Can we please nerf all burning in this game?
Leave burning to the guardians, warriors and eles imo. Wasn’t so bad there, on classes that didn’t also stack 100 other condies. (Warriors are getting there, now too, though.)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Rune of Balthazar :P
Edit: Nerf it – i dont really care much about pew pew offensive gameplay anyway
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
necro burning – nerfed
Yeah Guardians are clearly decimating everyone with that Burning spec.
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
lmfao oh my lord the tears of the thieves, +1, all of my +1s XD
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
ALL conditions that deal damage should pull people out of stealth and give them the 4second debuff (where applicable)
Conditions REALLY need to be readdressed. How does it make sense for a Necro to have Burning? Poison, Yes. Burning NO.
Certain classes/specs just have TOO many conditions and can be TOO easily applied —-—> Necro <——-
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
ALL conditions that deal damage should pull people out of stealth and give them the 4second debuff (where applicable)
Conditions REALLY need to be readdressed. How does it make sense for a Necro to have Burning? Poison, Yes. Burning NO.
Certain classes/specs just have TOO many conditions and can be TOO easily applied —-—> Necro <——-
& Engi
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
ALL conditions that deal damage should pull people out of stealth and give them the 4second debuff (where applicable)
Conditions REALLY need to be readdressed. How does it make sense for a Necro to have Burning? Poison, Yes. Burning NO.
Certain classes/specs just have TOO many conditions and can be TOO easily applied —-—> Necro <——-
& Engi
Yeah Engi Burning can be pretty bad, though dont really see that much of a full condition build with them. think Necro is worse at the moment due to all the other conditions and all the fears as well as DS and the new health and MORE conditions.
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
ALL conditions that deal damage should pull people out of stealth and give them the 4second debuff (where applicable)
Conditions REALLY need to be readdressed. How does it make sense for a Necro to have Burning? Poison, Yes. Burning NO.
Certain classes/specs just have TOO many conditions and can be TOO easily applied —-—> Necro <——-
& Engi
Yeah Engi Burning can be pretty bad, though dont really see that much of a full condition build with them. think Necro is worse at the moment due to all the other conditions and all the fears as well as DS and the new health and MORE conditions.
Well I just meant sheer amount of condies, Engi can have most of them with grenade and even more with dual pistol + bombs.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
“Keep your burning, give me back my Terror and DS without overflow and utility CD.”
“Reason condi thieves are terrible is because they don’t have access to burning”.
terrible argument… lol thief just don’t use condi covers like vul, cripple, etc to hide their dots if they could hide ’em bleeds they could be stronger..
Burning is strong tho, the difference between necro and engi burning is that necros can fear and disable players, engineer running condi builds don’t really have any CC
a) Make Burning like immobilize, so each application refreshes it rather than stacking duration.
b) Make it tick once every 2 seconds instead of 1 second
c) Reduce the max duration it can be stacked to 5-7s. 20s+ of burn is kittened.
I think any of those options would work well.
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
You. I like you.
b) Make it tick once every 2 seconds instead of 1 second
Would be quite awful for mesmer staff autoattack which applies 1s burning ^^
/edit: Also most guardian burns are 1s afaik.
b) Make it tick once every 2 seconds instead of 1 second
Would be quite awful for mesmer staff autoattack which applies 1s burning ^^
/edit: Also most guardian burns are 1s afaik.
That’s still 1 tick.
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
There is no end to the nerf demands is there?
There is no end to the nerf demands is there?
Thats what happens when you have such an unbalanced game and a dev team(s) that dont seem to understand what balance is and would rather break, bug, over nerf, over buff things instead…
Thats what happens when you have such an unbalanced game and a dev team(s) that dont seem to understand what balance is and would rather break, bug, over nerf, over buff things instead…
They need to expirement a bit and incease all character’s multiply directions (roamer-bunker-cond) , otherwise things will be like 3 months ago , where every1 was crying that the meta was soooo stale
The new meta is screaming for nerfs because something someone else does is challenging.
Thats what happens when you have such an unbalanced game and a dev team(s) that dont seem to understand what balance is and would rather break, bug, over nerf, over buff things instead…
They need to expirement a bit and incease all character’s multiply directions (roamer-bunker-cond) , otherwise things will be like 3 months ago , where every1 was crying that the meta was soooo stale
How long has the game been out? How long was the game in Beta? even back then it was a total mess balance wise and lets not ignore all the bugged skills and traits as well. This game will NEVER be balanced.
Not because its to hard to balance – but because its Anet.
Mystirious Voice : Children, time to reveal the “TRUTH”… Listen carefully and remember these words.
