Climbing out of bronze
I managed to tank my main account into bronze, and I am in the process of working my way out. I’m not a great player, I have a f2p alt in gold and don’t belong anywhere above that. I’ve currently climbed into silver 2 and am confident I will be able to get up to gold before the season is over. Has it been painful at times, yes. Is it impossible for someone that is average, at best, to climb to the right place, no.
Thank you for this, seriously it’s appreciated to see, keep up the work.
Yeah I qued with a random bronze guy in hotm who pmd me asking for team since I don’t care about rating anymore much. Tanked my rating from gold 3 to silver 2 fairly fast with a few -50 losses. But climbed back to gold 2 fairly fast after that no sweat.
I got cast into bronze with a series of losing streaks. The last one was 10 straight slaughtered games.
The matchmaking was so nice early in the season, but I think the population is too low and match quality is being sacrificed to queue time.
It’s a real shame it feels like S2 all over again. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
I got cast into bronze with a series of losing streaks. The last one was 10 straight slaughtered games.
The matchmaking was so nice early in the season, but I think the population is too low and match quality is being sacrificed to queue time.
It’s a real shame it feels like S2 all over again. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Pretty sure you were misplaced at the start and have just been settling into the rating you belong in. Matchmaking has its issues in the way it divides teams, but overall the system is working pretty good and personally I’m not seeing a change in match quality from the start of the season.
I got cast into bronze with a series of losing streaks. The last one was 10 straight slaughtered games.
The matchmaking was so nice early in the season, but I think the population is too low and match quality is being sacrificed to queue time.
It’s a real shame it feels like S2 all over again. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Pretty sure you were misplaced at the start and have just been settling into the rating you belong in. Matchmaking has its issues in the way it divides teams, but overall the system is working pretty good and personally I’m not seeing a change in match quality from the start of the season.
My match quality has actually really improved the last few weeks which made it possible for me to get out of bronze.
That sounds awful. Why would you choose to do this? Even if you prove how awful it is people will still choose to believe whatever they want to believe. Is it worth it?
Took me a bit to get out of Silver (currently 4 points into gold so 1 match can drop me back into silver).
Silver, I feel, is where I should have started (was in bronze…bad preliminary). Bronze wasn’t much of a challange, silver was good. I heard gold isn’t that great so im happy where I am (although I still need 4 more days of 3 matches for the achievo in year 2)
Also, I am using a vanilla build despite havign HoT and used it throughout the season (minus 2- 3 matches where druid would be better for the team)
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
I managed to tank my main account into bronze, and I am in the process of working my way out. I’m not a great player, I have a f2p alt in gold and don’t belong anywhere above that. I’ve currently climbed into silver 2 and am confident I will be able to get up to gold before the season is over. Has it been painful at times, yes. Is it impossible for someone that is average, at best, to climb to the right place, no.
I guess I must suck then, being stuck around 500 rating forever. I’ve only played 56 games so far (because I cannot stomach the constant defeats) and won less than 20.
For players that aren’t ‘hardcore’ pvpers, this sucks! The teams are ALWAYS unbalanced.
May as well put in my anecdote. I did bad in placement matches and got put in T1 silver, 1086 rating if I remember correctly. Struggled in silver for a bit and even fell to bronze 3 at one point. I kept at it though and slowly climbed my way with losses and loss streaks along the way. Most of the games have been good with a lot of very close matches, but also some blowouts. Currently I’m in gold 2 at 1486 rating, 400 above my starting place, 101 and 71, and having pretty good matches for the most part.
It is possible to get out of bronze/silver if you are good enough. I don’t think I’m anything better than average. I only got to ruby in previous seasons. One thing I changed this season is making a commitment to laying out a clear strategy at the beginning of each match to hopefully get everyone working together, and then if my team isn’t going along with it, adapting myself to play how I perceive them wanting to play. I’ve won matches with 2 thieves, for example, simply by playing around what I know they can do.
if you dont belong in what division youre in you will eventually get out of it. thats why helseth trying to prove that an ESL player who plays below his skill level getting out of bronze into platinum doesnt mean jack. i dont believe in mmr hell or w/e these kids call it. but if your just a casual of a lilttle above average players it still gonna be hard getting out of your said division. but i have to admit that these season MM is very questionable.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
well i played pvp a lot with more then2000 ranked and unranked games played went up gold then droped silver now i think im going to drop to bronze well im almost done with the S5 reward chests some gold some charges some ascended now i care less about that i just waiting to finish the full reward then stop and go back unranked to finish few champion titles now i laugh at ppl that get frustrated if they lose sry thats just the truth i have no team to coordinate with and climb so i felt it’s usless i just play get around 20 pips per day and go back to unranked
I am sick and tired of being put up against players that 1shot me EVERY game. If I finally manage to get someone downed, I get downed while trying to finish them. Yet when I’m downed, I’m instantly killed by OP Thief finisher or pure dps.
