Climbing as a pleb.

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


So I’m gonna do somethin’ a little crazy and throw out my youtube playlist of streams that show me climbing into platinum. I know linking aint proper on the forums, so check my signature if you care?

My reasoning for this is to demonstrate a few things, which will likely get quite a few folks either triggered or feeling justified in their points about the current season.

1. I’m super average at PvP. Pretty much pleb status, but I do play it a lot. So in that respect, I’m not exactly a “PvEer who just wants to grind loots”.
2. I don’t play meta on any of my builds, and arguably, my builds probably have some major loopholes.
3. I main mes, play guard to cheese it and necro on the side for oddballin’. I can’t play ele, engi and thief (classes that I regret not learning because of how useful they become in T3 gold and beyond).
4. This playlist probably even demonstrates how either I get carried, or how non-meta builds still have strong viability. Maybe both?
5. I’m a clicker. (click 6 -10 + Fs), Key the rest.
6. Not that it matters, but I placed in Silver.

If anyone cares to offer tips (with respect to my build choices), then please do help. I’m a pleb, after all.

Hopefully get plat before season ends.

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


good post dude.

my number one recommendation is going to be to break the habit of skill clicking. this will improve the fluidity of your gameplay dramatically.

also, i would run moa over gravity well. it’s perhaps the most impactful skill in the game, taking it is pretty much a no brainier.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

If you click your skills, you’re willfully playing handicapped merely because you’re too lazy to rebind. Seriously, rebind that kitten. Takes like a week max to get the hang of it.

If you want better builds, just play cookie cutter and tweak it like most everyone else. There’s no honor in playing an “original” build that is sub-optimal. Again, you’re willfully playing handicapped, and for what?

Don’t mean to be too harsh, but this is just basics. Fix these two things then come back with some proper gameplay vids, hopefully at platinum division.

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Blackmoon is a poor guy from ancient rome or lacking education? My advice is to go to a library and start reading books.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


my number one recommendation is going to be to break the habit of skill clicking. this will improve the fluidity of your gameplay dramatically.

If you click your skills, you’re willfully playing handicapped merely because you’re too lazy to rebind. Seriously, rebind that kitten. Takes like a week max to get the hang of it.

I did try once, just not hard enough. Watched Helseth’s vid on keybinds etc. Although I didn’t find it as useful as I thought.

I’ll certainly consider keybinds, but not until I get platinum this season. The season is almost up anyways, don’t feel I have enough time to learn it.

To that end, recommendations for keybinds? Specifically for Mes, guard and necro?

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Buy a good mouse and re-bind the keys you cannot click easily. Make such a difference.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Climbing as a pleb.

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

I did try once, just not hard enough. Watched Helseth’s vid on keybinds etc. Although I didn’t find it as useful as I thought.

I’ll certainly consider keybinds, but not until I get platinum this season. The season is almost up anyways, don’t feel I have enough time to learn it.

To that end, recommendations for keybinds? Specifically for Mes, guard and necro?

It’s been a while since I watched Helseth’s video you mentioned, but the title (a guide to settings and keybinds) is a bit misleading, because IIRC it isn’t really a guide as much as it is a long-winded, meandering explanation of why you should re-bind, with a few considerations from his perspective/playstyle sprinkled in. There are some good tips though, so I’d suggest watching it again before settling on the binds you wanna use. What stands out in my memory of the video is moving WASD/QWES to ESDF/WERD in order to open up three extra, easily reachable keys for binding. And if you play mesmer a lot, his “about face / Phase Retreat” trick is very useful.

But the most important thing is to rebind 6-0; just doing that as a minimum will increase your game drastically. Keep in mind that to bind them, you’ll want to rebind some other things, e.g interact which is taking up very valuable space (F key).

These are my major keybinds:

I use QWES for movement, QE are strafe not turn. Turn (mostly useless) rebound to Shift+A and Shift+D just for the hell of it. Interact rebound to Shift+F, auto-run rebound to Shift+R. 67890 bound to RFADZ. Added binds for nearest target [C ], previous enemy [Shift+Tab], look behind [X].

I’m only revealing this for illustrative purposes. I’m overdue for a keybind overhaul, myself, so keep in mind that my binds are not ideal by any means. But honestly anything is better than clicking. If you can get a gaming mouse too, that might help, but personally I find them awkward and rarely use the buttons on mine, so I normally just go back to using my simple 5-button trackball.