Can you start giving node guarding points?

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Kneru.8014


This is another issue, but with sPvP as a whole. I get it, you want conquest to be a main focus, so you have enough of those maps for tournies. Great!

But, just about every game is Zerg vs Zerg. Personally, I’m not even going to bother if it’s just a zergfest. I’ll leave immediately. It’s not fun. Even in tournies there have been a few groups that just zerg.

Sure, I can go backcap, as a Thief I have the mobility. But, it’s Player vs Player. Backcapping points all day long, is one of lower interest. Plus, I made a Guardian the other day to learn their skills, and maybe take up bunkering. Hard to practice doing that when it’s degraded into nothing but a zergfest.

There also seems to be a lot of lower ranked players starting to pick up sPvP. Great! But if this zergfest continues, I feel like nothing will change. They will learn to play with the zerg, more people will become accustomed to it, cycle continues.

All that needs to happen is give +10 points or so, per… I dont know, 30 seconds? For guarding the area around a node. People will get their glory, it will encourage a more defensive play style, and it will (in theory) cut back on the zerg. Sure some will still zerg, but they’d probably zerg anyways. Others will continue to run straight into a zerg and die like lemmings, that’s fine too!

I know I don’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure most will agree. And that’s what everything has degraded into lately, a zergfest.

(edited by Kneru.8014)

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


It’d be abused to death.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Absolutely no sense. . As I have capped the point as bunker I go outside of the node and position in a good spot to have a better look on the rest of the map. So now I don’t get points because I watch where the enemy is. Also this would provide another bad habbit to hotjoin.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


This is another issue, but with sPvP as a whole. I get it, you want conquest to be a main focus, so you have enough of those maps for tournies. Great!

But, just about every game is Zerg vs Zerg. Personally, I’m not even going to bother if it’s just a zergfest. I’ll leave immediately. It’s not fun. Even in tournies there have been a few groups that just zerg.

Sure, I can go backcap, as a Thief I have the mobility. But, it’s Player vs Player. Backcapping points all day long, is one of lower interest. Plus, I made a Guardian the other day to learn their skills, and maybe take up bunkering. Hard to practice doing that when it’s degraded into nothing but a zergfest.

There also seems to be a lot of lower ranked players starting to pick up sPvP. Great! But if this zergfest continues, I feel like nothing will change. They will learn to play with the zerg, more people will become accustomed to it, cycle continues.

All that needs to happen is give +10 points or so, per… I dont know, 30 seconds? For guarding the area around a node. People will get their glory, it will encourage a more defensive play style, and it will (in theory) cut back on the zerg. Sure some will still zerg, but they’d probably zerg anyways. Others will continue to run straight into a zerg and die like lemmings, that’s fine too!

I know I don’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure most will agree. And that’s what everything has degraded into lately, a zergfest.

This promotes bad play and won’t help anybody improve, all it will do is introduce players afking in hotjoin.
I play bunker and get plenty of points each match because you also play support too, you carry team fights so you should be in team fights. In tpvp this is easy and you can tell your team to cover the point you were on while you support the team fight. So if you are just sitting on a node and getting no points, well you’re actually in need of improving your gameplay rather than ANet giving you points for nothing.

Hotjoins are a different story, completely different playstyle but when I play with a friend the synergy between a Guardian and burst or sustain classes is really good and you can beat people with quite a significant numbers disadvantage. For example my friend and I playing Guardian and Ele were able to keep their entire team from exiting far beyond their spawn a few games in a row.
If you’re playing solo change your build to have more offense (run zerka symbols/GS over hammer or staff) because you’re not playing the gametype otherwise, you’re being played by it.

Yes, the point system is still badly designed but it’s also your fault for getting no points. You need to improve you awareness of enemy location during the game and strategy, in HJ the gameplay is bad, so you have to change your strategy to be good during the game.
But to improve HJ so that points are correctly attributed:
– 200 glory for winning + difference in score divided by 5
– 100 glory for losing
– Personal glory capped at 100
– Personal score of 0 = no glory
Win = 200+(difference)/5 + (0 to 100)
Loss = 100 + (0 to 100)

Unfortunately you’d also have to make HJ with no side swapping and easy to play with your friends. Which ANet seem to think are bad things for some stupid reason.