The match-making on the lower tiers is completely unbalanced. I’m not a ‘good’ PvP player, but I’m not bad either. When I team up with friends who have higher ratings and we get higher matched games, I do well. Because the teams are better balanaced and people know what to do.
I literally spend most of my games afk with my team QQ’ing about reporting me etc. Maybe if you did something about balancing PvP in general and fixed the match making, I’d be more interested in playing properly! Until such a time, afk ftw! \o/
“Why so serious?”
lol the Joker said so
I literally spend most of my games afk with my team QQ’ing about reporting me etc. Maybe if you did something about balancing PvP in general and fixed the match making, I’d be more interested in playing properly! Until such a time, afk ftw! \o/
Man Anet cannot get around to SPvP Ranked Suspensions soon enough.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
well there is no balance good players cant carry bad players and not every one speak English i mean you start the match 1 close 4 mid then you see 2 close 1 far and 2 mid what do you expect … enemy treb , kill both beasts for 50 pts and so on but lot of ppl have no idea what they doing and ppl that have good idea suffer so take it as is cause anet wont do nothing about it unless u get a good team or team up with friends as i use to do with TS voice for coordination but now cant find any
So, since my post here this morning. Played 8 games, won 1. And you wonder why we get bored and afk?
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I join a game and instantly not do anything. I jump in, try cap stuff etc. But I’m smart enough to realise that when my team uses 3 players to cap near-base point, that it’s probably going to end in a loss. But, I still try, half way through after the we’re many points behind, I don’t see the point in being a free kill anymore and just wait it out. I’d rather see my team all afk and lose fast than drag out a futile match, wasting time.
Well I guess it’s good of you to admit to the AFKing here so when those people do report you for making it nearly impossible to climb out of bronze when they end up in your group, ANET has your own words here to consider when they go to fill out punishment.
I started in MMR 600 and have worked my way nearly out of bronze after having some people on this very forum tell me to buck up and soldier on. The difference is, not once during my losing streaks did I ever sink my team by AFK pouting. Skill level aside, by your own description, you are the worst kind of player.
It came off a bit like that though, I suppose what I had an issue with was that you were ‘getting 1 shot’, blaming balance, and that alone happening in a game would cause you to rageafk the rest of the game regardless of the score.
Just curious what profession are you playing that’s getting you insta-gibbed? If I had to guess either Necro or Thief are the main suspects. There might be more factors involved.
But yea it super came out as ‘kitten I just got one-shot at the start of the game, you all are bad I’m out afk’.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Climbing the leaderboards is possible. The matchmaking works in this season. What people don’t understand is that they need to be both average in playing their class and know how to cap-rotate points. If you improve these 2 factors, you will climb.
Absolutely agree with OP, i’m in a similar boat in that i’m probably a borderline silver/low gold player (i’m held back by the fact I only play 1 class) , started too high in gold, dropped to bottom silver, and am slowly creeping up to gold again with much more wins than loses. I get spikes but overall it seems to match up to my real skill level.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
So, since my post here this morning. Played 8 games, won 1. And you wonder why we get bored and afk?
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I join a game and instantly not do anything. I jump in, try cap stuff etc. But I’m smart enough to realise that when my team uses 3 players to cap near-base point, that it’s probably going to end in a loss. But, I still try, half way through after the we’re many points behind, I don’t see the point in being a free kill anymore and just wait it out. I’d rather see my team all afk and lose fast than drag out a futile match, wasting time.
well the problem with selfishly afking (or did you ask your team if they minded that you made things worse by afking?) is that you are being part of the problem, its highly likely that at least one of those players is trying hard but just doesn’t have the skill yet so needs experience – which is impossible if someone throws in the towel because they don’t like to lose heavily.
put it this way, imagine a top end player with much more skill than you went afk because he didn’t liked what you were doing – put the shoe on the other foot and empathize.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
It’s abundantly clear the matches are being stacked. With 128 matches and 58 wins, ( the majority by blow out, either way,) it’s obvious I’m not being fairly matched.
