Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Muy.3170


Look I’m sitting in hot join right now enjoying my casual pvp taking my time off starting the weekend slow, but I couldn’t help but notice as I play on warrior vs 3 reapers there’s no physical way I can sit between this. I use Berserker stance and it’s instantly converted by traited shroud swaps or scepter auto attack. I feel if this was older versions I could actually help my team vs the very powerful but susceptible reaper if only I could land a hit or not get cc chained into triple fear shroud 5 wombo combo aids.

Why was berserker’s stance change into a hard countered skill from boon corrupt? As it stands the old berserker stance would allow me to pop before combat and to completely negate any conditions I would gain. I could actually hold my own in the crazy mess of skills flying every which way for a reasonable amount of time to allow me to make a change in my favor to the fight.

Now I’m just a boon pillar of crud waiting to die to boon corrupt. Can we plz fix this very narrow-minded skill changes. You guys make changes that affected long term goals for the skills to last and be used for. I mean I get it you’re going through a lot of employees at the moment but seriously let’s at least point out what works and doesn’t work long term.

Sick and tired of all these traits running pvp instead of the player making a skillful action.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: MasterD.4790


Necro is OP….one time I played necro…and even chuck norris gave me a high five

Gamadorn the epitome of a hotjoin hero

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Alex Shatter.7956

Alex Shatter.7956

Are you complaining that you can’t win a 1 vs. 3 fight using a single skill? Warrior resistance and invulnerability is already over-tuned. Is it so hard to only be able to faceroll 8/9 professions and have 1 profession out there than can counter you? Poor baby

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521

I dont know, reviews say it’s pretty average.

Anyway, reapers may be OP but zerkers are just as OP. Adrenal health/healing signet is still OP as all kitten and in WvW the damage of zerker stance is so off the chart that no other class stands a chance 1v1 against any decent player. Buffing it in sPvP would no doubt mean they buff it in WvW too, when it needs to be nerfed to the ground (and I would not mind if it took the reaper with it in the fall either).

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Muy.3170


Are you complaining that you can’t win a 1 vs. 3 fight using a single skill? Warrior resistance and invulnerability is already over-tuned. Is it so hard to only be able to faceroll 8/9 professions and have 1 profession out there than can counter you? Poor baby

Well yes, I am complaining that there’s something that can just counter. I don’t know why it’s such a defended topic to “counter” something. I’d very much like a skillful parry than a counter strike… especially with HoT making counterstrikes unstoppable forces vs immovable objects.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Wait is a warrior seriously complaining about a necro?

What is this December 2015?

Also for the record warrior has access to condi clear outside of resistance.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Wait is a warrior seriously complaining about a necro?

What is this December 2015?

Also for the record warrior has access to condi clear outside of resistance.

Thats not condi clear though, warrior gets more resistance from signet heal. Weapon swap trait which i personally dont even run since S4 since the condi are straight instant.

I understand what the OP is saying because marks are unblockable and scepter auto can literally destroy your build. Endure the pain passive will proc and it wont help with the 30 stacks of bleed, chill, vulnerability etc etc. So when you die your a clean slate with some of the highest cd in the game.

But no one is wrong here, warriors are a bit too strong but not because of passives. Its the last trait in beserker line that gives stability and a break stun. Also a passive trait from going beserk gives might, fury and quickness.

Thats just HOT spec work at its best, more damage, faster damage and less counter play because of the boons thrown out as if its candy.

Also to that who said no one has the passive play like warrior just stop.

Seriously step out of your box for 3 sec and realize thief gets 6 dodges that do damage. Guardian get 8 sec of block with potentially 10 sec of invulnerabilty, mesmer gets 2 blocks with a shield and 2 sec with sword 2 and distortion from a F* skill and can do it all again and share with a sigent.

I wont do every class but please stop saying a class is OP when it looks like you might not understand where its strengths are.

