Changes to Amulets for Season 2
Hmmm, this seems a bit odd as both crusader and vigilant are pretty uncommon and not that powerful, though I have had some success with a crusader rifle scrapper.
That said, amulets with too much toughness and no vitality are very niche – they are usually bad for ele, necro, guardian and thief. These amulets are even harder to use due to the other stat choices – condi duration but no condi damage, ferocity but no precision.
If the intent is to move towards more widely applicable ones over time, that’s a good change and the recently added amulets did that quite well. (Though you could simply remove barbarian, knight and possibly carrion now due to them being outclassed)
carrion might be outclassed by mercenary but knight could be still useful.
as for barbarian, low health professions may wanna try that some time.
I’ll say it again – remove all amulets, balance the game from that point.
To ppl saying amulets werent a problem only traits and skills: no they are all problems. Removing tanky amulets is a good start. Pls add more stat combos coz there is still not much to choose from
6k+ PvP games
Also eles, thieves should get a hp increase to medium hp pool. That way they could choose an amulet without vitality. If thief gets op nerf staff and dagger
6k+ PvP games
Cheap solutions. Why not balance the skills themselves?
Oh No! Amulets that might help a Mesmer survive! Hotfix remove! Do I sound a little bitter?
It’s disappointing to see these “adjustments” while professions and roles need to be overhauled instead.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Hm. I think we should also adjust certain class block duration as well. Or add more skills that can break through a lazy block. Blocking accomplishes the same thing as high toughness/vitality.
I don’t mind a 1-2s block, but some classes have enough time to sit down and start roasting marshmallows on a campfire while blocking.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
If the intent is to move towards more widely applicable ones over time, that’s a good change and the recently added amulets did that quite well. (Though you could simply remove barbarian, knight and possibly carrion now due to them being outclassed)
carrion might be outclassed by mercenary but knight could be still useful.
as for barbarian, low health professions may wanna try that some time.
Sure, but that’s kinda what I mean – you need a specific class and some other thing happening (need vitality to resist conditions, or toughness to amplify a bunch of healing) for those amulets to ever work, which in a vast majority of cases doesn’t happen. When it does, those builds will lose very little by switching to paladin anyway.
Though yes, there are rare cases where those amulets are better.
I’m fun with this in general, but not when it’s so low priority compared to every relevant issue :/
This will have some effect sure. But problem builds and skills are still a problem, and food or cannon fodder is still fodder, with no real diversity.
Hope this isn’t all we get for the tweaks, as the tweaks should focus on fixing underwhelming builds.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
So, they decided not to go with it?
It seems like my change didn’t make it with this build so it will be going out soon in a hotfix. Also Crusader will be removed at the same time.
So….no defense primaries.
Glass blast it is. How…not fun. (Not that toughness does a kitten thing against Condi Spam, but that’s beside the point.)
I like the balance changes in the patch. If you wanted me to switch to revenant or reaper you could just openly admit it
can you also remove the marauder amulet? i honestly feel like pvp would be so much better and joyous to watch if every dps spec had to use a berserker/assassin/viper amulet :^)
It seems like my change didn’t make it with this build so it will be going out soon in a hotfix. Also Crusader will be removed at the same time.
What change?
It seems like my change didn’t make it with this build so it will be going out soon in a hotfix. Also Crusader will be removed at the same time.
What change?
The removal of vigilant and crusader amulets from pvp. I hope we’ll get replacment, limiting the amulet optios is limiting build diversity.
Well, guess this is a start. Let’s hope they hurry up and remove all amulets and runes so they actually have to start balancing and fixing classes and specializations and traitsfor all game modes.
yeah, not too happy with this…..guess I’ll use uh…berserker now? Moar vitality!
If you don’t get it right the first time, keep on sucking until you do!
It seems like my change didn’t make it with this build so it will be going out soon in a hotfix. Also Crusader will be removed at the same time.
So what are classes without much inherent sustain supposed to do when you have classes with a lot of sustain combined with dps? You are over compensating and limiting build diversity in another direction.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
It seems like my change didn’t make it with this build so it will be going out soon in a hotfix. Also Crusader will be removed at the same time.
So what are classes without much inherent sustain supposed to do when you have classes with a lot of sustain combined with dps? You are over compensating and limiting build diversity in another direction.
Play rev, necro, or scrapper……….or die.
If you don’t get it right the first time, keep on sucking until you do!