Combining Team Q and Solo Q W/L
All stats until now where a joke. TeamQ: kitten the poor pugs, SoloQ: like u said.
It should all not be taken over, just saved both as an individual number that you can show off somehow, but not merged and taken over.
I for my part did play solo and teamQ as a solo player, soloQ because sometimes i just ran into one premade after another in teamQ, teamQ because in average there where better players than in soloQ.
My stats are kittened up both with around 60%, but thats how life goes, I personly don’t care about them, but for ppl that care about it I would say do a reset and let the old stats be shown off somehow (or give an option if someone wants to carry them over).
I agree with OP, kittens in solo q should never on gods green earth have any part in changing my team queue w/l ratio. Leave the disgusting solo q “leaderboard” by itself or just delete the kitten.
My win rate would change from 75ish% to 70ish% so I guess I don’t really care too much.
Both win rates don’t really tell you a lot about the player though. Most somewhat high ranked players have like 70-80% winrate in teamq from stomping pugs and mediocre teams way too often and they have like 50-60% winrate in soloq depending on what classes they are playing and how much luck they had with matchmaking. Srsly it’s funny to see how almost everybody decent who used to main warrior before the nerfs has like arround 60% winrate.