Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846



This isn’t a whine, I’m just putting this here in the hope that someone sees it and maybe acts on it if the general sentiment is more widespread.

When I play pvp and I win a game, I will often notice that many people on the losing team have a much higher score than me.

As a result, even when I have won the match, I often come out feeling like I didn’t perform very well or that my contribution didn’t really count. I know this is not true (I normally play a support role), but the numbers say otherwise. When the match ends, the score is all I have to tell the story of my victory.

When my score is persistently low, even when I am winning a lot of matches, it’s a little demotivating! When I win, I want to feel rewarded! I don’t want to feel like my victory was meaningless and that the losers are better than me! Yes, I know it’s playing to ego, but that’s part of the fun of winning. There’s no fun in saying “you outskilled and outmanoeuvered the team but we are going to give them more points than you anyway”

Suggestions for Anet which could help:

- Reward defense of points
-Give winners bonus points for winning the match
-Reduce points awarded for PKs
-Subtract points from the losers and show them the loss of points on the scoreboard (extreme but would probably be effective in changing mind set!)

Not really a ground breaking thread but I think it’s important for Anet to see. Please do leave suggestions if you can think of other ways to better reward/encourage winning behaviour in pvp.

Thanks all!

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


The scoring system, as stated in many many threads, is very zerg friendly and needs changed. I think showing number of Cap Points lost would be a nice touch but wouldn’t really change anything.

I’ve been saying for ages (in-game at least) that player kills should be reduced to only awarding one point each if not zero. I don’t think taking points away for points lost is good idea though, it would just drag games out longer with no real change in game-play.

On a side note, winners already get a winning bonus as well as a bonus for Volunteering to change sides for autobalance, but I never noticed how much you got for that.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


While I’m one of the “winning should be enough reward in itself,” I agree with the idea of the thread. The difference in reward for win/lose and for defense/offense seems to need adjustments.
I hesitate to say defense should be rewarded more, because then we may get pugs full of bunkers. However, it should be pretty even.
As for winning/losing, I think that winning should give a substantial award in comparison to the losing.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


If you actually care about trying to win, try the free tournaments, hotjoins are a zergy mess for farming glory and don’t really offer proper competition.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: MuteClown.2845


The score system, is just useless tbh; its good practice to ignore it. It doesn’t give any helpful feedback to the player on their performance, if anything when you see very high scores you know that person is not contributing to the team; and is Glory whoring. The points should resemble to performance of the player, and how much he/she is contributing to the team. I really do believe this to be one of the major faults with the game, primarily due to the fact that it produces a counter productive thinking of the player. Not only that but once that player starts to move into tournament play, and going up against teams who think on winning not scoring points. They will just get steam rolled, this is what i see when im in free tournaments.

Who hasn’t often seen the same old noob thinking in free tournaments, 5 mine…. waiting to cap, then 5 boss, then 5 mid… oh they lost mine. It not something players are even trying to progress, since they’re getting their points and saying, “omg, why we loose you noobs”. The only answer for them would be, you lost because you listened to the game. The game system is stunting players growth, not only for low level players, but as you progress you want to use the stats the game collects to help determine how to become better.

The states and points, hold very little information useful for determining your progress as a player. Not only does it provide no help for the individual, but less help for the team, how are you suppose to know who needs to pick their game up?

Things that need to be taken into account:
-Damage done to target
-Damage done to target while he is downed
-Healing/Mitigation done. (reflection,protection,block..)
-Revive healing done

I would want to get rid of the system, where i can auto attack few times and get full points for the kill. Part points should be awarded, for low damage, if any at all.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


For me winning (in a hotjoin) is the difference between 400 and 325 glory per match. (~75glory win bonus)
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


If you actually care about trying to win, try the free tournaments, hotjoins are a zergy mess for farming glory and don’t really offer proper competition.

This is missing the point of the thread!

I always play to win, and I play both tpvp and spvp. The fact is that playing to win leaves me with less reward than the losers.

