Channeling skills hit invisible players?

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415

I was fighting two players in WvW a few minutes ago. It was me (Thief) vs a Thief and a Ranger.

I managed to outsmart the Ranger and get the Thief alone. After I downed the Thief, the Ranger starts his auto channeling arrow barrage attack. I was almost downed at that point and used Shadows Refuge to finish off the Thief.


The Rangers arrows just kept on firing and hitting me while I was invisible.

I couldn’t escape the fact that the Thief got rezzed, I got auto attacked by the Thief. And these two won the fight because of this broken channeling attack.

I would like to know if Anet did this on purpose. And weather it should be fixed.

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
* YouTube – Fun, guides and gameplay

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


I noticed that rush will still steer towards a target after they stealth. I think it’s the result of the recent patch where they changed it so NPCs don’t de-aggro anymore.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Stealth has never broken channels. As to whether it’s intended, it’s never been stated either way. The best way to handle channels are evades or interupts.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: kaltastic.3146


Ranger Barrage is a AoE attack. I would hope that it is intended that stealth doesn’t provide immunity from this.

We share apocalyptic views, how comforting that we see it too.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Stealth does not break channels.
In addition skills fired before stealth actually activates will still hit.
Seemingly as a result of the target system, after someone stealths there is a brief moment where the game doesn’t actually forget targetting and certain attacks will still pursue, that or it’s a result of lag and the way the game handles ping discrepencies.

The great forum duppy.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415

Some Thief spammed Heartseeker at me while I was already in stealth. And basically all heartseekers hit me ><

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
* YouTube – Fun, guides and gameplay

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


it’s almost like…stealth has counters?

the sky is falling.

aoe & any ability with a cast time are the two main counters to stealth ( initiate cast time while thief is visible, on cast complete your target will be maintained even if stealthed ).

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415

it’s almost like…stealth has counters?

the sky is falling.

aoe & any ability with a cast time are the two main counters to stealth ( initiate cast time while thief is visible, on cast complete your target will be maintained even if stealthed ).

So that would show your exact location, even follow you (rush). That would make stealth pretty obsolete now wouldn’t it?

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
* YouTube – Fun, guides and gameplay

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Atlanis.6597


All abilities can be fired without a target. They function as AEs with a very small area of effect in that case.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Stealth doesn’t give you immunity for god sake. Any decent player will try to counter that by some AoE, Crowd Controls (like base “Fear Me!” right after your CnD, goodbye spam combo) or even auto attack in zone they precidct you are. Securing stealth stomp bg AoE near downed player, random CCs andattacking over the body is normal. Deal with it. Also, to add sth to topic: Life Transfer hits all targets in range, stealthed, cloned, whatever+ I’m pretty sure epidemic also procs if cast starts when you go invisible.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Yes I noticed it on a few occasions as well. That when I go stealth briefly before they channel skills I’ll get hit after hit.

Anet needs to fix this because thief’s don’t have many ways to heal and gets downed fast, without stealth a thief is nothing because of the huge lack of healing and armor..

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Channeled abilities always followed though stealth, also pets, clones, phantoms also follow the thief though stealth.

Stealth obviously needs more nerfs i guess…

This issue has been around since beta and A-net never mention 1 word about it and we have made dozens of threads about it. will they ever fix this?!

“these are not the droids you are looking fore” /wave

(edited by Volrath.1473)

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Stealth doesn’t give you immunity for god sake. Any decent player will try to counter that by some AoE, Crowd Controls (like base “Fear Me!” right after your CnD, goodbye spam combo) or even auto attack in zone they precidct you are. Securing stealth stomp bg AoE near downed player, random CCs andattacking over the body is normal. Deal with it. Also, to add sth to topic: Life Transfer hits all targets in range, stealthed, cloned, whatever+ I’m pretty sure epidemic also procs if cast starts when you go invisible.

It’s only natural to try to disjoint projectiles and channelings with stealth. The fact the ranger rapid fire can follow a stealthed target for so long feels broken when you see it.

As for calling that a stealth counter, it’s for me as if you could dye your armor all in pink and then conditions wouldn’t stick to you. If feels random and unwarranted.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Since stealth will give reveal debuff even if you don’t attack this nonsense needs to go.

Hopefully we’ll see some good changes to thieves since thieves are pretty weak for tpvp

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Some Thief spammed Heartseeker at me while I was already in stealth. And basically all heartseekers hit me ><

Heartseeker has a huge hitbox. If you are within range at any point between the beginning and end of the leap, it’ll hit, even when stealthed.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.6392


It’s not how it’s supposed to work, no matter how you look at it or how much you HATE stealth.

