Chat Suppression in Tourney's

Chat Suppression in Tourney's

in PvP

Posted by: Wise.8025


Why is their chat suppression is tourney’s? If I have to say Mine 3 times in a row to my group and then I get suppressed for spamming, all I can say is WTF.

I understand chat suppression in /map if you’re being obnoxious, or spamming. I understand you could be a kitten in team chat and spam, but it’s something I have never experienced even from solo queuing into tourney’s. I spent the entire rest of the tournament suppressed from chat because I called out my point multiple times.

/signed annoyed player

Chat Suppression in Tourney's

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Never heard of that one. Might be new? I call out in /team, /party all the time and never been suppressed.