Last time I checked, it was the winners that received a reward, not the losers.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


If you actually care about trying to win, try the free tournaments, hotjoins are a zergy mess for farming glory and don’t really offer proper competition.

yea free tournaments are def the way to go for casuals they’re gonna feel really usefull and heavily contributed to their team being mobbed up,steamrolled and spawncamped at base or primary node by 4 bunkers and a burst thief. some person made a movie about whats wrong with tpvp .. and its exactly that.. new players get tossed into a shark tank.

as it stands right now its pretty simple..

spvp – zergfest learn the trick of the trade gaining points the easy way or feel totally useless afterwards.

tpvp – good luck being stomped and farmed in round 1 if you ever happen to get by round 1 by sheer luck of facing another pug team gl in round 2 getting stomped. if you happen to get by that because of a pug team.. you re def not gonna win in round 3.. cause chances are it will be a premade/guild team for sure in the finals ah well you got 2nd place.. 2nd place aint bad.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Xolo.3580


When I play pvp and I win a game, I will often notice that many people on the losing team have a much higher score than me.

I’m not a casual PvPer usually and I noticed this as well. My initial reaction to any zerg rolling around the map is “cap ALL the points!!!”. I’m usually quite successful with playing this way, and I like to roam anyway, but boy does that ever give less points than playing the zerg game. On top of that I despise the whole downed state chore and will often leave my team mates to finish someone off while I move on. Well… sucks to play for fun :p

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


sPvP’s lack of requiring tactics and different game modes is its biggest problem right now. It’s just running around in a circle zerging people for points.

SWTOR had probably the best 8v8 system of any MMO I’ve played. Each map was a different game mode and you had to use a lot of tactics and luck to actually win matches and it was usually very satisfying beating another organized group especially if they knew what they were doing. Some of those matches were so close I would be shaking.

sPvP doesn’t even get my adrenaline pumping and that’s why I don’t play it.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

(edited by ComeAndSee.1356)

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


sPvP’s lack of requiring tactics and different game modes is its biggest problem right now. It’s just running around in a circle zerging people for points.

SWTOR had probably the best 8v8 system of any MMO I’ve played. Each map was a different game mode and you had to use a lot of tactics and luck to actually win matches and it was usually very satisfying beating another organized group especially if they knew what they were doing. Some of those matches were so close I would be shaking.

sPvP doesn’t even get my adrenaline pumping and that’s why I don’t play it.

Yep, for some reason SWTOR PvP always got my adrenaline going. After most matches I would have to stand up and pace around the room I was so excited. For some reason it just doesn’t happen in GW2. I like GW2 PvP, it just doesn’t seem as intense.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


That’s because you have a selfish vision of the game thinking personal score is more important that team score!

that’s the same “problem” with most people,
im pretty sure 80% of the people that play this kind of games or any other sort of “teamplay” games, like MOBAs, worry a lot more about their own score than the fact of actually winning the game as a team,
and thats is when you see a Support character stealing farm from a Carry ( if talking about MOBAs) or in GW2 case, a bunker build running trough points to cap and get more personal score, or trying to finish a target to get more points instead of defending his “Flag”!!

For this type of games your rewards come from the fact that your team won, you get the victory for your achievment and, if u’r in a tourney, you get a cute chest and extra glory at the end!
the problem is not in the game, is within yourself and the vision you have of the game!

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I wish Anet would just take their PvP system from GW1 and put it in GW2. Loves it when I saw that “Flawless Victory 29 Consecutive Wins” pop up at the end of the match.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


That’s because you have a selfish vision of the game thinking personal score is more important that team score!

No, I have a team vision! But I also want to be rewarded for winning. I always play to win the match for my team and my personal score doesn’t affect how I play. If personal score was most important, I wouldn’t ever bother with objectives or strategy. I would simply run with zerg. And I probably wouldn’t have made this thread, either

The fact is that Arenanet have set up a massive disconnect between the scoring system and the game objectives. It doesn’t reward players who actually want to win the game and it doesn’t promote team play.

The scoring system appears to have been taken from a totally different game mode (death match) and superimposed upon another (point capture and defense).