I’m willing to work and improve. I’m in PvP nearly every day. I need unstacked matches though.
You can definitely climb out of bronze if you don’t belong there.
I’ve got placed into Silver due afk’s during placement matches, got up to Gold T2 then took the train back to Silver T2 while was duo queuing with a friend who had lower rating than I did. Since then, I’ve been soloing and made may way back to Gold T2 once again. The only problem tho, at a certain point, the system believes you are at the tier you belong and takes a while to adjust. You will have to play and win a considerable amount of games, compared to before, to start to make a steady progress.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Rooting on this one (updates could be nice) while I haven’t game my placement matches until now, since trying to redownload (hoping it’ll be done before season end lol) the game takes time and bandwidth sink; while a lot have an identity and job to maintain hopefully I get a good competition inside the matrix when done, otherwise it’s all doom lol.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
(edited by Chapell.1346)
The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.
I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.
As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.
Meh high tier bronze at the moment, shame my vacation is over because I could get to silver just by keeping at it. Match quality is OK however, most matches are won or lost by small differences or blatantly obvious mistakes at my team or that of the opponent. Last season I stopped playing halfway through, but this season is fun enough to keep me interested.
Currently at silver 3. Had some bad matches some good. Still think it is possible to get my old rating back.
At this point I have lost pretty much all hope and confidence. I know going in that the match is stacked and that I will be stomped.
Sure, I want to be a competitor. Being stomped into the soil over and over IS NOT COMPETITION.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
At this point I have lost pretty much all hope and confidence. I know going in that the match is stacked and that I will be stomped.
Sure, I want to be a competitor. Being stomped into the soil over and over IS NOT COMPETITION.
stop being such a defeatist xD
At this point I have lost pretty much all hope and confidence. I know going in that the match is stacked and that I will be stomped.
Sure, I want to be a competitor. Being stomped into the soil over and over IS NOT COMPETITION.
stop being such a defeatist xD
Yeah man stop being a defeatist and play a real competitive PvP game. As you see your skill climb more so when Playing ADC you will be able to carry the teams you are on that actually tries to win. More so since there is no point to just stand on to win, and hundreds of items to choose from, to start to make your own counters during the match. Not to mention if you truly get competitive in actual real PvP games with in a period of time you will be able to compete for millions of dollars in tournaments and events. Have 80,000 plus people just to watch you play a video game. Even able to get sponsor ships from actually IRL companies hence making you even more money.
GW2 is not a eSport because there is no actual push for a competitive scene by ANet at all. Nor does ANet do anything meaningful to try to push for a competitive scene. A competitive scene just does not poof and appear. It is groomed by the Dev teams and Upper Management in games. If the people making the game does not implement the things required for a competitive scene to grow and endure, then there will simply be no competitive scene, no matter how much the player base and the marketing team try to make believe that there is one.
I find that more easy to comprehend then, ANet just has just forgot how to make decent PvP since GW1 and are just became plain potatoes playing wack’a’mole at trying to create a PvP scene worthy of truly being eSports.
But at this point the people that still unhappily playing GW2’s PvP, and complaining on the forums. Are not really looking for competitive, but the easy and gifted wins that others in GW2 are getting. To me I find that pointless unless you are grinding Ascended items. Hell even then I heard the PvP ascended items aren’t even transmutable. So I guess that just leave gold for simi AFKing in Ranked unpunished, Lol no thank you I’m not completely dumb I’ll pass.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
(edited by Reaper Alim.4176)
but some ppl are in pvp just to grind pips for ascended crap
do pvp need ascended gear ? and now u got lot of pvpers grind those pips for ascended as it dont feel competitive any more
The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.
I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.
As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.
Matches are not deliberately stacked. They MM algorithm tries to get matches as close as possible, but it will never be perfect. In this game mode, though, even a little difference in skill or some luck can make a big difference in score. It is possible to snowball after winning mid, and unless the losing team is coordinated, it can be difficult to gain momentum back.
The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.
I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.
As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.
Matches are not deliberately stacked. They MM algorithm tries to get matches as close as possible, but it will never be perfect. In this game mode, though, even a little difference in skill or some luck can make a big difference in score. It is possible to snowball after winning mid, and unless the losing team is coordinated, it can be difficult to gain momentum back.
Hogwash, it HAS to be because of stacked teams.