If warriors were so OP Obindo wouldnt have gotten stalemated by a shout ranger in a 1 vs 1 in the tournament held by helseth and sind.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


A good warrior can easily roflstomp any necromancer in a 1v1 with all their passives and cc’s to carry them, but losing a 1v3 should be the expected result of any matchup unless the 3 are really bad… You’re not supposed to win 1v3 against anything, whether it’s 3 thieves, 3 necros, or 3 of anything else.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Thats not condi clear though, warrior gets more resistance from signet heal. Weapon swap trait which i personally dont even run since S4 since the condi are straight instant.

You are forgetting Cleansing Ire which is far stronger condi clear than what you have mentioned.

I understand what the OP is saying because marks are unblockable and scepter auto can literally destroy your build. Endure the pain passive will proc and it wont help with the 30 stacks of bleed, chill, vulnerability etc etc. So when you die your a clean slate with some of the highest cd in the game.

A warrior should never at any point have 30 stacks of bleed (or even 20) on him. Condi necro can’t even sustain 20 in sPvP.

But no one is wrong here, warriors are a bit too strong but not because of passives. Its the last trait in beserker line that gives stability and a break stun. Also a passive trait from going beserk gives might, fury and quickness.

That’s not how that trait works. It’s not a break stun at all. It gives you might when you break a stun. It doesn’t actually break the stun. It’s other effect is that it gives stability while you are in berserk.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Vitali.5039


Its the last trait in beserker line that gives stability and a break stun.

It’s stability+might on stun break, and while you are in berserk it’s pulsing stability.

@OP if someone can corrupt at 100% your stability (like 3 necros).. don’t enter berserker mode if you have Eternal Champion.

(edited by Vitali.5039)

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Toll Booth Willie.6723

Toll Booth Willie.6723

Fighting 3 anything if they are half decent should roflstomp you, imo.

Sick Leg – Asura Necro
“The state charges a dollar-twenty five pop.”

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Thats not condi clear though, warrior gets more resistance from signet heal. Weapon swap trait which i personally dont even run since S4 since the condi are straight instant.

You are forgetting Cleansing Ire which is far stronger condi clear than what you have mentioned.

I understand what the OP is saying because marks are unblockable and scepter auto can literally destroy your build. Endure the pain passive will proc and it wont help with the 30 stacks of bleed, chill, vulnerability etc etc. So when you die your a clean slate with some of the highest cd in the game.

A warrior should never at any point have 30 stacks of bleed (or even 20) on him. Condi necro can’t even sustain 20 in sPvP.

But no one is wrong here, warriors are a bit too strong but not because of passives. Its the last trait in beserker line that gives stability and a break stun. Also a passive trait from going beserk gives might, fury and quickness.

That’s not how that trait works. It’s not a break stun at all. It gives you might when you break a stun. It doesn’t actually break the stun. It’s other effect is that it gives stability while you are in berserk.

1) CLeansing ire is a condi clear but only good on LB, if you miss you get nothing which is why you see alot of bronze/silver/gold heros complaining on “how to fix warrior”.

2) This warrior has potentially vs that many necros. I could easily apply 15 alone in 3 sec with a sigil and a signet on my necro.

3) I stand corrected but to me this is the warriors most OP trait for PvP. More boons more boons.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


1) CLeansing ire is a condi clear but only good on LB, if you miss you get nothing which is why you see alot of bronze/silver/gold heros complaining on “how to fix warrior”.

Cleansing Ire is good on all meta weaponsets because landing a Arc Divider or skull Grinder is trivial even in plat.

2) This warrior has potentially vs that many necros. I could easily apply 15 alone in 3 sec with a sigil and a signet on my necro.

If he is fighting so many necros as to have 30 stacks of bleed on him, then he should have disengaged ages ago instead of taking it to the face like a bronzy.

Also the only necro siggy that applies bleed is Spite which isn’t run outside of low tier because necromancer utility slots are too expensive for it.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Itz Jay.8941

Itz Jay.8941

Well if you’re fighting 3 necros wouldnt it be better to take symbolic condi cleanse guardian with sword/focus scepter/shield? It’s a lot easier pulling and pushing one necro about whilst immobilising and dropping symbols and traps on him than running into 3 of them and dying. Or maybe you couldve swapped to a little boon duration?

Can we talk PvP Pholosophy?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Plz Nerf mesmer. I got moa’d 6 times in a row in a 1v3 and lost.