Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


Neither is Capricorn, Neither is Spirit Watch. The updated Skyhammer might work though.


Spirit Bae
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Gizmorage.6412


I think it’d be better to express why you think of each map that it is or isn’t competitive in the first place.

“Trust me, i’m a medic”

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Nova.3817


personally id be fine with skyhammer Capricorn and coliseum all being competitive i agree spirit watch is a no go the map mech is gross and id like to see kylo fall out of ranked rotation mid is a cluster on that map

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Mr Godlike.6098

Mr Godlike.6098

skyhammer and capricon seems ok…

Coliseum hmm…

I wonder is it design flaw or on purpose map favours shadowsteping/teleporting builds. 2nd mechanics dosen’t work in op way like in other maps…I’m kinda mixed here…

Was depressed ele…now depressed druid
Kawaleria (KW)

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Nova.3817


coliseum aint got nothing on kylo for favoritism to shadow stepping lol and i like the secondary mech is nice breath of fresh air its good but yet not OP at all

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

coliseum is way too zergy in my opinion the cap points are too close, all your team need is a way to get over the wall. once your capture mid you can watch both sides by standing near the ramp going to side node.

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


coliseum is way too zergy in my opinion the cap points are too close, all your team need is a way to get over the wall. once your capture mid you can watch both sides by standing near the ramp going to side node.

Only thieves/mesmers and eles with LF can move over the wall..the rest must run around, go up the ramp …plenty of time to cap the point and flee other direction if they’re zerging…perfect map

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


coliseum is way too zergy in my opinion the cap points are too close, all your team need is a way to get over the wall. once your capture mid you can watch both sides by standing near the ramp going to side node.

Only thieves/mesmers and eles with LF can move over the wall..the rest must run around, go up the ramp …plenty of time to cap the point and flee other direction if they’re zerging…perfect map

I was able to with Guardian.

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


Idk it seems like they’re just trying to make maps that specially cater to thieves making it mandatory to run thief on the new maps which is bad game design IMO.

Spirit Bae
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Neither is Capricorn, Neither is Spirit Watch. The updated Skyhammer might work though.


I disagree.

I find spirit watch, capricorn and coliseum very worthy of ranked.

A few small changes to spirit watch and capricorn and they should be ready to go.

Coliseum has really fighting mechanics for players that use ranged weapons and alot of different plat forms to fight around and kite. Its a really good map.

I like the Kylo map as well, its just the treb is kind of useless at higher end PvP. So it becomes the a point/cap battle and nothing to change it. Temple has the best mechanics and its the best map imo and legacy and forest create some crazy npc fights.

I took a pic, i dont know how i got it but a skill popped up when i got a kill. It was pretty cool.

Edit- sky hammer is super buggy to the person who said it should be in ranked, pillars get int he way of camera view on side nodes, you can still die from jump platforms while in combat and the jump plat forms at the mid fight dont always take you to the area you are suppose to land on. Nothing worse then trying to kite around hit a jump pad and die from falling damage or take a jump pad that should take you up but for some reason you fall right under neath it only to get pinned against a wall that you should of been on top of.


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

coliseum is way too zergy in my opinion the cap points are too close, all your team need is a way to get over the wall. once your capture mid you can watch both sides by standing near the ramp going to side node.

Only thieves/mesmers and eles with LF can move over the wall..the rest must run around, go up the ramp …plenty of time to cap the point and flee other direction if they’re zerging…perfect map

u play other classes? engi rocket boots, DH f2, necro wurm minion, mesmer blink staff 2 skill, ele LF skill, thief SS or SB 5 skill, rev PT etc not sure if druid can jump or warrior i havent tried it. but every class can jump it u just have to use the skill for it. who know when meta of if map use for tournament that ESL players will put those skill to use.

edit: druid sword 2 skill and berserker sword 2 skill or sundering skill can jump it. look i dont hate the map i just need it need more refinement.

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

(edited by Lord Hammer Hand.4815)

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


I’d very much like to see the new Skyhammer in Ranked, but none of the others. -.-

Spirit, Capricorn, Coliseum they all favor certain classes way more than others and most of the size of the cap points on the latest 2 maps are a joke, they are too small. Coliseum as is feels extremely weird to navigate and the secondary objectives are passives of the worst kind.

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

I haven’t played Coliseum much yet, but to me it seemed like once you gain control of the map, it’s nearly impossible for the opposing team to turn that around, cos it’s just so quick to get from one point to the next.

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


We definitely need a dev poll to decide which maps are considered ready for ranked.

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Try to distinguish between the nostalgic favoritism of older maps and actual pros or cons of new maps, when discussing such a topic.

EC is awesome so far in my opinion.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Lucius.2140



  • The map been too big dont let you read the minimap when its in the minimun size, not sure in another ones. If it could adapt properly it will be of a lot of help.
  • Been such a big map and having the 4th cap mechanic, makes it favor to get mid. For other point roaming and far- home encourage high movility builds , but the 4th cap encourage heavy cap oriented builds like dragon hunter.

I think this its a very good balance for premades, you get up to two high mobile classes and 2 heavy cap ones to get a good home back, 4th and mid domination and far decap.

  • Big maps like this one will make that under preasure the risk of going far and outrotate will be bigger but necesary, meaning deficiences in rotating and coordination will hit hard, this is good for ranked in my opinion.
  • The fourth cap its interesting but it could make so this its the more difficult map to win with compositions that are too unbalanced (2 thieves and 3 mes). This can lead to some toxic behaviors, so please make your suport group bann more toxic players xd.

I know its off place, but since it derailed for other ranked maps xd.

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I’m loving the Coliseum. Arena fighting is really the essense of what pvp is about.

That being said, the map is too easy to zerg. It’s also too advantageous to heavy armor classes. This should be the top map, but it’s inhibited by the death match aspect.

Mesmerising Girl