Combat log
I would appreciate a good combat log too, but the one gw2 uses at the moment is (sorry for that) ridiculous. I am familiar with combat logs from other games and you get a ton more of informations there.
As kittenon already mentioned, the timestamp is useless at the moment.
I dont see the reason, why healing shouldnt be in the combat log (and who did the healing to you – or who received healing from you).
The combat-log has to be exportable (to a txt-file for example), so i can inspect it unhurriedly.
It should be possible to switch wether you want to see condition and boon applys or not.
why?, because the combat log servers the purpose it’s there for, showing oyu what oyu got hit by, for how much, and how much you hit someone else for.
I for one, do not want DPS meters and analyzers ruling anything in this game, and neither does Anet (as prviously many times stated).
Be observant to the actual game happening rather than what the textlog says, Is also something Anet wants people to do, (as many times previously said)
- Dennis
Combat log is lacking because pvp is in beta state.
Be observant to the actual game happening rather than what the textlog says, Is also something Anet wants people to do, (as many times previously said)
- Dennis
I strongly disagree with this argument.
At the moment there is so much happening even in 2v2 in such a brief amount of time under very heavy ability effects that makes it impossible for me,especially being mostly on melee classes,to observe at everything happening around me.No chance whatsover.
Also,as i mentioned in my initial post,that would help tons with troubleshooting.
Let me give you an example,Mesmer GS attack hits me while i’m pulling my Spirit Hammer out.Suddenly i realise my Hammer isn’t out and the ability has entered a brief cooldown.Was i interrupted or did i rush my next ability therefore interrupting myself?I log in as Mesmer to see if any GS abilities will interrupt and replay them to learn the animation.Turns out the animation was the auto-attack that shouldn’t interrupt.Do i now know that it was probably my fault?No.
Why?Because the tooltip itself is lacking,there are added “features” to some abilities that aren’t mentioned.A very good example is the Guardian’s Spirit Hammer.It says “it will defend you”.What is doesn’t say however is that it will randomly knock back enemies (which can get very messy/frustrating if you are about to hop on them with GS and Whirl).
An advanced combat log would fix this confusion amongst other things.
All this “you need to use skills,dont expect DPS meters etc” and all that….sorry but,what are you on about?You are not convincing me,i can jump on you with my Thief and burst you down in 3 to 4 sec without giving you any chance to realise what happened let alone react,don’t tell me the game was designed for me to be “observant”.