Stealth’s getting nerfed, at least they could fix this for consistency.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Atlanis.6597


Since stealth will give reveal debuff even if you don’t attack this nonsense needs to go.

Hopefully we’ll see some good changes to thieves since thieves are pretty weak for tpvp

Thieves aren’t weak; they’re pigeonholed. They’re very good at what they can do, but they can only do that. That is the thief’s problem.

It’s not how it’s supposed to work, no matter how you look at it or how much you HATE stealth.

Stealth’s getting nerfed, at least they could fix this for consistency.

Where have they stated that it isn’t supposed to work like that?

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415

Stealth doesn’t give you immunity for god sake. Any decent player will try to counter that by some AoE, Crowd Controls (like base “Fear Me!” right after your CnD, goodbye spam combo) or even auto attack in zone they precidct you are. Securing stealth stomp bg AoE near downed player, random CCs andattacking over the body is normal. Deal with it. Also, to add sth to topic: Life Transfer hits all targets in range, stealthed, cloned, whatever+ I’m pretty sure epidemic also procs if cast starts when you go invisible.

It’s only natural to try to disjoint projectiles and channelings with stealth. The fact the ranger rapid fire can follow a stealthed target for so long feels broken when you see it.

As for calling that a stealth counter, it’s for me as if you could dye your armor all in pink and then conditions wouldn’t stick to you. If feels random and unwarranted.

That was the skill I meant. You can’t simply dodge either because there are so many arrows fired for so long. Every enemy is now aware of your exact location…

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
* YouTube – Fun, guides and gameplay

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Stealth has never broken channels. As to whether it’s intended, it’s never been stated either way. The best way to handle channels are evades or interupts.

Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth).

Since stealth will give reveal debuff even if you don’t attack this nonsense needs to go.

Hopefully we’ll see some good changes to thieves since thieves are pretty weak for tpvp

Yes. Lets vote for perma stealth/invulnerability.

It’s not how it’s supposed to work, no matter how you look at it or how much you HATE stealth.

It’s not how it’s supposed to work?? You know how it’s supposed to work? You are developer behind this

More irony please, lets have fun on forum since we cant have it in game.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth).

What wrong in giving another option to avoid those channeling skills? Rapid Fire is a 5s channel with 10s cooldown skill. It cannot be correctly dodged and it still gives away your position even if you do. What if the thief burned a smoke bomb utility to prevent damage? It’d be a skill reaction counter and would be a good start to make Stealth more useful outside of unlocking powerful attacks or plain staying invisible most of the time.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth).

What wrong in giving another option to avoid those channeling skills? Rapid Fire is a 5s channel with 10s cooldown skill. It cannot be correctly dodged and it still gives away your position even if you do. What if the thief burned a smoke bomb utility to prevent damage? It’d be a skill reaction counter and would be a good start to make Stealth more useful outside of unlocking powerful attacks or plain staying invisible most of the time.

“Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth, out of nowhere).

“Yes. Lets vote for perma stealth/invulnerability.”

(edited by Wooyadeen.6491)

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


“Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth, out of nowhere).

“Yes. Lets vote for perma stealth/invulnerability.”

I don’t think I understand what you are saying anymore XD You cannot dodge a 5s channeling skill and even when you do, it gives away your location in stealth anyway.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth).

What wrong in giving another option to avoid those channeling skills? Rapid Fire is a 5s channel with 10s cooldown skill. It cannot be correctly dodged and it still gives away your position even if you do. What if the thief burned a smoke bomb utility to prevent damage? It’d be a skill reaction counter and would be a good start to make Stealth more useful outside of unlocking powerful attacks or plain staying invisible most of the time.

“Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth, out of nowhere).

“Yes. Lets vote for perma stealth/invulnerability.”

landing a channeling skill on a about to stealth thief is harder to do than alot of you think..

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: ZigWentZag.6082


if someone stealths while your firing something it doesnt go straight into the ground as it would if you dont target someone it will go straight into the distance and if the invisable player happens to be there they will be hit wich is why if ur in pvp and someone goes stealth just keep spamming 1 and you will probobly still hit them

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Arekai.5698


How cuuuute.
Thieves complaining that their stealth isn’t broken enough.
Wait, shhhh, let Anet fix this for you, so you babys can frag more with your 1337 skills while beeing invisible 90% of the time.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth).

What wrong in giving another option to avoid those channeling skills? Rapid Fire is a 5s channel with 10s cooldown skill. It cannot be correctly dodged and it still gives away your position even if you do. What if the thief burned a smoke bomb utility to prevent damage? It’d be a skill reaction counter and would be a good start to make Stealth more useful outside of unlocking powerful attacks or plain staying invisible most of the time.

“Noooo, evading channels is to hard (almost impossible to dodge/evade), it should be easy as the avoidance of something you do not see and do not know when it will come (Thief attack from stealth, out of nowhere).

