Class to rank up

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Sivannie.2670


Hey guys I am kind of new to the game but I have been playing pvp a lot. I wanted to ask you which character do you think is better for ranked/carry groups. ty n-n

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


Atm, Guardian at low level, then Warrior, Thief and Druid. Thief is hard to master but when you do you kill everyone or at last become totally unkillable. The same with the Druid, you become unkillable and have even better dps and can hold the point if you need to.
If you like toe support role, a good elementalist make a team win. In a match, if a team have an ele and the other one don’t, the second one lose at 90%.

Don’t chose Necomancer for any reason on this world.
Also mesmers are bad to carry, but still better to play.

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Sivannie.2670


Thank you for your answer, i think i’ll take guardian and then ele, ty vm

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

if u wanna carry play a class that really good in a 1v1 and can hold or escape a 2v1 scenario. only play support like ele if u have good enough dps roamers in ur team to support. so i suggest mesmer, druid, warrior. you can even use DH or engi.

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Sivannie.2670


Yeah, I really love ele but it is super frustrating cuz sometimes your team are not even worth supporting

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


Atm, Guardian at low level, then Warrior, Thief and Druid. Thief is hard to master but when you do you kill everyone or at last become totally unkillable. The same with the Druid, you become unkillable and have even better dps and can hold the point if you need to.
If you like toe support role, a good elementalist make a team win. In a match, if a team have an ele and the other one don’t, the second one lose at 90%.

Don’t chose Necomancer for any reason on this world.
Also mesmers are bad to carry, but still better to play.

Thief is definitely hard to master.Spamming that dodge button can be challenging.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: martin.1653


Atm, Guardian at low level, then Warrior, Thief and Druid.

Oh god, please don’t encourage people to play guardians. It’s already 4 guardians per game in every silver match.

Thief is definitely hard to master.Spamming that dodge button can be challenging.

Regular class: dodge, dodge,… die.
Thief: dodge, dodge, dodge,… die.
Such spam. Very evade. Much wow.
But I’m sure it’s much more challenging to master passive invulns for 5 seconds when someone drops you under 50%.

(edited by martin.1653)

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Atm, Guardian at low level, then Warrior, Thief and Druid. Thief is hard to master but when you do you kill everyone or at last become totally unkillable. The same with the Druid, you become unkillable and have even better dps and can hold the point if you need to.
If you like toe support role, a good elementalist make a team win. In a match, if a team have an ele and the other one don’t, the second one lose at 90%.

Don’t chose Necomancer for any reason on this world.
Also mesmers are bad to carry, but still better to play.

Thief is definitely hard to master.Spamming that dodge button can be challenging.

The vault spam theif kinda got nerfed into oblivion… you still see some but they arent anywhere near as good they were. The other dodge theif is so easy to counter if you just THINK a little bit…. The DD dodge theif can only hurt you if they are on top of you.. and they will run out of dodges if you just dont attack and kite them for a second…. sure you might lose the point for a second but its better than dying.

and the dp theif does not have infinited dodges and is the meta theif build atm…. Its actually quite difficult to play.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: jihm.2315


warrior or guardian dragon hunter
they need the less effort to be effective

action combat made mmos better lol

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: saerni.2584


I wouldn’t swap classes in ranked after you rank up on one.

Support classes are good but rely on the team being somewhat good. I.e. If your team dies before you can support them. You are better off playing a class that can both support and do decent damage. Dragonhunter is a good example of this.

Engineer (scrapper) can be great support and decent damage but is a bit harder to play. Druid also has a pet to do damage and solid support and mobility.

Try out the classes and pick one that fits your play style. If you want to learn thief and are in NA just pm me and I can help get you started.

Northern Shiverpeaks (NSP)
Thief (Daredevil)
Commandant of Pistol-Dagger and Apex Predator

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


I have finally tried the d/d dodge spam thief. To my surprise, it can be quite effective.

It is extremely hard to mess up and good against quite a few classes in 1v1. At its worst, it can still stalement a point with ease. And it still has quite good mobility compared to most builds.

The big downside of this build is that it would be bad if teammates with mediocre dps decides to +1 you. You don’t have too much burst to quickly down someone and you don’t have very good chasing ability(unlike other thief build). You kinda have to make tough decision whether to continue fighting or leave your teammate 1v1.

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Sivannie.2670


What do you think that could do better and be more valuable for a group, a DH or a Druid?

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Atm, Guardian at low level, then Warrior, Thief and Druid. Thief is hard to master but when you do you kill everyone or at last become totally unkillable. The same with the Druid, you become unkillable and have even better dps and can hold the point if you need to.
If you like toe support role, a good elementalist make a team win. In a match, if a team have an ele and the other one don’t, the second one lose at 90%.

Don’t chose Necomancer for any reason on this world.
Also mesmers are bad to carry, but still better to play.

Mesmer is much better than druid at carrying as long as you can play mesmer.

Class to rank up

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


What do you think that could do better and be more valuable for a group, a DH or a Druid?

On druid you actually need to somewhat know what youre doing to have a significant impact on the game but its also much more versatile. It depends entirely on enemy team comp, dh can get completely negated while druid cant. But a lot of the time when you can play dh without counters it does more than druid.