I can understand that they want to make it fun for everybody and this includes the zerglings. Currently the score system is (loosely) as follows:

1. Killing people, capping points = large reward
2. Defending points, support, winning a game = unrewarded

Wouldn’t it be even more fun if it were:

1. Killing people, capping points = small reward
2. Defending points, support = small reward
3. Winning a game = large reward

I’m just trying to find a way that supports all styles of play but ultimately rewards the winners for winning. Call me weird, but I do play to win and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect to be rewarded for winning. I play for fun too, but winning the game is the most fun part and is what makes me have “just one more match” even when it’s getting late. Why punish me for my victory by showing me a list of losers on a scoreboard, all of whom have higher scores than me?

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Defending points even if you do it is ussualy useless.
Their zerg will come you die, get 0 points, spend time ressing.

Now lets say you survive the whole lets say 6v6 teamfight, you fight on point 6 ppl downed give you around 90 points, you can cap enemy point too giving tottal of 110 points, maybe you ress an ally afterwards for 10 extra points.

Defending is tottaly crapy. My suggestion to that would be. If you caped a point, time ticks, 1 tick each 30 seconds. If noone cap your point in those 30 seconds you get 10 points.
Since average game is 8-10 minutes you could get 160-200 points if noone caped your point in whole game. However not to abuse this for free farming glory, this should not activate if there arent at least 3vs3 in map

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: besbin.6302


sPvP’s lack of requiring tactics and different game modes is its biggest problem right now. It’s just running around in a circle zerging people for points.

SWTOR had probably the best 8v8 system of any MMO I’ve played. Each map was a different game mode and you had to use a lot of tactics and luck to actually win matches and it was usually very satisfying beating another organized group especially if they knew what they were doing. Some of those matches were so close I would be shaking.

sPvP doesn’t even get my adrenaline pumping and that’s why I don’t play it.

Yep, for some reason SWTOR PvP always got my adrenaline going. After most matches I would have to stand up and pace around the room I was so excited. For some reason it just doesn’t happen in GW2. I like GW2 PvP, it just doesn’t seem as intense.

Yeah same here. SWTOR pvp was slated by many but I always found it fun. Even pug groups generally tried to play the objectives to get the win, and yes, some of those close matches really got the heart pumping!

I don’t get that feeling at all with gw2 spvp. I actually started playing the game with the mentality I had in TOR – capping nodes and guarding them rather than just zerging off. I soon realised this was pointless in the current system. Winning means nothing. There is no team communication, just an utter zerg fest.

I am sure tournies are different but my friends no longer play the game and my guild has dissolved so that is no longer an option.

I still enjoy pug spvp but I approach it with a different attitude. I couldnt care less about my score, I wander the map looking for 1 v 1s or 1 v 2s or see how long I can survive Against the opposing zerg. I still have fun but the competitive side is what I make it – can I beat that warrior and enji together and get away? Etc. The game itself offers no incentive to compete to win so just do your own thing, whatever gives you fun.

I don’t care about gaining glory quickly – new clothes, weapon skin? Couldn’t care less. Again, no incentive to progress on that front imo. Picking out someone decked out in that gear and beating them down? Now you are talking!

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


That’s because you have a selfish vision of the game thinking personal score is more important that team score!

1. Killing people, capping points = large reward
2. Defending points, support, winning a game = unrewarded

Wouldn’t it be even more fun if it were:

1. Killing people, capping points = small reward
2. Defending points, support = small reward
3. Winning a game = large reward

This is exactly how the score system should work. No question and no debate (imo) about it.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


That’s because you have a selfish vision of the game thinking personal score is more important that team score!

No, I have a team vision! But I also want to be rewarded for winning. I always play to win the match for my team and my personal score doesn’t affect how I play. If personal score was most important, I wouldn’t ever bother with objectives or strategy. I would simply run with zerg. And I probably wouldn’t have made this thread, either

The fact is that Arenanet have set up a massive disconnect between the scoring system and the game objectives. It doesn’t reward players who actually want to win the game and it doesn’t promote team play.

The scoring system appears to have been taken from a totally different game mode (death match) and superimposed upon another (point capture and defense).

