.2987


If no class stacking would be allowed team comp would be sth like 2 ele, 3 rev, maybe replace 1 rev by scrapper, nec or mes. Rev is just the top of things need a nerf. While reaper and druid (dunno why druid) already had a slight nerf, the even stronger classes seen none. That does not mean that necro does not need more slight nerfs but leaving rev and scrapper untouched is stupid. If u want to have a class having engi sustain and thief dmg, make it slow and able to be focused like reaper.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


Adapt or die, let anet balance their game as they see fit.

The only thing which is worse than anets balance atm is this sentence.

Anet should really close this topic,
Since OP does nothing but keep on repeating same pointless non-argumented statement.

Specifically asking for Revenant nerf is simply a selfish attitude, since every single Elite spec is way more powerful than base specs.

At least I do bring arguments. While the others are saying sth like.
" I agree revenant is op but pls don’t nerf it because reaper and scrapper is also op"

It’s like saying in your judgement pls don’t punish me for stealing because a lot of people are stealing and someone even stole more than me.


Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Loop.8106


REVS HAVE NO STAB, hence the high skillcap!

Hehe, what? You mean except for everytime they dodge? Which is, like alot due ot riposting shadows giving a free dodge?

Optimise [OP]

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Themistokles.1238


I have read all here. Its funny like hell. First of all to OP. You dont want that anyone complains about the fact that Rev is only one of the OP Classes. But on the other side, you complained about Rev being stronger then other classes in the DPS Role.

If nobody is allowed to compare rev to the other op classes why compare him to the lower classes.

Now my opinion as a main rev. Yes. Rev is overtuned. Yeah, great damage options, great sustain and great mobility.
Does he need high Damage? = Yes (Aslong Tempest, Scrapper and Reaper are like they are.)
Should he be able to hold points? = Not as long as he can at the moment.
Does he need the mobility? = Ofcourse. If we cut down the mobility then we cant play a class besides Thief in that Role.
All the passive Procs are an Issue.

But tbh. We cant talk seriously about Nerfs without having a look at all the facets. That includes also other classes.
Sorry op but only “nerf Rev!” is not the way to go.

5 sec int. Cooldown on Dodge-Stab. Just to know ;-P

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


I have read all here. Its funny like hell. First of all to OP. You dont want that anyone complains about the fact that Rev is only one of the OP Classes. But on the other side, you complained about Rev being stronger then other classes in the DPS Role.

If nobody is allowed to compare rev to the other op classes why compare him to the lower classes.

Saying revenant which is too strong would be fine and shouldn’t get nerfed because other classes like scrapper and reaper are also too strong is just the most invalid argument I’ve read in the whole Gw2-forum. I don’t deny that those classes also need nerfs – I NEVER DID – but I opened a thread about revenant and not about revenant, scrapper and reaper.
Therefore we are talking about the revenant balance and I’m saying that revenant is too strong. Even the strongest dmg-bruiser we ever had in the game history and this should be changed.

The counter-argument most of you guys brought yet is the following:
scrapper is fine because revenant is op, revenant is fine because reaper is op and reaper is fine because scrapper is op.

People are just unable to read and think I would say everything is balanced except revenant – I don’t like it – pls nerf it.

And then people wonder why I have to repeat myself thousand of times

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Themistokles.1238


I get your point. And you are right. Rev is too strong. But only compared to the weaker classes and not compared to the stronger classes. thats why people continue to bring that argument. and they are also right. if you want to discuss about rev and possible nerfs then you have to allow people to bring that argument.

Would it help to just nerf rev? = No
Would it help to bring all classes in Line? = Ofcourse

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Adapt or die, let anet balance their game as they see fit.

The only thing which is worse than anets balance atm is this sentence.

Anet should really close this topic,
Since OP does nothing but keep on repeating same pointless non-argumented statement.

Specifically asking for Revenant nerf is simply a selfish attitude, since every single Elite spec is way more powerful than base specs.

At least I do bring arguments. While the others are saying sth like.
" I agree revenant is op but pls don’t nerf it because reaper and scrapper is also op"

It’s like saying in your judgement pls don’t punish me for stealing because a lot of people are stealing and someone even stole more than me.


Just to jump on this one, Noone explicitly mentioned those words, the consensus is you can’t ask for a rev nerf when scrapper/ reaper are OPER than them; it’s selfish.

Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them. Dude, it’s pretty clear you have a vendetta against revs, hence this thread. But like everyone has been saying, unless the grand offenders scrapper/ reaper get tone down a bit, revs do not NEED to be nerfed. Perhaps having a bunker meta 2.0 is your aim??

If I may, like someone pointed above, one class is always going to powerful than the other in each category, the gaps between the classes is what need to be fixed.