Nevermind zero evidence that shows Anet is remotely doing anything like this, if people are losing a lot of games it can’t be them settling into the rank they should be at it’s definitely Anet’s fault.
The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.
I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.
As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.
Matches are not deliberately stacked. They MM algorithm tries to get matches as close as possible, but it will never be perfect. In this game mode, though, even a little difference in skill or some luck can make a big difference in score. It is possible to snowball after winning mid, and unless the losing team is coordinated, it can be difficult to gain momentum back.
Hogwash, it HAS to be because of stacked teams.
Nevermind zero evidence that shows Anet is remotely doing anything like this, if people are losing a lot of games it can’t be them settling into the rank they should be at it’s definitely Anet’s fault.
Also you forgot to add the just because 4 out of 10 of your matches consist of at least 1 to 2 AFKers at the start, that it’s completely your fault that you lost not ANet’s. ANet don’t put on into stacked matches, you are just so much of a bad player that you can’t hold two points at the same time to win enoth games to get out of clowntown bronze. You also forgot to tell people to Git Gud and Learn to Carry 3v5 matches or even 2v5 matches while at the same time only earning 5 to 10 a match and losing 15 to 23 a match. But that completely on those who are trying to actually progress, not on ANet’s match making system at all right?
I agree we should take more responsibility for our actions. But our actions at best make up %25 to %33 at best, of the win unless you can hack or use scripts. I think people should also not wait till only the same 20 to 30 players are only playing PvP before admitting their is a huge discrepancy with the system and how it judges players and set up teams. There is a reason more and more people are evacuating GW2’s PvP. And as more and more PvPers leave, that leaves everyone with only PvEers chasing rewards and those few getting paid to play or the ones that are their joking to themselves that they are actually good because, it’s actually all of the competition lefted.
Then again there are actually a few chosen players that are just flat out giving leader board positions with barely any games played. Then you have people with not only more games played but also a higher win/loss percentage way lower then them. I mean how innocent you think me to be to know that this isn’t even more crooked then the WWF (now called the WWE).
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Seems to be the new trend, 1 player on a team tanking himself to bronze and bringing his other 4 allies with him.
I’m glad I’ve quit the game now for the most part, after 4.5 dedicated years. I actually might log on a throw a bunch of games on purpose cuz apparently that’s not match manipulation at all and the other 4 players on my team can get dragged down with me, if they complain on the forums then I’ll tell them personally it’s because they have to get gud and carry harder.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
Made it back to gold. Will post a couple videos for proof. You won’t win every match, and you will have losing and winning streaks. The biggest thing is to focus and try your best each match. If you find yourself losing, replay your match.
1) it will give you time to become in-tilted.
2) you can see why the other team is winning.
3) you can see what you are doing well and what you can do better.
If you are purely focused on maintaining a position on the boards, you probably won’t have much fun, especially if you lucked into it and are just trying to hold onto it.
Seems to be the new trend, 1 player on a team tanking himself to bronze and bringing his other 4 allies with him.
I’m glad I’ve quit the game now for the most part, after 4.5 dedicated years. I actually might log on a throw a bunch of games on purpose cuz apparently that’s not match manipulation at all and the other 4 players on my team can get dragged down with me, if they complain on the forums then I’ll tell them personally it’s because they have to get gud and carry harder.
Over break I was sick and was playing when I shouldn’t have been. Wasn’t trying to lose the matches on purpose just played bad. Then started trying different builds. If you are frustrated, losing, and on cold medicine, don’t play.
The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.
I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.
As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.
Matches are not deliberately stacked. They MM algorithm tries to get matches as close as possible, but it will never be perfect. In this game mode, though, even a little difference in skill or some luck can make a big difference in score. It is possible to snowball after winning mid, and unless the losing team is coordinated, it can be difficult to gain momentum back.
Hogwash, it HAS to be because of stacked teams.
Nevermind zero evidence that shows Anet is remotely doing anything like this, if people are losing a lot of games it can’t be them settling into the rank they should be at it’s definitely Anet’s fault.
Also you forgot to add the just because 4 out of 10 of your matches consist of at least 1 to 2 AFKers at the start, that it’s completely your fault that you lost not ANet’s. ANet don’t put on into stacked matches, you are just so much of a bad player that you can’t hold two points at the same time to win enoth games to get out of clowntown bronze. You also forgot to tell people to Git Gud and Learn to Carry 3v5 matches or even 2v5 matches while at the same time only earning 5 to 10 a match and losing 15 to 23 a match. But that completely on those who are trying to actually progress, not on ANet’s match making system at all right?
