Can you do something for afkers?

Can you do something for afkers?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


It has been more than 3 years now..people have been asking for something that could stop afkers or at the very least punish that kind of behaviour.
I don’t ask for the moon itself, just something that can deter people from acting that way, can you maybe ban from PvP for a couple of days individuals that get reported for afking (botting) several times?

Can you do something for afkers?

in PvP

Posted by: Caedrion.6104


We dont even have an option to report AFK’ers on Ranked, so i dont rly see it coming anytime soon.

+1 all the same, on the punishment, much like the one given on Ranked atm, probably with increments of +10 minutes added for repeated AFK behavior , and an X amount of matches played to reset it , or some sort of monthly reset .


Can you do something for afkers?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


The only option would be a kick vote (if 4 vote then kick) that then acts as dishonour (addind to Q dishonour). But i am quite shure this might also lead to some not deserved kicks …. You might disable it in 4+5 player premade teams so it won´t lead to 4 player abuses for fun/griefing.

Can you do something for afkers?

in PvP

Posted by: Dyze.1580


You’re looking at the problem from the wrong side.

Why does someone afk?
Usually it’s because the match is terribly lopsided and it’s a pointless effort to even attempt to keep fighting. So the incentive at the moment is to lose the fight as quickly as possible in order to get the reward track progress and hopefully get into a new match with better teammates.

The only way to fix this, is to give a larger incentive to the losing team.
Close fights, give higher reward track progress or doesn’t lose a pip.
You don’t get far by punishing those that already feel punished by the matchmaking system. No one is going to like that. That only spreads frustration.

Instead, you need to reward good behavior. In this case, keep fighting for you fellow teammates, even if it’s a lose, and get rewarded.
If you get punished, then I’m guessing people will simply just alt-f4 instead of afk and take the punishment.

Another idea is adding secondary personal goals during sPvP matches.
Even if you’re losing, Caping/decaping 5 times, give you something.
Getting 10 kills. etc
These kinds of small secondary objectives could also be used to incentives losing.