“Yes. Lets vote for perma stealth/invulnerability.”

landing a channeling skill on a about to stealth thief is harder to do than alot of you think..

My post was sarcasm. When someone ask how to deal with thief stealth answer usualy is “anticipate, dodge”. So if i can dodge something i can not see or predict (when thief come from stealth out of nowhere), why thief cant dodge or predict simple shannel skill? Or why class with best disengage in game need to be invulnerable while stealthed?

GW2 is the only game on the market where there is no mechanism to reveal or counter stealth. Please dont tell me about AOE or autoattack i know that but… there is no chance that you can be sure where is thief, so you cant counter it for real, you can try to anticipate and land preemptive aoe but that is not real counter.

Real stealt counters:

in Dota 2/Hon: wards of true sight, dust of revelation, silence, etc…
in WoW: You can see invisible units when they r to close. Any dmg also reveal invisible units….

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


In DotA (2), most attacks are completely impossible to land on a stealthed player. Most AoEs don’t hit them either. In flight projectiles often fail if you stealth before it hits you.

In GW2, just mashing “1” and watching the combo moving forward is enough to hurt badly a thief. Thieves can only stealth for 3s by default unless using Shadow Refuge which has a kind of 3s of channeling and it only gives you 12s of stealth in total. In DotA you got a hero that is permanently invisible! As in, always except right after he attacks and he goes back invisible like 2s after he stops attacking without doing nothing.

There’s even a hero that can stay 5s invisible and still attack and do anything he wants without breaking it.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


A channel single target will be interuppeted, an aoe will not.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Most AoEs don’t hit them either.

Only few non true aoe’s (which have to hit the target like lich ulti) cant hit them. Even radiance/mock work (available to all heroes) + all true aoe skills work on invisible heroes.

In GW2, just mashing “1” and watching the combo moving forward is enough to hurt badly a thief.

Just mashing “1” – not on all weapons/professions.

Thieves can only stealth for 3s by default unless using Shadow Refuge which has a kind of 3s of channeling and it only gives you 12s of stealth in total.

Another lie or you just dont know to use your skills.

In DotA you got a hero that is permanently invisible!

At same time reveal is available to all heroes (stealth also).

There’s even a hero that can stay 5s invisible and still attack and do anything he wants without breaking it.

He dont need to brake it but i need and i can brake that (there are few counters also available to all players in MOBA or WoW)….

Wait, wait is this about dota 2 or about thief + culling bug in gw2??

(edited by Wooyadeen.6491)

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


If you can’t see the difference between a game where some players can become invisible forever just by doing nothing for 1s gaining complete immunity to all autoattacks and nearly all skills and one where invisibility itself is very limited and you can still get projectiles to bounce to you, I don’t think I can help you.

There is a reason why the first has “true sight” effects and the later doesn’t.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


moot point.

Channeling still hitting a player after he went invisible is a ridicolous feature that by no mean is intended, neither makes sense.

Still aNet has never cleared it up ( probably because there would be tons of code working to solve this issue) and noob thief haters will never understand how gamebreaking this issue is.

Don’t let this thread die, maybe ( and i say MAYBE) we’ll get an answer SOMEDAY.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Arekai.5698


You are a thief, you deserve no answer from anyone.
You are already given the most broken mechanic in any game out there, and that in a fashion that’s blatantly overpowered because of ridiculous uptimes.
Other games, where the game developers actually know a thing about balance, have restrictions like slow movement speed or reveal on hit. Be happy.

You should get nerfed into the ground like ranger.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Such hostility :/ And Ranger is one of the strongest sPvP class currently …

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


You are a thief, you deserve no answer from anyone.
You are already given the most broken mechanic in any game out there, and that in a fashion that’s blatantly overpowered because of ridiculous uptimes.
Other games, where the game developers actually know a thing about balance, have restrictions like slow movement speed or reveal on hit. Be happy.

You should get nerfed into the ground like ranger.

the thief is not OP, it’s probably one the weakest 1vs1 fighter along with the necro, in current meta, and is worthy only in a coordinated team environment and still a lot less worthy than most other classes aside the war.


Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


the thief is not OP, it’s probably one the weakest 1vs1 fighter along with the necro, in current meta, and is worthy only in a coordinated team environment and still a lot less worthy than most other classes aside the war.

I guess you’re right.

But back to the topic. Invisibility is not invulnerability. Even if you’re invisible, you’re still there and can take dmg.

But why, If both stand at same spot (touching each other), why can’t I know that he is there? If we are so close (almost sharing spot) I should be aware of it. In some other game when you are so close Rogue is 95% transparent (not fully invisible).