I agree we should take more responsibility for our actions. But our actions at best make up %25 to %33 at best, of the win unless you can hack or use scripts. I think people should also not wait till only the same 20 to 30 players are only playing PvP before admitting their is a huge discrepancy with the system and how it judges players and set up teams. There is a reason more and more people are evacuating GW2’s PvP. And as more and more PvPers leave, that leaves everyone with only PvEers chasing rewards and those few getting paid to play or the ones that are their joking to themselves that they are actually good because, it’s actually all of the competition lefted.
Then again there are actually a few chosen players that are just flat out giving leader board positions with barely any games played. Then you have people with not only more games played but also a higher win/loss percentage way lower then them. I mean how innocent you think me to be to know that this isn’t even more crooked then the WWF (now called the WWE).
You think that people who climb the ranks don’t get on teams with afkers or dcs? You have to remember that those people get assigned to teams without personal bias. It might be your team one match and your opponents’ the next. YOU are the ONLY constant in every single match you play. I’m not saying you can’t have bad luck or bad losing streaks. I’ve had them too. I’m just saying that if you are generally a better player than the others in you rating range, you will end up winning more matches, on average, than them, and you will climb the ranks.
Yes, matches are deliberately stacked. Here’s 10 of my nearly 20 games today.
That’s an average margin of just over 231 points. It’s abundantly clear that I’m being sent out just as cannon fodder.
I understand the desire to lessen queue times, but I don’t appreciate appearing to be a designated loser. I am not being matched to my skill level at all.
You think that people who climb the ranks don’t get on teams with afkers or dcs? You have to remember that those people get assigned to teams without personal bias. It might be your team one match and your opponents’ the next. YOU are the ONLY constant in every single match you play. I’m not saying you can’t have bad luck or bad losing streaks. I’ve had them too. I’m just saying that if you are generally a better player than the others in you rating range, you will end up winning more matches, on average, than them, and you will climb the ranks.
See this is actually measurable from my POV. I go into matches 4 out 10 I get at least either 1 or 2 feeders or at the start AFK auto pilot PvE reward chaser. out of 7 matches I might see the enemy team with one of these players once. That is something you can not tell me other wise. As I can see who’s playing on my team and I can obviously see who’s playing on the enemy team.
The real problem comes in when I lose more ratings then I gain when I win because of these individuals. Some extreme cases one loss requires a 3 game win streak to break even. Then we have the players up top telling us if we can’t carry or be gud enoth to 3v5 the other team then we deserve to be where we are, at the same most of them queue dodge to keep their top 250 position that was given to them, because they know that they even wouldn’t be able to carry most of these matches. I call those players obvious forum trolls that just troll other by trying to make them feel worst then they are. Because you know the saying misery loves company.
By no means take this as me complaining. I’m far beyond the point of complaining. But in any case I’ll be back for the first 15 to 25 matches of Season 6. I’m willing to at least give ANet some of my time then. At this point ANet can no longer disappoint me, but they can make me pleasantly surprised. Tho again I dare not hold my breath, unless I want to die.
Till then I’ll continue doing what I’m doing now. Monitoring GW2’s forums on the 2nd monitor while playing ESO, Smite, or Paragon on my primary monitor. Life is very much sweet when you go exploring, sometimes you find roses, and sometimes you find crap. But you never know until you explore. I’m glad I did. I always play 2 to 3 games at a time been this way since Eve Online in 2007.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Yes, matches are deliberately stacked. Here’s 10 of my nearly 20 games today.
That’s an average margin of just over 231 points. It’s abundantly clear that I’m being sent out just as cannon fodder.
I understand the desire to lessen queue times, but I don’t appreciate appearing to be a designated loser. I am not being matched to my skill level at all.
Looking at it a different way, if you average all the scores together you get this:
your teams: 365.7
Other teams: 406.8
The average score difference between your matches was around 40 points.
You were 3-7. In two of your losses your team scored 400+ points. Those were winnable matches.
Yes, matches are deliberately stacked. Here’s 10 of my nearly 20 games today.
That’s an average margin of just over 231 points. It’s abundantly clear that I’m being sent out just as cannon fodder.
I understand the desire to lessen queue times, but I don’t appreciate appearing to be a designated loser. I am not being matched to my skill level at all.