I can understand that they want to make it fun for everybody and this includes the zerglings. Currently the score system is (loosely) as follows:

1. Killing people, capping points = large reward
2. Defending points, support, winning a game = unrewarded

Wouldn’t it be even more fun if it were:

1. Killing people, capping points = small reward
2. Defending points, support = small reward
3. Winning a game = large reward

I’m just trying to find a way that supports all styles of play but ultimately rewards the winners for winning. Call me weird, but I do play to win and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect to be rewarded for winning. I play for fun too, but winning the game is the most fun part and is what makes me have “just one more match” even when it’s getting late. Why punish me for my victory by showing me a list of losers on a scoreboard, all of whom have higher scores than me?

If you dont feel is enough reward just by winning, you have a selfish vision of teamplay!!
as i said before, you dont see EVERYBODY on a, succesfull, Dota/LoL match being a carry or supports getting all the farm and kills (wich could translate to points here)
every team member has a role, supportive/defensive roles tend to be less rewarded all the time, but it doesnt make them any less important! yeah, it might look that way on the scoreboard, but keep in mind that that support is what makes the Carry strong on early game, in order to be able to win the game for the team late game

on a Football soccer game,
you see 1 goalkeeper, who could be something like a Bunker defending a point!
you see X amount of Defenders, who would be like bunkers defending points if there was more than just 1 Goal in the football game
then there is midfielders, that would be like roamers that go up and down (usually the ones with most stamina) to help either defend or attack!
You dont see 11 Forwards on a match just because they all want to score Goals!

Is all about the teamplay sacrifice!!
if you dont like to be a defender/bunker or if you wanna get more points (“reward”), i suggest u change ur build/class to something more offensive, or play only PUGs where nobody cares what you do and you see 5 people capping 1 point, or 5 people trying to finish 1 downed enemy!!

Defending points even if you do it is ussualy useless.
Their zerg will come you die, get 0 points, spend time ressing.

Now lets say you survive the whole lets say 6v6 teamfight, you fight on point 6 ppl downed give you around 90 points, you can cap enemy point too giving tottal of 110 points, maybe you ress an ally afterwards for 10 extra points.

Defending is tottaly crapy. My suggestion to that would be. If you caped a point, time ticks, 1 tick each 30 seconds. If noone cap your point in those 30 seconds you get 10 points.
Since average game is 8-10 minutes you could get 160-200 points if noone caped your point in whole game. However not to abuse this for free farming glory, this should not activate if there arent at least 3vs3 in map

This is the perfect example of someone that doesnt understand the meaning of Teamplay and just wants to get points!
if ALL of your enemy team zergs your point(5 on tourney), means they dont have anybody in the other 2 points, making it easier for your team to cap those and still be on advantage, wich would be good for your team!!

now lets say they change the things as they are, and make them how this guy is saying they should be!
you’ll end up seeing 8 people defending 1 point and hoarding score during the whole match!! why would you go to any other point if you’r just getting free points by standing in a circle with the safety of having all your team there?
why would the enemy team even try to take that point, when they can just take theirs and do the same? or take both and do the same and win the match too!?

also, just so you guys know! you get glory for killing players while defending a point!
“Succesfull Defender” is called or something!

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


ContentK (quote is broken)———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
If you dont feel is enough reward just by winning, you have a selfish vision of teamplay!!
as i said before, you dont see EVERYBODY on a, succesfull, Dota/LoL match being a carry or supports getting all the farm and kills (wich could translate to points here)
every team member has a role, supportive/defensive roles tend to be less rewarded all the time, but it doesnt make them any less important! yeah, it might look that way on the scoreboard, but keep in mind that that support is what makes the Carry strong on early game, in order to be able to win the game for the team late game

on a Football soccer game,
you see 1 goalkeeper, who could be something like a Bunker defending a point!
you see X amount of Defenders, who would be like bunkers defending points if there was more than just 1 Goal in the football game
then there is midfielders, that would be like roamers that go up and down (usually the ones with most stamina) to help either defend or attack!
You dont see 11 Forwards on a match just because they all want to score Goals!

Is all about the teamplay sacrifice!!
if you dont like to be a defender/bunker or if you wanna get more points (“reward”), i suggest u change ur build/class to something more offensive, or play only PUGs where nobody cares what you do and you see 5 people capping 1 point, or 5 people trying to finish 1 downed enemy!!

