Can we please discuss Mesmer + Thief?

Can we please discuss Mesmer + Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: LUST.7241


The mobility these classes have sway ranked games so easily. They are pretty sustainable alone. Given SOLO QUEUE you can’t always guarantee both sides has something to keep up.

De-capping is super quick (which might be another problem). If you re-cap, you are wasting crucial time (takes way longer to re-cap), if you don’t re-cap you leave the thief/mesmer to cap it.

I don’t think their kit is in the wrong, I just the gameplay makes it too easy for them to excel. Sure they do have counters, but I’d be surprised to see a halfway decent Mesmer/Thief with <60% WR (1650+).

(edited by LUST.7241)

Can we please discuss Mesmer + Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I think it’s fine that mesmers and thiefs can carry with good rotations. I think the real problem is that we need more decappers. As in, we need more builds on other classes that can assume the same function as thf and mesmer when it comes to rotation work. As it stands, since the rev nerf, thf is apex, which isn’t too bad on itself, since ele is apex at support. Similarly though, i think we need more alternatives to support ele right now, such as making druid and/or ventari comparable to tempest auramancer in support.

Can we please discuss Mesmer + Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


Their mobility is good but thats not the problem I think. I think that stealth is more problematic.

Can we please discuss Mesmer + Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Maybe they should tone down the point Presence and tankiness of the other classes if they want mobility. Just saying those classes gave up a bit to have what they had people like to look past that whole caveat.

Can we please discuss Mesmer + Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


The issue is conquest.

It’s bad with long TTKs and justifies dominance of toxic low risk builds.

Rebalance the game, and give us 1v1s, 2v2s, and 3v3s, or a push/payload game type, or the ability to counter build mid match with “in lane jousting.”

Then the mobility wouldn’t carry and the role can shift.

Also Mesmer is easy to 1v1 if you can avoid shatters, and thief can’t team fight… Thief like Mesmer could use some resource reduction so management doesn’t equal virtually always ready to burst, or escape without risk. If not perhaps less instant burst that does not require LoS.

Condi mes should only apply condis on f1 and f2… (maybe f3)

Either way even if you leave Thief and mes untouched the biggest issue is conquest.

But I mean it also helps if people stop stacking DH and other slow
Builds, so you only have yourselves to blame. (With that said Druid could use some
Slowing down.)

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

(edited by Daishi.6027)