Change prof name from Thief to Assassin?
But… they can kill you in 4 seconds but they can rob you in less than 1 second. Making them better at stealing than killing…
Meaning they’re better Thieves than Assassins.
Have you ever tried playing a thief? I think you’ll be singing a different tune after you realize how “op” the class is under the hands of an ordinary person against most of the meta lineup.
The average Necro has trouble against Thieves. This fact doesn’t make Thief overpowered, and it certainly doesn’t mean thief trumps every other class.
Have you ever tried playing a thief? I think you’ll be singing a different tune after you realize how “op” the class is under the hands of an ordinary person against most of the meta lineup.
The average Necro has trouble against Thieves. This fact doesn’t make Thief overpowered, and it certainly doesn’t mean thief trumps every other class.
I didn’t say it trumps every other class. I didn’t say it was op either. I said Anet favors the class and that necro’s can’t even use any of their skills against a thief. Thats actually kittened up game design. No pvp game should one class just auto win vs another.
Like if you’re a necro and get caught out against a thief, you cant outrun it. Let go of your mouse and your keybard and let the rock beat scissors. No skill involved. One class just beats the other. Its purposefully made that way.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what changes need to be made – and, more importantly, what counter-nerfs would you propose?
Your idea would seem a lot more credible if you could answer this.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what changes need to be made – and, more importantly, what counter-nerfs would you propose?
Your idea would seem a lot more credible if you could answer this.
What do you mean?
I don’t propose any nerfs really. Just rename the class to assassin lol.
If they wanted they could make some changes to make necro feel less weak. Guard provide plenty of aoe damage and yet can still defend against a thief. IDK why thats acceptable but its not acceptable for a necro. Oh and necro has bad mobility. Oh and necro has worse defense vs heavy focus fire.
Ohhh I know why. Cuz they can be supported This argument doesn’t make sense. Guards can be supported by an ele. anyone can be supported lol An ele can support another ele. An engi, A warrior can be supported by an ele. lol. Anyone can support anyone. How is this an argument? And they can all be healed easier XD
Necro’s are good when supported. this has to be the biggest slap in the nuts to every necro player and most of them don’t even realize it. Everyone is great when supported lol. What? Why is this a thing?
Guards, Wars, Engi, Ranger, and even a mesmer (who can also do plenty of teamfight aoe damage; usually gets the highest damage in most games; also has amazing aoe cc like shield5 and well) can all be supported. They can also 1v1. They also all have decent-great mobility.
EDIT: I know I use “lol” alot but this necro business is comical in my mind. I don’t get it. I feel like its plain as day for me but not for everyone else. Somehow Anet has convinced the playerbase that necro’s need a babysitter and thats a legitimate thing.
Just answer this: Why can guards get away with 1v1’s so well while necro’s cant?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Because a necro is stronger in teamfight/group play than a guardian?
A well played necro can down multiple players, massively boonstrip, and just in general wreck face.
A guardian can support his team and provide some nice tanky damage. They are also built with better heals and blocks.
Guards are CD based. Outlast or bait their CDs and they are a sitting duck. Necro, it’s all about either negating/bursting the shroud. A well played necro can sustain far longer than a guardian, especially with a support.
There’s a reason necro’s are often first target. Not just because of their squish, but because you need to keep them on the defense or they are the most brutal to a teamfight.
Because a necro is stronger in teamfight/group play than a guardian?
A well played necro can down multiple players, massively boonstrip, and just in general wreck face.
A guardian can support his team and provide some nice tanky damage. They are also built with better heals and blocks.
Guards are CD based. Outlast or bait their CDs and they are a sitting duck. Necro, it’s all about either negating/bursting the shroud. A well played necro can sustain far longer than a guardian, especially with a support.
There’s a reason necro’s are often first target. Not just because of their squish, but because you need to keep them on the defense or they are the most brutal to a teamfight.
I can contest every singe one of those points.
Necro is CD based. You bait out all its CD’s and they are a sitting duck.
Necro’s are easier to focus. They don’t have blocks or invulnts to stop it.
Necros sustain isn’t a thing lol. They can’t heal and most of their LF gain relies on a few skills. Once that first shroud is gone he’s dead in the water. Won’t last till the shroud comes off CD.
This is fact. You can watch any pro league game where they have a necro. The necro comes in, puts out as much boon corrupt as possible, and then dies. You’re arguments just arent true. They’re just not true man lol.
This is the thing though. The community believes it. Most of whom don’t play necromancer. But such is the same for the devs.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Necro is strong in team fights, CC / dmg is awsm.
Kite and use positioning to win/
Much of necro life-force sustain relies on hitting large numbers of enemies. It’s what makes them good team fights.
I fight strong necros all the time with solid sustain even when being focused in a group.