(edited by Hammerguard.9834)
Channeled skills tracking invis players?
you need to start the channel when they are out of stealth. the player can still break the channel with a teleport. its been tracking fine for me.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Dear god, let it be true.
Also, no, it hasnt always been that way, ranger machinegun tracks invis.
- Theodore Roosevelt
The arrows still hit through stealth, but your character model won’t turn with it. And the arrow animation won’t change either, it’ll still look like it’s flying towards the place they stealthed. But after the channel ends, your character will end up facing the direction where they last were as long as you weren’t turning or something.
But if you use sigil of fire, it still procs where the other character actually is. So basically I have to rely on the fire burst to tell me where the stealthed guy generally is, or watch where my character is facing.