Challenge Accepted Anet

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: kaikalii.4198


This forum and the Profession Balance forum are a steaming pile of negativity. People are mad because of problems created by anet’s lack of iteration as well as other things that are very well outlined by this thread. When a memberof the community tried to make a thread about all the positive things of sPvP, they were met only with an endless stream of sarcasm.

Pretty much everyone in the community has accepted that allisvain.

However, I would like to offer a different approach to looking at all of the hopeless imbalance. This point of view starts with pretending that PvP is in fact PvE. Yes, you can still understand that these are real people and interact with them as such, but when you get frustrated with Hambow Warriors, Spirit Rangers, MM Necros, Decap Engis, PU mesmers, and all the hopeless inadequacies of the Elementalist, you have to look at your enemies as mobs. When we look at PvP as PvE, “imbalance” becomes “difficulty”.

I want to continue enjoying a game that has the best combat system that I have ever come across. The fluidity alone is enough to make it special. Whenever I go back and play a game with four skills like LoL, I feel like I’m playing with boards strapped to my knees and elbows, preventing them from bending.

Yes, many specs include huge amounts of passive play and low-risk, high-reward. The way I see it, there are three options to countering this.
1. Also play these types of builds, and be bored.
2. Quit.
3. Play a more reasonable yet fun build, and become so good at it, that you destroy these passive players.

So many people have been choosing options 1 and 2 lately, but I can only continue to enjoy this game if I choose option 3. I’ll just keep playing, getting better at builds that are fun, active, high-risk, high-reward, because it’s all that I can do to keep having fun in a game that is at its core, great. Perhaps the situation may not be ideal, but we all have to make the most of it.

tl;dr: Anet isn’t fixing their game any time soon. Make the most of it by working to become good enough to destroy OP passive builds. All is not vain.

Kaliiii (Thief) – SoS

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


for this, to see the “imbalance” becomes “difficulty”, they would have to change leaderbaords , ranks, win/loses etc from accountwide to “per Profesion”

than for normal player who care about progress (and this are the most MMORPG players) the imbalance would not be the biggest problem cause everyone have the same on his way to be the top overlord elementalist, Mesmer …. whatever

only the e-sport ppl would care ….. but who cares^^

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Okay, that’s an interesting way to think of the balance issue.

Unfortunately there are more things going on here. To continue the PvE analogy, when a member of a dungeon group drops, I open the lfg-tool and ask for somebody else.

When I’m 4v5 here I open… oh, wait…

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

People just need to be better forum pvper’s.

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: kaikalii.4198


Okay, that’s an interesting way to think of the balance issue.

Unfortunately there are more things going on here. To continue the PvE analogy, when a member of a dungeon group drops, I open the lfg-tool and ask for somebody else.

When I’m 4v5 here I open… oh, wait…

The same “get really good” thing applies. 4v5 = higher difficulty. If you play enough of them, you will eventually get good enough to pull off a win. Not a lot else you can do.

Kaliiii (Thief) – SoS

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


tl/dr: can’t compare pvp to pve

LFM lv 50 fractal, 75 AR, need 1 guard

takes a bit but you get a group with players with correct gear and class but you get it and can do dungeon, if someone drops you just look for another one; NPCs ARE designed to die, no matter how you twist it

pvp: join game, jk someone afk, can’t replace because… well system doesn’t have the tool for it not means to prevent it

players or rather playable characters ARE NOT designed to die, in ideal case rather semi balanced so every class has a chance… sadly it is not the case when i can just 1v3 at mid on my warrior while my team can 4v2 on other points….

if you won 4v5 or with bad comp it just means enemy team was really really bad; to convert to pve it would be if you had full ascended set and killed some random skelk in low lv zone peventing you from gathering iron ore

assume each team has balanced class comp and players of same skill, team with less players would never win a match

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Challenge Accepted Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


3. Play a more reasonable yet fun build, and become so good at it, that you destroy these passive players.

tl;dr: Anet isn’t fixing their game any time soon. Make the most of it by working to become good enough to destroy OP passive builds. All is not vain.

That’s where your logic breaks down because the whole point of passive builds is that they CANNOT be out-played by getting “good enough”.
For every 1 player who attempts to play a unique build, there are 20 others sticking to cheesy/passive builds and completely facerolling that 1 player.

“All is vain” wasn’t just some joke created for the heck of it. All really IS vain.