Can we get a fixed dmg on structures please?
Honestly this sounds stupid but structures should take conditions. My condition necro will sit there for 50 minutes slapping the trebuchet. I know not every build can do everything but I feel that condition builds being useless when trying to bring down a structure is silly.
I can see it now the pain and agony of condition damage dealers on Trebuchet. "Why won’t you bleed treb WHYYYY!!!!!!!!….gets killed portal Mesmer*.
Not quite sure if there’s a solution to this problem.
The best I can think of is to put a hard cap on how much damage per second the treb can take. Then tweak it’s armor so it takes as much as critters in pve. This would make the treb’s death more of a steady, timed thing. Power and condi builds would do the same amount of damage… in theory.
It’s not just trebuchets, it’s every targetable/breakable inanimate object in the game. There are plenty of things in PvP and PvE (graveling burrows in AC explorable for example) that make characters with condition builds virtually useless.
It’s really bad in AC explorable, as you’ll wipe your group if you have too many condition based folks.