Ooo, I love playing the post your matches game! I suggest posting it from because it now also shows how many points you won/loss! This gives greater indication to the team matchup. Note in mine I got a sweet +18 point win. I assume that’s because my team was facing Caed and Zeromis or something. But I’m confused, which of who was being sent out as cannon fodder in this match? o.O
Yes, matches are deliberately stacked. Here’s 10 of my nearly 20 games today.
That’s an average margin of just over 231 points. It’s abundantly clear that I’m being sent out just as cannon fodder.
I understand the desire to lessen queue times, but I don’t appreciate appearing to be a designated loser. I am not being matched to my skill level at all.
Looking at it a different way, if you average all the scores together you get this:
your teams: 365.7
Other teams: 406.8
The average score difference between your matches was around 40 points.You were 3-7. In two of your losses your team scored 400+ points. Those were winnable matches.
Yes you could look at it that way. However, a quick glance at the scores denies it Qualitatively, it’s clear that what you’re saying doesn’t reflect the in game situation.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
Here is the proof that it is possible to climb even if you aren’t a pro league player. All matches were solo queue. If you watch my matches I’m an average player. Look at my w/l record and watch the play. I make plenty of mistakes and I’m not anywhere near a top tier player.
Bronze Match:
Win to get gold:
If you are truly bored, I recorded most of the matches.
(edited by Faux Play.6104)
Yes, matches are deliberately stacked. Here’s 10 of my nearly 20 games today.
That’s an average margin of just over 231 points. It’s abundantly clear that I’m being sent out just as cannon fodder.
I understand the desire to lessen queue times, but I don’t appreciate appearing to be a designated loser. I am not being matched to my skill level at all.
Ooo, I love playing the post your matches game!
I suggest posting it from because it now also shows how many points you won/loss! This gives greater indication to the team matchup. Note in mine I got a sweet +18 point win. I assume that’s because my team was facing Caed and Zeromis or something. But I’m confused, which of who was being sent out as cannon fodder in this match? o.O
Funny how your post went completely ignored, since it defeats the narrative! Keep up the good work.
Nice one, Ross. I’ll follow you:
On my previous 10 matches, there was only one the matchmaking predicted we would lose it. However, if you look at the score, 500 – 435, we definitely had a chance to win and if we had done something different could have won.
The other 2 matches my team lost, we even in one we were predicted to win. All 3 of the lost matches we could have won if had done something different, reacted, adapted and changed tactics faster.
In the past, there was also only one match I can remember where there was absolutely no way to win. My team got to face top 150 players, being of them a duo with Aeroxe and another player from the 30. I lost 7 rating points on that one if not mistaken.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Only getting 24 – 26 points for a win. Its going to take ages to get out of Bronze.
Only getting 24 – 26 points for a win. Its going to take ages to get out of Bronze.
I’m just shy of gold 2 and getting 11-12 for a win but 14-15 for a loss.
At best I break even if I go win-loss every two games. At worst I have to win 3 (if I’m lucky) for every 2 losses just to tread water.
This is the soft wall I’m running up against and really killed my motivation for doing more than the one required ranked match every couple of days to prevent decay (for whatever that’s worth)
Only getting 24 – 26 points for a win. Its going to take ages to get out of Bronze.
I’m just shy of gold 2 and getting 11-12 for a win but 14-15 for a loss.
At best I break even if I go win-loss every two games. At worst I have to win 3 (if I’m lucky) for every 2 losses just to tread water.
This is the soft wall I’m running up against and really killed my motivation for doing more than the one required ranked match every couple of days to prevent decay (for whatever that’s worth)
I came out of placement at the top of gold. I then moved into the bottom of platinum, then plummeted with pretty much back to back losses all the way to the bottom of gold. By this stage I had to question what was going wrong, but could also sense the slight (though unapparent at first) shift in the meta. So I adjusted my build first off, then acknowledged that my time away from the game had lead to me forgetting how to conquest properly. After a mental check of what I should be doing and how I should be rotating, I instantly turned the game around and began climbing. Now back in gold 3 and still climbing toward platinum.
The two questions I’d suggest you ask are,
- Has my build capped out at it’s potential in the ladder?
and - What am I doing wrong in conquest?
FYI, I’m playing rifle/gs power warrior. I know my build will cap out at some point vs experiences players running meta builds. It’s not quite there yet, and my interest in playing is seeing where that is.