I hate this response.

I went to college but they didn’t give me a degree. “your reward should be learning!”

I went to my job but I didn’t get paid. “Your reward should be a job well done”

I completed the dungeon but I didn’t get a chest. “your reward should just be the fun you had”

I was robbed at gunpoint and they took my wallet. “you should just be glad you live in a country where we can own wallets!”

Back on topic, the reward system promotes the LACK of team play. So, all of those people that play for REWARDS are doing so at the cost of team play, making those who want to win have to struggle because they are the only ones trying to accomplish that goal. Stop looking at life as though the sun is a lollipop and the grass is cotton candy.

Also, your soccer analogy doesn’t work because the goalkeeper is trying to win, but so are the other players. The correct analogy would be if the goalkeeper was getting paid to win, but all the other players on his team were getting paid by how many open field jukes and tricks they could do, meanwhile not trying to get the ball in the goal.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


ContentK (quote is broken)

I hate this response.

I went to college but they didn’t give me a degree. “your reward should be learning!”

I went to my job but I didn’t get paid. “Your reward should be a job well done”

I completed the dungeon but I didn’t get a chest. “your reward should just be the fun you had”

I was robbed at gunpoint and they took my wallet. “you should just be glad you live in a country where we can own wallets!”

Back on topic, the reward system promotes the LACK of team play. So, all of those people that play for REWARDS are doing so at the cost of team play, making those who want to win have to struggle because they are the only ones trying to accomplish that goal. Stop looking at life as though the sun is a lollipop and the grass is cotton candy.

Also, your soccer analogy doesn’t work because the goalkeeper is trying to win, but so are the other players. The correct analogy would be if the goalkeeper was getting paid to win, but all the other players on his team were getting paid by how many open field jukes and tricks they could do, meanwhile not trying to get the ball in the goal.

Gotta love when people use random stuff to answer!! rofl
but sure, lets play your game

You went to college, and you didnt got your degree?? you probably didnt pass the tests,
and when you go to college you go ON YOUR OWN, you didnt pass the exams on group, you didnt sign up for it with other 4 peoples as a “team” and presented every test/work as a team with a goal to beat another “team”!

Ther’s no teamwork reflection on this example!

now on the work!
when you work on a company, the company have a common goal for all the employees, it could be selling stuff, buying stuff, anything
but in that same company, ther’s different degrees of labor needed to do

ther’s a person that runs the company, the ones that work directly on the objective of the company, and there is also those that ASSIST the ones that work for the main purpose, ther’s also those who clean the place where the people from the company works!!
you think they all get paid the same? an assistant gets paid as much as the engineer?

When have you completed a dungeon and got no chest? how does this relates to with beating another team in PvP? what does this has to do with playing different roles??

you Got robbed, and this relates to the game how?
unless the robbers took you on “teamplay”?

i have no idea what went trough your mind when you were posting this analogies, but they seriosly made no sense at all in relation to the thread or ANY teamplay related topic AT ALL!

if you’r gonna quote me, pls answer propertly and making sense!!

oh forgot about the last part of your post!
you know that soccer has prizes and awards for most goals scored as a PLAYER?
but you dont see a goalkeeper wanting to take it do you??
Players value grows with the more goals/shots on goal and stuff they do, just like in baseball the hits/runs, etc!!

i hope you really know about this stuff, if u’r trying to quote me and call me wrong on it!

(edited by ConterK.3972)

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


ContentK (quote is broken)

I hate this response.

I went to college but they didn’t give me a degree. “your reward should be learning!”

I went to my job but I didn’t get paid. “Your reward should be a job well done”

I completed the dungeon but I didn’t get a chest. “your reward should just be the fun you had”

I was robbed at gunpoint and they took my wallet. “you should just be glad you live in a country where we can own wallets!”

Back on topic, the reward system promotes the LACK of team play. So, all of those people that play for REWARDS are doing so at the cost of team play, making those who want to win have to struggle because they are the only ones trying to accomplish that goal. Stop looking at life as though the sun is a lollipop and the grass is cotton candy.