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Kneru.8014


This is another issue, but with sPvP as a whole. I get it, you want conquest to be a main focus, so you have enough of those maps for tournies. Great!

But, just about every game is Zerg vs Zerg. Personally, I’m not even going to bother if it’s just a zergfest. I’ll leave immediately. It’s not fun. Even in tournies there have been a few groups that just zerg.

Sure, I can go backcap, as a Thief I have the mobility. But, it’s Player vs Player. Backcapping points all day long, is one of lower interest. Plus, I made a Guardian the other day to learn their skills, and maybe take up bunkering. Hard to practice doing that when it’s degraded into nothing but a zergfest.

There also seems to be a lot of lower ranked players starting to pick up sPvP. Great! But if this zergfest continues, I feel like nothing will change. They will learn to play with the zerg, more people will become accustomed to it, cycle continues.

All that needs to happen is give +10 points or so, per… I dont know, 30 seconds? For guarding the area around a node. People will get their glory, it will encourage a more defensive play style, and it will (in theory) cut back on the zerg. Sure some will still zerg, but they’d probably zerg anyways. Others will continue to run straight into a zerg and die like lemmings, that’s fine too!

I know I don’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure most will agree. And that’s what everything has degraded into lately, a zergfest.

(1)This promotes bad play and won’t help anybody improve, all it will do is introduce players afking in hotjoin.
I play bunker and get plenty of points each match because you also play support too, you carry team fights so you should be in team fights. In tpvp this is easy and you can tell your team to cover the point you were on while you support the team fight. So if you are just sitting on a node and getting no points, well you’re actually in need of improving your gameplay rather than ANet giving you points for nothing.

Hotjoins are a different story, completely different playstyle (2)but when I play with a friend the synergy between a Guardian and burst or sustain classes is really good and you can beat people with quite a significant numbers disadvantage. For example my friend and I playing Guardian and Ele were able to keep their entire team from exiting far beyond their spawn a few games in a row.
If you’re playing solo change your build to have more offense (run zerka symbols/GS over hammer or staff) because you’re not playing the gametype otherwise, you’re being played by it.

(3)Yes, the point system is still badly designed but it’s also your fault for getting no points. You need to improve you awareness of enemy location during the game and strategy, in HJ the gameplay is bad, so you have to change your strategy to be good during the game.
But to improve HJ so that points are correctly attributed:
– 200 glory for winning + difference in score divided by 5
– 100 glory for losing
– Personal glory capped at 100
– Personal score of 0 = no glory
Win = 200+(difference)/5 + (0 to 100)
Loss = 100 + (0 to 100)

(4)Unfortunately you’d also have to make HJ with no side swapping and easy to play with your friends. Which ANet seem to think are bad things for some stupid reason.

1. Cool, this happened in SWTOR as well. Let them be a free kill, and get no points while sitting around. You see the fallacy in this correct? If they AFK, they simply die, and wont get the points per kill/skirmish/defender/bunker (defending a node). And, they’re morons who become a free kill. I’m trying to find an issue with this, unless a lot of people do it, I dont see it becoming a problem. And lets face it, you rank up by how much glory you earn.

2. Refer to point 4.

3. It’s my fault that kids who are scared of a 1v1 or 1v2, or 2v2 are zerging? I think not, sir. I get plenty of points when it’s not just a zergfest. And bunker or not, no one is gonna fight 1v5, or even 2v5. You’re just feeding kills to the other team, like the rest of the lemmings I commented on in the OP.

4. Great! So when shall we expect this feature? It’s been quite a few months since launch. This still isnt implemented. It’s random who’s on what team, and random when it comes being put on the rage quitter’s team.

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Kneru.8014


(I had a nice P.S. as well, but it seems to have screwed up on the forums. O.o Anyways, the shortened version of what I remember.)

(P.S.S, reply can only be 5001 characters, and with quotes plus my text, I dont feel like figuring out the magical paragraph for this to work. -.-)

While I agree with your idea about adding points for the winners, I dont agree with the rest of it. This does not end the zerg mentality. Many seem to be afraid of a good 1v1 or 1v2, or even 2v2.

Due to this, even with points for winning, does not promote defense. Gamers are like mice in a maze. What ever gets them to the shiny the fastest, is the most likely route they will take. Zerging and backcapping points as a zerg, gets them the most glory. Thus, the fastest why to get more shinies. Ergo, the most common route.

