Carrion Devourer is OP

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Justine.6351


I was standing on a node and a ranger came up to me and swapped pets. I knew what was coming so started my block skill. Well they used a warhorn skill that makes pets unblockable and next thing I know the carrion devourer f2 poison bomb hits me and I cant do anything because my healing is nerfed from it.

I know I should have saved my condition removal for this moment but even if I did the f2 skill keeps pulsing and if that wasn’t broken enough the devourer auto attack shoots double projectiles @ 20% proc rate each for a total of 40% dealing even more condition damage through poison field finisher. And it doesn’t end there, that auto attack also gives each projectile another 10% chance to proc its own poison! And futher more…the ranger can shoot arrows through the poison field aswell stacking even MOAR condition damage.

I think to balance out the carrion devourer the following should happen,
-reduce the auto attack projectile speed and attack speed by 50% so the pet can no longer just spam skill less pewpew.
-have tail lash cause double the knockback range on upto 5npcs to prevent rangers from ever stacking mobs while using such a broken carry pet.
-devourer retreat, change the ai so that devourers always use this first on weapon swap instead of tail lash so rangers cant use the pet for timed cc.
-poison cloud, change nothing.

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kadaj.1582


It’s your fault. You lost 1 vs 1 deal with it. Its not op.

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


Sounds like a troll post tbh but the thought of someone dying to a carrion devourer in this day and age of pvp when bristlebacks and smokescales pets are usually the meta is honestly laughable some advice if your on a node and plan on holding it being alert is a good idea if your staring off into space and a ranger can run up to you w/o you doing anything you signed your own death warrant If a ranger is intentionally trying to get close to you chances aren’t he isn’t there to tickle you to death id expect some solid condition or good damage

Do what thou wilt

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Justine.6351


Yep it happened again…

Got druid immobilized by op roots and then got blobbed to death by carrion poison field poison spam. This needs to be fixed for next season before all else!

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


Stop asking for nerfs!

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


This has got to be a joke…

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Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Not bad, I almost fell for it.

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


OP indeed!!! .. if only there were a mechanic that would allow you to evade the attacks so you don’t get hit by them or having a utility that would remove the immobilize so you don’t end up swimming in a poison shower …what am I saying they are trifles of course much easier to let it kill you then say on the forums it needs a nerf that way we don’t need our dodge rolls or cleanses but then the OP carrion that attack speed so fast so deadly clearly is the 2nd coming of the bristleback careful of that burrow evade though clearly some OP mechanic right there what was Arena Net thinking allowing a slow moving pet to go underground to avoid an attack Unthinkable!!!!!

Do what thou wilt

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Justine #1


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Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Just for non-rangers, carrion devourer is far and away the worst pet out of all the terrible pets. And OP is a ranger main.

(Sorry to spoil the joke but I suppose it’s not funny if you don’t how utterly useless that pet is.)

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


Non sense fluffball! if the OP thread maker is dying to this pet clearly carrion devourer is broken and needs to be addressed No underground burrowing! it should sit in AOEs and die with in a few hits its slow pulsing Poison fields should be nerfed to do minimal damage to allow a certain forgiveness play style for players who get caught in it! Furthermore Every class beside ranger should own a Moa Style mechanical skill that when applied to the ranger nulls the pet completely that way there is some counter play involved! Doh almost forgot its ranged projectiles 2nd only to the mighty bristleback projectiles All ranged based pets should have their projectile speed reduced to allow players to walk side to side to avoid them without being hit a single time Sounds fair? I thought so

Do what thou wilt

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Justine.6351


All ranged based pets should have their projectile speed reduced to allow players to walk side to side to avoid them without being hit a single time Sounds fair? I thought so

Yes I’m thinking the same thing, I made a short vid demonstrating the ~speed I think the Carrion Devourer projectiles should move in general.

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


Video? No need to put in all that hard work! All ranged pet projectile speeds should be the same as Core Necromancer Dark Path Death Shroud 2 for those who don’t recall I wager if pet projectiles were that same speed then All ranged based pets would be in a respectable form of balance none could argue against! Also pets shouldn’t be able to fire more than one projectile with in 30 seconds! Those attacks hurt especially from the carrion devourer Not even counting the special attack poison cloud What is Arena Net thinking allowing such an Unbalanced OP Broken Pet to exist in game? how are players supposed to defend against such a monstrosity while fighting the ranger???? Unthinkable!

Do what thou wilt

(edited by Luciferior.4802)

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: apharma.3741


I miss D2 so much fun.

I personally think they should replace Carrion Devourer with frostbite + frostbite’s AI, only way to stop this overpowered nonsense getting out of control.

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Luciferior.4802


What!? Frostbites AI? have you seen that thing in action during the living story episodes? It practically carries the entire instance!!! I have personally witnessed that little critter defend against High tier Veterans …Champions I wager it alone could solo a elder dragon If you replaced Player Devourer AI with frostbite youl see rangers beating all the content in the game alone! they wont even need a group And to think of what they would be capable of in PvP entire 5v5 matches All rangers Using the same pet they would all drop smokescales and bristlebacks for that frostbite AI devourers PvP would become Unbalanced Unstable Unplayable!

Do what thou wilt

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Justine.6351


Ok I didn’t feel it was fair to just blatantly call it OP until trying it for myself and ya it OP. So I made a short vid demonstrating its power of poison stacking and cleaving,

its undeniable.

(edited by Justine.6351)

Carrion Devourer is OP

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


really though?



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