E.g. dps wise Revs are stronger than DH which in turn are stronger than thieve’s and warriors but this doesn’t mean that REVS are overall better than DH or thieves ( don’t have to go into warriors since they are better than us at everything). Dps aside, the disparities between revs and 5 hives is about 5 to 8 %. Although, thieves lack revs dps, they can still decap, fi is someone out of the blue. They have insane mobility, can pretty much 1 vs 1 with almost everyone, have crazy survavility since they can always retreat from fights.

The same could be said about DH, I’ll say the difference between those two are about 10%, etc…

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


No it’s not selfish. Overpowered is overpowered.

Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them.

And this exactly the point where your logic is lacking

Grimkram [sS]

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Question, does the rev need a nerf if warrior, thief and DH are not in the game? If we completely got rid of those 3 classes does rev need a nerf?

Yes if we would remove warrior, dh and thief , revenant would be still op.
Rev would still dominate the dmg-bruiser-role completly

…what other class you’d want to see in that role, then? Not every class can fit every role.

Rev would still hit too hard as a damage class

If it had lower dps than it has, it would be completely useless.

Rev would still be too versatile with an offensive amulet

Pure offensive amulet rev dies so fast it’s not even funny.

#make other dmg-classes great again # vote rev nerf

So, what you really want? Make other dmg classes great, or nerf rev? Because, you know, even if you nerf rev now, it will not make the other contenders for the bruiser spot viable.

Saying revenant which is too strong would be fine and shouldn’t get nerfed because other classes like scrapper and reaper are also too strong is just the most invalid argument I’ve read in the whole Gw2-forum. I don’t deny that those classes also need nerfs – I NEVER DID – but I opened a thread about revenant and not about revenant, scrapper and reaper.

And that’s the problem – because the current meta doesn’t allow for balancing the classes separately. You need to consider the whole picture, or whatever you might try will only bring even more unbalance than already exists.

No it’s not selfish. Overpowered is overpowered.

That depends on the point of comparison. Rev is OP only compared to the past years. It is not OP in the current meta however, it’s just that every top class is currently ridiculously strong when compared to what we were used to in the pre-HoT era. If you don’t address that point first, no attempts at balancing the classes is going to work.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


Ok to say it in different words:

In the past we had thiefs, guardians, mesmer, powernecros and warriors in this role.
Not a single class of them offered all those strengthes like the revenant is doing now.

Could you ever imagine a thief or a shatter mesmer taking a 1v1 against other bruiser classes? Could you ever imagine a medi-guard being as fast as a revenant while sharing massive boons? When was the last time you saw a shatter-mes having that incredible survivability on marauder amulet?
Can you imagine any other class atm. that isn’t 100 times worse than revenant in the current state?
Funny how you say that pure offensive amulet rev would die so fast – he still survives 10 times easier and longer than any other class with those amulets.

Revenant is currently the D/D ele or a whiz-kid in a dmg-bruiser-role and second to none.

And considering revenant deals more dmg than any other dmg-bruiser atm, it would still be viable but simply not overpowered. And this is exactly what most of those players here are afraid of.

And that’s the problem – because the current meta doesn’t allow for balancing the classes separately. You need to consider the whole picture, or whatever you might try will only bring even more unbalance than already exists.

I never sepreated anything. I’m considering the overall picture and see that rev/scrapper and reaper is too strong. And since there are already thousand of threads about reaper , I started to make a thread about revenant. Not that hard to understand, I guess?

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I never sepreated anything. I’m considering the overall picture and see that rev/scrapper and reaper is too strong. And since there are already thousand of threads about reaper , I started to make a thread about revenant. Not that hard to understand, I guess?

Yes, not hard to understand. It’s just, the same as the authors of all the other threads you mentioned, you concentrate on small pieces of the whole picture, without considering the whole.

None of those threads have any sense. Well, the reaper ones are the most sensible ones, because reaper is the strongest class now, but even those are way too narrow to be really useful.

You are like someone that complains that one cog in a big machinery is broken and needs to be fixed, while ignoring that the whole machine is badly designed and about to come apart. Even if you fix that cog, the machine will still be broken, and the whole design will still need to be replaced. And the cog you “fixed” now may end up not fitting to that new, better design.

So, what you really should be doing is calling for that major rebalance (and in general some major changes to the way Anet deals with skill balance for sPvP).

Just please, don’t let it have any impact on PvE

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


No it’s not selfish. Overpowered is overpowered.

Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them.

And this exactly the point where your logic is lacking

If logic means :





reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

“experience is a better guide to this than deductive logic”

synonyms:reasoning, line of reasoning,rationale, argument, argumentation

“the logic of their argument”


a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task.

If the consensus is every thieves have to be punished, then how is my logic faulty/lacking? Aren’t you the one who is being biased? ? Ignoring what others are doing and focusing entirely on one class??
Where the logic in this statement?