PLAYERS LOVE THE QQ! Even on the perfect game, ppl will still QQ about something, and if they can’t, they will QQ about the game being too perfect, without QQ.. the… forums… would… be… boring...
Thank you
(edited by google.3709)
Mystirious Voice : Children, time to reveal the “TRUTH”… Listen carefully and remember these words.
Players love the QQ! Even on the perfect game, ppl will still QQ about something, and if they can’t, they will try! otherwise forums would be boring
Thank you
No game is perfect and this game is FAR from it. PvE is unbalanced, WvW is unbalanced, SPvP is unbalanced and TPvP is unbalanced – i wouldnt be shocked if the unbalancing was unbalanced.
Do not change burn.
The only good thing in ranged warrior and you guys want nerf?
Nerf burn forces all warrior to play melee all time, reducing diversification.
“wouldnt be shocked if the unbalancing was unbalanced.”
lmfao, Quote of the day <3
How long has the game been out? How long was the game in Beta? even back then it was a total mess balance wise and lets not ignore all the bugged skills and traits as well. This game will NEVER be balanced.
Not because its to hard to balance – but because its Anet.
The first 3-4 months they tried to reinforce their phylosophy = extreteme burst counters extreme bunkers (as a base model) ,
+ force us to change character to counter other characters .
+ make all small TTK battles , like a combination of Street Fighters in an MMO .
In the second half (atm) , they are trying to increase TTK from 2 sec > 5 sec , but in the same time keep the feeling of Street Fighter(a.k.a <<balance the game for pros and casual in the same time>>) .
+ trying to make all character roundout balanced(for ppl that dont like to change characters)
I hope they succed with the <<offensive capibilities>> and introduce some cool <<supportive traits>> later on
“wouldnt be shocked if the unbalancing was unbalanced.”
lmfao, Quote of the day <3
Awwwwww thanks ^^
Knowing Anet they will nerf Necro TOO much and they will again become pretty rubbish
They need to learn how to ADJUST things and not over nerf or over buff everything. I do wonder just how much time they put into testing the changes they make…
Instead of ruining it for all classes, specific over-the-top professions should be addressed. Not like guardian, elementalists, or warriors condi specs are OP in any way. If you nerf burning in order to take down necros and engineers a notch (if that is your desire), you need to balance all the other classes that has access to it as well. A complete overhaul, making it rather cumbersome.
The classes with access to burning being..
You guys must haven’t faced any true condition spec LB warriors with MH mace , the condtion spam is insane. They shouldnt nerf anything till engineers get their 5 stacks of torment skill on a 12 sec CD
Do not change burn.
The only good thing in ranged warrior and you guys want nerf?Nerf burn forces all warrior to play melee all time, reducing diversification.
Ranged warrior is the worst way to play a warrior, there are a few semi viable melee builds warriors just have other issues.
Nerfing burning for everyone because Dhuumfire is OP: that’s only a slightly exaggerated version of Anet’s MO for nerfing!
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
It does make since that a guy wouldn’t be able to go invis if he was on fire(generating light from his body stops him from blending into the shadows). Most condis have more than 1 effect anyway. Just change burning dmg or duration and make it prevent stealth instead of reducing healing. Hide in Shadows should still stealth though. Just bc it removes burning.
Perfect Dark [PD]
Personally, I feel like Burning was a way to give powerbuilds a good dot without needing much condi damage (Warriors, Guardians, Eles) and it got out of hand when people started having high condi builds with good uptime on burning on top of their other condies.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Make it do the same damage as poison and put revealed on the target for the duration of the burn.
i approve of this ;-) consider the s-storm necros are dealing with , we could use ONE good thing atleast.
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
but then i have to raise a question how a warrior would be producing fire (exlcuding a fire weapon itself) , they are masters of martial prowess , not magic……give warriors heavier bleed abilities if anything. Theyre not master enchanters (we saw this with Dervishes back in Elona , still would LOVE to see this clas brought back btw)
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
Don’t see why engis shouldn’t have it too.
Perfect Dark [PD]
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
So you’re saying an engineer’s flamethrower shouldn’t burn at all?
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
but then i have to raise a question how a warrior would be producing fire (exlcuding a fire weapon itself) , they are masters of martial prowess , not magic……give warriors heavier bleed abilities if anything. Theyre not master enchanters (we saw this with Dervishes back in Elona , still would LOVE to see this clas brought back btw)
All fire doesn’t have to be magical. Same as engi with it’s explosions.
Perfect Dark [PD]
I didn’t read every post, but I have a question since I saw multiple posts making class specific burning requests (exclusivity).
What would rangers torch weapon do, if not burn? For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Last I checked… didn’t every class have access to burning except thieves?