The same thing happened in SWTOR. Sure some zerged, but for the most part others will stay and guard the node (and if competent enough, call out incoming in chat/voice), because they were also rewarded for doing so, and this made them felt more like a team player.

Or, if you’re really afraid of a people just completely AFKing, the game has a system for that. In which, it kicks you out if you’re inactive for a period of time. Shorten this time, say, 1 minute, and there we go… Have you never alt tabbed out while logged in? You would have noticed this. -.-;;

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

Hotjoin hero A: Hi,i’m here to afk farm glory and rank points.I’ll be staying at my home cap point all the way.

Hotjoin hero B: Hey bro!Glad to hear that,i’m here to afk farm as well.Gonna alt-tab and watch some anime now,cya bro

Hotjoin hero C: Woots,awesome! an afk farming room.Finally can relax,not sure why other players bother moving around killing ppl in the other hotjoin rooms.

Hotjoin hero A: Haha! yeah bro, those people think this game is E-sports so they wanna try to improve their skills. Why bother when you can afk and still get rewarded right?

New spvp player enters and kills hotjoin hero B.Hearing the sound of battle,the Hotjoin hero atl-tab backs to the game

Hotjoin hero B:WTF man?! can’t u see i’m afk farming! go to another room if you want to fight

New spvp player: Huh?

Hotjoin hero C: hey noob,u just stay at ur home point and we stay at our home point. You get passive points for guarding a point, l2p

New spvp player: sorry i didn’t know.Ok i’ll just stay at my home cap and get passive points.

(edited by Verdelet Arconia.6987)

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Firstly, AFKing is never good, this promotes really basic bots, they can just sit on a point and get points for free. Redesigning the system so this is useless and winning is useful is a much better way to go.

To address your 3rd point. This is one of the most common and funniest things I’ve seen in games, 100% of pvp games.
“Stop not letting me kill you”, although it’s never specifically said like that, usually something like “Stop running” or “1v1 me”, I’ll explain in greater detail here. I don’t actually have a word for people like this because it’s very wide spread, it’s the idea that anybody not playing the game you want to in your head is a ‘bad player’. The biggest example I can think of was in Runescape when people would tell you not to wear armour so that the fight would end quickly, which is basically saying stop not letting me kill you.
People in PvP play with an advantage, they’re going to zerg because it gives them the advantage, maybe yes their 1v1 skills are balls, so they zerg. But this game isn’t 1v1 so if you’re set up for 1v1 and you get zerged you’re dead, your fault. If you set up so you avoid the zerg well then you win, or you peel people off so you can 1v1 them, you make the game your advantage.
The main reason for zerg is the 3 extra players compared to other formats, but you take this into account, you run a build good for this style of play or you’re just bad. I’m not excusing HJ, it’s bad but if you decide to disadvantage yourself that’s 100% your choice.

Nothing I suggest is likely to be a feature of the game because I’m usually logical and rational and those are both traits Arenanet do not share.

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Also, just to clarify.
I’m not trying to be mean or anything, not my intention.
I guess the tl;dr is play to your advantage, not to the enemy’s advantage.

If I’m trying to win, which I usually am (unless just joking around), I wecome Zergs because they’re very easy to defeat.

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


God no!
This would ruin everything!

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Guarding nodes should give points, yes, but only while in combat.

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: GanJoe.5374


yeah… sure…

lets find more ways to turn this already bunker meta game into a game that favors bunkering even more !

wonder what all those fotm bunkers gonna say if the remaining pvp pop, which is already very small, consists only of fotm bunkers and mesmers… coz those are the only ones who will probably stay in this mess.

This would be a good way to die…
But not good enough!

Can you start giving node guarding points?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

yeah… sure…

lets find more ways to turn this already bunker meta game into a game that favors bunkering even more !

wonder what all those fotm bunkers gonna say if the remaining pvp pop, which is already very small, consists only of fotm bunkers and mesmers… coz those are the only ones who will probably stay in this mess.

In competitive play (TPvP) the glory/rank-points earned during a match doesn’t matter at all. It’s gonna be a problem in hotjoin as you could go together on a empty server sitting on a point and go afk to do some other stuff.

Read It Backwards [BooN]