Funk Load, Funky Boot
Can we get mass salvage / craft in Spvp?
Funk Load, Funky Boot
Good idea, I’ve thought the same myself after opening 15 x crates :P
I think it’s hugely important, alot of hands would appreciate it my friend!
a merchant where you can sell PvP Items you don’t want for FREE! would be nice :] let me get at my dyes!
I’m pretty sure not just pvpers want mass salvage, everyone wants it.
bump bump bump bump
I’m seriously ready to scream after salvaging 20k worth of PvP Glory.
In fact I’m inclined to create new characters just to open up all the chests for unidentified dyes and glory boosters and just trash all the items by deleting the character so I don’t have to salvage all of this nonsense to clear out my bags.
I’m seriously ready to scream after salvaging 20k worth of PvP Glory.
In fact I’m inclined to create new characters just to open up all the chests for unidentified dyes and glory boosters and just trash all the items by deleting the character so I don’t have to salvage all of this nonsense to clear out my bags.
You can make dyes with the crap you get out of salvaged items O_O Not worth it!