“It’s like saying in your judgement pls don’t punish me for stealing because a lot of people are stealing and someone even stole more than me.


1- are all thieves stealing from the same person or not?
2- is the owner aware about the thefts??
3- if yes?? Wouldn’t that thief be right/logical in saying if the rules of our country states that all thieves need to be punish, and you (owner) are aware of such and such stealing from you; so why am I being singled out??

Wouldn’t this argument be more logical?

(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721



No I’m like someone who says we have a lot of broken stuff in this game currently and let’s talk about revenant in this thread.

Revenant is too strong in the overall picture. It has too much dmg,too much sustain and too much mobility all in one. That has nothing to do with seperating anything and not taking the whole picture into consideration.

And what you are doing is saying that revenant is op but in comparison to reaper and scrapper it is completly fine because those are also op. Considering now that reaper,scrapper and revenant are all used in the current meta – the game is well balanced.

This kind of argumentation is pathetic.


Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them.

Your logic is in that way lacking that you basically say that a thief shouldn’t get punished for stealing as long as there is someone who stole more than him.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267



No I’m like someone who says we have a lot of broken stuff in this game currently and let’s talk about revenant in this thread.

Revenant is too strong in the overall picture. It has too much dmg,too much sustain and too much mobility all in one. That has nothing to do with seperating anything and not taking the whole picture into consideration.

And what you are doing is saying that revenant is op but in comparison to reaper and scrapper it is completly fine because those are also op. Considering now that reaper,scrapper and revenant are all used in the current meta – the game is well balanced.

This kind of argumentation is pathetic.


Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them.

Your logic is in that way lacking that you basically say that a thief shouldn’t get punished for stealing as long as there is someone who stole more than him.

Nope, what I am saying in that, in a democracy, that thief has every right to protest is sentence if prior offenders were vindicated of their wrong doings. Unless the latter is being made an example of.

(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


you said this

Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them.

which means exactly what I said

Grimkram [sS]

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


you said this

Nope, it is like saying if you are going to punish me for stealing you better punish bigger thieves than I; since everyone has been complaining about them.

which means exactly what I said

Yeah, but did you even read what I said afterwards? ? Lol, I rest my case.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


Yes you are creating some strange cases which are completly irrelevant.
Rev is op
scrapper is o
reaper is op

Rev should get nerfed
scrapper should get nerfed
reaper should get nerfed

I made a thread about revenant

You are saying that rev shouldn’t get nerfed because reaper and scrapper is in your opinion more op – which is exactly as non sense as your thief-example.

It’s getting annoying….

Grimkram [sS]

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Patrick.2987


Scrapper is more OP. That is why scrapper loses 1v1, has less mobility and less dmg. Necro is more OP. That is why 1v1 is like 50:50 and has less mobility, less burst and less sustain.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Yes you are creating some strange cases which are completly irrelevant.
Rev is op
scrapper is o
reaper is op

Rev should get nerfed
scrapper should get nerfed
reaper should get nerfed

I made a thread about revenant

You are saying that rev shouldn’t get nerfed because reaper and scrapper is in your opinion more op – which is exactly as non sense as your thief-example.

It’s getting annoying….

Well, first my thief example isn’t nonsensical, you have yet to show me where its faulty. I’ll tell what’s dumb, fragmenting sentences to get your points across.

Revs shouldn’t get nerfed because reaper and scrapper are OPer is not an opinion but a fact. I’ll let it slide, even if it was my opinion, my point still stand as you and I don’t know whether or not scrapper or reaper will get nerf. So prioritizing revs over scrapper and reaper is stupid. I have yet to see a game which nerf stuff in between. I ll repost what I said earlier:

you always nerf the opest class and see how everyone will adapt , not the one in between.

You made a thread about revenant, and I am making a case about * all classes ( whole should be looked at) instead of one part ( revs)*

Go ahead, and fragment what I said again without getting the thrust of my post.

I made my point and I hope Anet would consider it…

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Patrick.2987


What makes reaper and scrapper more OP? Sry i can t see the given fact all ppl seem to know.

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


you always nerf the opest class and see how everyone will adapt , not the one in between.

No you nerf ALL classes which are op and revenant is op… in what way does it matter that in your opinion scrapper is about 1,4536% more op than revenant?
I didn’t say nerf ONLY the revenant. But you are saying that we shouldn’t nerf revenant allthough it is op because there is a class which is even more op.

So it’s basically the same nonsense with your thief example – “don’t punish this thief because that thief has stolen even more”

Wrong! You punish both of them.


Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


The problem with facet of light:

Opponent: “They popped facet of light, better stow weapon.”

If rev gets a nerf then facet of light needs to be a straight up heal.