Also, your soccer analogy doesn’t work because the goalkeeper is trying to win, but so are the other players. The correct analogy would be if the goalkeeper was getting paid to win, but all the other players on his team were getting paid by how many open field jukes and tricks they could do, meanwhile not trying to get the ball in the goal.

Gotta love when people use random stuff to answer!! rofl
but sure, lets play your game

You went to college, and you didnt got your degree?? you probably didnt pass the tests,
and when you go to college you go ON YOUR OWN, you didnt pass the exams on group, you didnt sign up for it with other 4 peoples as a “team” and presented every test/work as a team with a goal to beat another “team”!

Ther’s no teamwork reflection on this example!

now on the work!
when you work on a company, the company have a common goal for all the employees, it could be selling stuff, buying stuff, anything
but in that same company, ther’s different degrees of labor needed to do

ther’s a person that runs the company, the ones that work directly on the objective of the company, and there is also those that ASSIST the ones that work for the main purpose, ther’s also those who clean the place where the people from the company works!!
you think they all get paid the same? an assistant gets paid as much as the engineer?

When have you completed a dungeon and got no chest? how does this relates to with beating another team in PvP? what does this has to do with playing different roles??

you Got robbed, and this relates to the game how?
unless the robbers took you on “teamplay”?

i have no idea what went trough your mind when you were posting this analogies, but they seriosly made no sense at all in relation to the thread or ANY teamplay related topic AT ALL!

if you’r gonna quote me, pls answer propertly and making sense!!

oh forgot about the last part of your post!
you know that soccer has prizes and awards for most goals scored as a PLAYER?
but you dont see a goalkeeper wanting to take it do you??
Players value grows with the more goals/shots on goal and stuff they do, just like in baseball the hits/runs, etc!!

i hope you really know about this stuff, if u’r trying to quote me and call me wrong on it!

Noone means Tpvp. Win is reward there(400 glory points an chest in frees more in paids)

However in Spvp there aint a reason to defend. Stealing points killing people earns me 300 points a game, but i lose it. Ok you defended your point got 200 points + % for win…. which isnt more then i did just running with zerg.

Your win is rewarded less then oponents loss, in this case, which feels lame.

Reward for win must be increased or reward for point defence.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


Noone means Tpvp. Win is reward there(400 glory points an chest in frees more in paids)

However in Spvp there aint a reason to defend. Stealing points killing people earns me 300 points a game, but i lose it. Ok you defended your point got 200 points + % for win…. which isnt more then i did just running with zerg.

Your win is rewarded less then oponents loss, in this case, which feels lame.

Reward for win must be increased or reward for point defence.

well yeah, in that case is true!!
i said it, if somebody just wanna earn glory, go on a random sPvP match and cap points/kill bosses/kill players!!
defending is uneffective for getting glory points, but is the way to Win matches as a team!

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


There really shouldn’t be any points associated with scores, at all. I’m a big fan of entering as a team and winning as a team. A report of things like damage dealt, received, skill use and so on should accompany this, but only in the sense of reporting information, never quantifying worth.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


well yeah, in that case is true!!
i said it, if somebody just wanna earn glory, go on a random sPvP match and cap points/kill bosses/kill players!!
defending is uneffective for getting glory points, but is the way to Win matches as a team!

I don’t think you have understood this thread.

The point of this thread is to discuss how playing to win is not rewarded appropriately, and how losing players will often receive more points than winning players. As a result, people who play to win will often walk away dissatisfied from a winning match.

It is not a discussion on how to achieve maximum glory.

If you have ideas on how to better reward players for playing to win, please do keep contributing

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


well yeah, in that case is true!!
i said it, if somebody just wanna earn glory, go on a random sPvP match and cap points/kill bosses/kill players!!
defending is uneffective for getting glory points, but is the way to Win matches as a team!

I don’t think you have understood this thread.

The point of this thread is to discuss how playing to win is not rewarded appropriately, and how losing players will often receive more points than winning players. As a result, people who play to win will often walk away dissatisfied from a winning match.

It is not a discussion on how to achieve maximum glory.

If you have ideas on how to better reward players for playing to win, please do keep contributing

Play tournaments and win them..?