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


the thief is not OP, it’s probably one the weakest 1vs1 fighter along with the necro, in current meta, and is worthy only in a coordinated team environment and still a lot less worthy than most other classes aside the war.

I guess you’re right.

But back to the topic. Invisibility is not invulnerability. Even if you’re invisible, you’re still there and can take dmg.

But why, If both stand at same spot (touching each other), why can’t I know that he is there? If we are so close (almost sharing spot) I should be aware of it. In some other game when you are so close Rogue is 95% transparent (not fully invisible).

the issue here is different.


Ranger starts rapid fire ( 5 secs channel)

i stealth during its channel.

Ranger keeps following me, sending arrows at my location, like if i never stealthed. Even if i strafe. Even if i dodge. No matters what i do, the channel won’t end till its full duration, like if the ranger was some kinda of hypersensitive.

This is beyond any possible logic.

And now, after last patch pet tracking change, pets/illusions/minions/whatever follow you and HIT YOU even after you’ve stealthed.

Ah, obviously, just like channeling, any other action STARTED BEFORE a char actually stealths, will follow you and HIT YOU in stealth ( just think how FUN is to receive a 6k heartseeker from a thief in this situation).

Once you learn how to deal with stealth ( aka: at good levels), all these gamebreaking issues are very , VERY relevant, even more since a thief is forced to build glass cannon to be somehow useful in a team, and you explode by simply being looked at with more passion.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


the thief is not OP, it’s probably one the weakest 1vs1 fighter along with the necro, in current meta, and is worthy only in a coordinated team environment and still a lot less worthy than most other classes aside the war.

I guess you’re right.

But back to the topic. Invisibility is not invulnerability. Even if you’re invisible, you’re still there and can take dmg.

But why, If both stand at same spot (touching each other), why can’t I know that he is there? If we are so close (almost sharing spot) I should be aware of it. In some other game when you are so close Rogue is 95% transparent (not fully invisible).

the issue here is different.


Ranger starts rapid fire ( 5 secs channel)

i stealth during its channel.

Ranger keeps following me, sending arrows at my location, like if i never stealthed. Even if i strafe. Even if i dodge. No matters what i do, the channel won’t end till its full duration, like if the ranger was some kinda of hypersensitive.

This is beyond any possible logic.

And now, after last patch pet tracking change, pets/illusions/minions/whatever follow you and HIT YOU even after you’ve stealthed.

Ah, obviously, just like channeling, any other action STARTED BEFORE a char actually stealths, will follow you and HIT YOU in stealth ( just think how FUN is to receive a 6k heartseeker from a thief in this situation).

Once you learn how to deal with stealth ( aka: at good levels), all these gamebreaking issues are very , VERY relevant, even more since a thief is forced to build glass cannon to be somehow useful in a team, and you explode by simply being looked at with more passion.

Well we all know rangers, and ranger’s pets even more, are just ridiculous right now..

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


One of the advantages to a pvp rating ladder is we could finally show the hotjoin heros that thiefs and mesmers DO NOT dominate competitive pvp.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


from reading here you would almost think longbow is in a good spot right now.

headshot the channel instead of going to stealth & you’ll take zero damage.

stealth is not a cure-all.

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Arekai.5698


the thief is not OP, it’s probably one the weakest 1vs1 fighter along with the necro, in current meta, and is worthy only in a coordinated team environment and still a lot less worthy than most other classes aside the war.

I guess you’re right.

But back to the topic. Invisibility is not invulnerability. Even if you’re invisible, you’re still there and can take dmg.

But why, If both stand at same spot (touching each other), why can’t I know that he is there? If we are so close (almost sharing spot) I should be aware of it. In some other game when you are so close Rogue is 95% transparent (not fully invisible).

the issue here is different.


Ranger starts rapid fire ( 5 secs channel)

i stealth during its channel.

Ranger keeps following me, sending arrows at my location, like if i never stealthed. Even if i strafe. Even if i dodge. No matters what i do, the channel won’t end till its full duration, like if the ranger was some kinda of hypersensitive.

This is beyond any possible logic.

And now, after last patch pet tracking change, pets/illusions/minions/whatever follow you and HIT YOU even after you’ve stealthed.

Ah, obviously, just like channeling, any other action STARTED BEFORE a char actually stealths, will follow you and HIT YOU in stealth ( just think how FUN is to receive a 6k heartseeker from a thief in this situation).

Once you learn how to deal with stealth ( aka: at good levels), all these gamebreaking issues are very , VERY relevant, even more since a thief is forced to build glass cannon to be somehow useful in a team, and you explode by simply being looked at with more passion.

Awwww you baby thieves sure have it hard! All those mean 300dmg arrows from ranger!