Warriors: Longbow with Combustive Shoot and Fan of Fire
Guardians: every 5th attack and half their skills.
Rangers: Off-hand Torch, Flame Trap, Sun Spirit, Salamander Drake
Engineer: Half their skills.
Mesmer: Staff auto attack and clone auto attack w/ staff, off-hand torch
Elementalist: Anything in fire attunement or related to fire attunement, so a quarter of their skills on any build.
Necromancer: Dhuumfire Trait.
You guys are complaining about a condition being overpowered when everyone but thieves and necros can use it well, not counting any rune sets that cause burning. Elementalists, Engineers, Rangers, and Guardians can all keep it on permanent uptime, whereas the RNG nature of the staff for the Mesmer makes uptime unpredictable (I figure, 4 attacks per second, 1/3 of them causes burning for one second, average of 1.33 seconds of burn every second. Good odds). No one uses it, but the warrior can have nearly permanent uptime, too, since Fan of Fire causes 6 seconds of burning at close range on a skill that recharges in 6 seconds.
If you want to be fair about burning, why don’t you include all the caveats of burning, too?
#1: It only stacks in duration. Having more than one burn instantly nullifies their damage, since pretty much every class can sustain permanent burning by themselves.
#2: The damage of burning is overwritten by other sources. So if you have a non-condition specced Guardian or Elementalist around, consider the damage from burning completely unreliable.
#3: Burning is the worst scaling condition in the game, requiring 50% more malice to achieve double damage than any other condition.
#4: Even at 1,312 condition damage, burning is the equivalent to only 6 bleeds. The only class I can think of that can’t sustain more than 6 bleeds on a target is the Guardian.
The problem with nerfing burning is that this really hurts the few classes that are reliant on it. If burning is such a problem to your class, then I would suggest bringing more condition cleanses and more vitality. Seriously, whenever I am running on my Thief or my Guardian, I make pretty darn sure that I have a way reliable way to move a ton of conditions at once, since they lack the health to deal with it on non-vitality builds. And no, investing in passive condition removal is not reliable cleansing: then you are just betting on the RNG then QQing on the forums when the RNG doesn’t favor you.
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
So you’re saying an engineer’s flamethrower shouldn’t burn at all?
My bad i forgot that, include flame angies too =P …
And for the other guy… burning arrows is based on real life not in magick.
“Reason condi thieves are terrible is because they don’t have access to burning”.
terrible argument… lol thief just don’t use condi covers like vul, cripple, etc to hide their dots
if they could hide ’em bleeds they could be stronger..
Burning is strong tho, the difference between necro and engi burning is that necros can fear and disable players, engineer running condi builds don’t really have any CC
Yeah, instead the engi bursts harder and his damage is not countered by stability. The engi can stack might, his direct damage components hit harder, his condi application is more varied, the aoe condi with lower cooldowns, the aoe fields with bombs are persistent, not just one time triggers, and the engineer has access to boons and better defenses.
Both classes as condi spec are just dumb.
And it’s not the bleeding or poison. It’s the burning and confusion spikes that are very easy to apply and in aoe manner.
While u are at it, OP, please also make a thread that request “While in Stealth, Thief is immune to all sort of dams,and conditions can not be reapplied, so Thief can triumph and becomes the King of all”… Seriously…. Request a “fix” onHiS removes Torment and refuse to change build to adept just because it removes Burn, Bleed and Poison. Now this? What is next?
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Yes burning should be only on warriors,eles and guardians since they have poor acces to conditions, then nerf it.
but then i have to raise a question how a warrior would be producing fire
They already have fire on their longbow… I wouldn’t suggest adding more.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
#4: Even at 1,312 condition damage, burning is the equivalent to only 6 bleeds. The only class I can think of that can’t sustain more than 6 bleeds on a target is the Guardian.
six bleeds is a lot churning earth is considered a devastating skill (hence the five-year-long windup) and it applies eight. i think it says a lot about some specs and classes being spoiled if they look at six bleeds on a target as being a low figure.
There is still people can not interrupt, dodge or blind CE nowadays o-O??? Please spare me the laugh, it is the most predictable skill in the whole game and the most easiest skill to counter …..
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Burning does way too much damage for how easily and frequently it is applied. On a related note, I feel terror is a good example of how a high damage condition should work, (supposedly) rare in application and can also be cleansed via other methods (in this case stun breaks). Giving necros access to both is part of the reason why their condi burst is a thing.
Churning Earth has a huge area of effect, eight bleeds, good up-front damage, a cripple, and is on the same weapon in the same element that offers an area-effect knockdown with a duration similar to the wind-up time.