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


well yeah, in that case is true!!
i said it, if somebody just wanna earn glory, go on a random sPvP match and cap points/kill bosses/kill players!!
defending is uneffective for getting glory points, but is the way to Win matches as a team!

I don’t think you have understood this thread.

The point of this thread is to discuss how playing to win is not rewarded appropriately, and how losing players will often receive more points than winning players. As a result, people who play to win will often walk away dissatisfied from a winning match.

It is not a discussion on how to achieve maximum glory.

If you have ideas on how to better reward players for playing to win, please do keep contributing

Play tournaments and win them..?

Not sure if trolling..?

As has already been pointed out to you, and as the word “casual” in the thread title implies, this thread is not about tournaments.

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


well yeah, in that case is true!!
i said it, if somebody just wanna earn glory, go on a random sPvP match and cap points/kill bosses/kill players!!
defending is uneffective for getting glory points, but is the way to Win matches as a team!

I don’t think you have understood this thread.

The point of this thread is to discuss how playing to win is not rewarded appropriately, and how losing players will often receive more points than winning players. As a result, people who play to win will often walk away dissatisfied from a winning match.

It is not a discussion on how to achieve maximum glory.

If you have ideas on how to better reward players for playing to win, please do keep contributing

Play tournaments and win them..?

Not sure if trolling..?

As has already been pointed out to you, and as the word “casual” in the thread title implies, this thread is not about tournaments.

Why would i be trolling.. would be trolling if what i said wasnt true!

If u wanna be solo and win Glory, cap points mindlessly..
if u wanna win as a team.. defend and win!
but you gotta sacrifice one of them.. “u cant have the best of both worlds!”

Glory is pretty worthless anyways!! not like you can do a lot with it!

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


The scoring system, as stated in many many threads, is very zerg friendly and needs changed. I think showing number of Cap Points lost would be a nice touch but wouldn’t really change anything.

I’ve been saying for ages (in-game at least) that player kills should be reduced to only awarding one point each if not zero. I don’t think taking points away for points lost is good idea though, it would just drag games out longer with no real change in game-play.

On a side note, winners already get a winning bonus as well as a bonus for Volunteering to change sides for autobalance, but I never noticed how much you got for that.

Why would you do this!?!?

It’s Player versus Player. If you remove the points of killing a player or reduce it to 1 point, nobody is going to fight players they are just going to run around capping points, king creatures and lords… This now becomes PVE!!!!

This is a perspective coming from a PVE players mouth.

Never reduce the points for killing a player.

Player versus Player. You should be rewarded for fighting and killing players not penalized by only getting one point. I can’t believe what I’m reading.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


The scoring system, as stated in many many threads, is very zerg friendly and needs changed. I think showing number of Cap Points lost would be a nice touch but wouldn’t really change anything.

I’ve been saying for ages (in-game at least) that player kills should be reduced to only awarding one point each if not zero. I don’t think taking points away for points lost is good idea though, it would just drag games out longer with no real change in game-play.

On a side note, winners already get a winning bonus as well as a bonus for Volunteering to change sides for autobalance, but I never noticed how much you got for that.

Why would you do this!?!?

It’s Player versus Player. If you remove the points of killing a player or reduce it to 1 point, nobody is going to fight players they are just going to run around capping points, king creatures and lords… This now becomes PVE!!!!

This is a perspective coming from a PVE players mouth.

Never reduce the points for killing a player.

Player versus Player. You should be rewarded for fighting and killing players not penalized by only getting one point. I can’t believe what I’m reading.

Agree that player vs player should be rewarded and that only awarding 1 point per kill might be a little harsh.

Question: Do you think that a “win” multiplier would work if it was applied to kills? Perhaps as follows:

— Players receive two points per player kill for the duration of the game
—At the end of the match, the winning team has their kill points multiplied by three
—Winning members then get six points per kill as a reward for winning the game, while the losers only get two points per kill

This could then encourage people to both kill and play to win, and will force people to think about their actions a bit more. Do they chase the opponent across the map or do they run back and try to defend the point they just captured?

I don’t think you understand the thread, so am ignoring.