Clarification on League Vet/Champion Achieves
Well, based on how it’s written (i.e.: “Cross X league divisions during a PvP season”), to get the Part III achie you need to reach ruby during one specific season, and for the Part IV you need to reach diamond during another specific season.
Ofc, you could get both Part III and IV during one single season, by getting Legendary x3 (it’s 7 thresholds).
It should work this way, if anyone has more and/or different infos, I’d like to read them.
Edit: unless the achievement isn’t reset between seasons, in that case you could get all of them by just reaching ruby during 2 seasons and sapphire during the other 2 (10 thresholds passed overall).
(edited by Galandil.9641)
Edit: im actually a bit unsure when rethinking it :o my take is that ull get it by crossing legendary once during a season, since its 4 divisions gained by then (unless there r more tiers)
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
(edited by nacario.9417)
Im on ruby atm and the achi i need says gain 3 divisions during a season, meaning when im diamond ill have it checked. Since i most likely wont go for the grind ill wait till next season, where the last tier wants me to cross 4, which means ill need to get to legendary in that season or if diamond again i need emerald in 3rd season. Thats how i read it tho, i could be wrong.
Yeah, as I stated in my edit, the only doubt about it is if the achievement is reset in-between seasons.
For example, you reach diamond in season 1, you complete Part I and II and get 1 on the Part III. You stop playing and wait for the next season. If the achie is not reset, then you’ll get the Part III achie completed just by reaching sapphire, etc.
Isn’t this the same question as this? If so, it was answered here: